As Mike Gallagher struggles with the reality of the LAPD Chief cop now calling for an investigation into the criminal firing of Christopher Dorner, a new reality as this blog has broken ground in must be faced.
When faced with an impossible conclusion, after eliminating all possibilities, that improbable is the conclusion.
Lame Cherry
That has been quoted in many forms by many people, but it is the reality in ask yourself why would the LAPD now be investigating themselves, fulfilling Chris Dorner's demand in the manifesto, on that condition he would not come back and start shooting people again.
Unless of course, Chris Dorner is not dead.
This blog has exclusively laid out the groundwork for Chris Dorner, in two Dorner's.
Logic shows Dorner was logical. The US Marshals filed court papers stating that Dorner was assisted. This blog will now lay out further the evidence of discovery which reveals as Dorner was profiled as a black man and then somehow switched to a white man, that much more was taking place in this operation.
Dorner's identification was found on the Mexican border. The same location his accomplice was visibly seen by the authorities.
This person was a red herring, and is assistant number one.
Dorner was seen in Mexico and the authorities there raided an establishment, but did not find Dorner. For all practical plus minus purposes this may have been decoy number 1, who was assisting the accomplice who owned property up at Big Bear.
Dorner visibly laid a trail, in knowing he was on security cameras in getting scuba gear, which fit his Navy profile. He then tried to steal a boat, which he easily could have rented or purchased under false ID and not left a trail.
Dorner left this trail as this blog noted in profile from the first, in Dorner was leaving false leads to take up resources and keep them off Dorner's trail.
Mike Gallahger can rant about Dorner being a "lunatic" what appears with Dorner is not a case closed as Gallagher now demands for Mockingbird, as he is missing the evidence given by the LAPD.
I will state this bluntly and plainly, the LAPD now investigating the firing of Chris Dorner as was his manifesto demanded for him to stop shooting police, is evidence that a deal has been worked out with LAPD as they know Dorner is not dead, but is investigating the situation to keep Dorner from reappearing and shooting people.
That is the evidence of the improbable that becomes possible as the evidence is weighed in this. This is like an episode of Monk in a master mind manipulating the system which went after him.
The phone call discounted from Dorner in Vancouver, Washington, points to another accomplice who took Dorner's phone, in order to provide a false lead in another direction, that the US Marshal's discounted, which is an impossibility. Unless of course, they knew that Dorner was in the area yet, had an accomplice travel to Washington who phoned the LAPD to taught his representative, and in a phone flip, of two phones together, Dorner could be in two places at the same time, as it was his voice in Washington.
For some interesting reason, the Marshal's knew this in they must have picked up on the dual transmission from a disposable phone, and for even more interesting reasons, the Marshals did not make public someone was in Vancouver assisting Dorner, as it was being hidden that Dorner had at least two by location, and perhaps more accomplices.
CBS made it a point to focus on the old white cop who was married to the young black cop female, in Dorner stalked them. The interview was staged as the officers were delivering their lines in halted fashion. The spin is in, in this, and everyone wants this to go away according to some preconditions in this propaganda to not expose Obama to this any more, and to not have a dead Dorner start shooting cops again.
Dorner hinted at "being paid off" and this blog did mention that, but it could have been a way to lure him in to assassinate him, by the same people who are now covering this up.
Something changed in Dorner and that is why it was assessed he was shot sometime after Big Bear, but now even that improbable is surfacing in the LAPD opening up a wound to investigate the criminal acts conducted against Dorner points to one of two conclusions.
Dorner is alive and a deal was worked out to keep him from showing up again.
Dorner is dead, and the Obama regime is putting the screws by Holder onto LAPD and Mayor Taco to gash this wound as this lynching of a black man went too far.
It is evident by the facts, that the events of that cabin incineration were coordinated, and whether it was Dorner leading the police there or a stand in by the shadowlands, a body of a murdered black man was in that cabin.
Is it possible that Dorner was assassinated, as was first posted here, and his body placed there, and as the body was 3 days dead an incineration took place in this coordinated regime and LAPD cover up?
Most definitely.
Is it possible that Dorner worked a deal, where he had shot a drug dealer, had the teeth drilled to match his and in a loose autopsy simply declared dead "as that was the deal".
Most definitely.
That is why the LAPD investigation means something. It means LAPD has either been threatened by Eric Holder with a full blown investigation of all them being sent to prison, or it means in a deal LAPD has made it a point that the ghost of Christopher Dorner does not start shooting people again for attention.
Dorner would know in that event, that he would have absolutely no cover and the regime would for certain send out Delta ex to clean up the operation from the shadowlands.
What this blog is stating as fact is, there is more to the Christopher Dorner story as there always has been, and the regime would not have become involved unless someone tied a can to Obama's tail on this over gun control, and that looks like an event took place which had melded Dorner into the Manchurian manufacturers, sometime in this.
The tracks of the heavyweights appear in this. Dorner's driver's license found with the body, but not incinerated is a janitorial clean up. Someone did that. It is doubtful it was Dorner, even if he placed the body there. That was LAPD and they wanted like Atta in 9 11, for a case closed and an absolute exclamation point that Dorner was dead, dead, dead, dead.....with full dentures as evidence, as no one wanted to be looking at this any more.
This is Dornergate. The story which the public was told was a deception and a lie. That means someone in officialdom was lying across the board. That means the regime was involved in this. That means the regime was blackmailed in this. That means LAPD is being blackmailed by someone for the events to transpire as they now are.
The first Dorner who appeared was intelligent and well planned. The last Dorner was a buffoon and that did not match in white persona. It means Dorner was leading a trail or Dorner was dead and a trail was being constructed to cover up all of this.
That is the reality of this. Another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive, for while none of you cared, this blog did the hard work and exposed another GATE that will bring down Obama and this would, as the shadowlands will protect itself over a fraud they are propping up in office........who they were leveraging.
agtG 292Y
The Lame Cherry: THE OBAMA DOLLS