To those good people this will interest.........
I have been in contact with Paypal in an attempt to rectify something which was brought to my attention, as on or about February 15th, the kind people who were trying to donate to keep this blog running, suddenly started having problems with donating to this blog.
Once again, is it not interesting that no one else ever has any of these unique problems crop up?
Paypal is a multi billion dollar corporation with advanced security and protocols to protect privacy and monetary interactions. So ask yourself, who in this world possess the kind of ability to get around from the inside Paypal's security structure, to just get at this blog, do it without setting off any warning bells and get away with it?
If all is so uninteresting here, then why would the lords and priests, deliberately expose themselves for something so insignificant of the drooling on the wall here. This is a major international corporation and someone saw fit to take the time to tamper with the donation procedure for this blog alone.
This is beyond stupid on the part of the one doing this, as this just exposed all of Homeland and the economic surveillance Paypal operates under to monitor money flow in all these accounts. It is illegal as in felony counts and it is all logged on main frames as all of this leaves tracks, as much as electronic footprints in where this traces to.
Yes it is a law of lawlessness in America and no one is going to be prosecuted any more than Obama for his crimes. The reality is though, the cartel as well as Homeland has on there record structure an operative who just exposed all of what they are up to by this action. That is what matters and is the place where justice will take place in this as screwing with me f*cks them over in exposing them.
Understand it is a simple procedure to just go in and switch a 0 or 1 to freeze up a donate link key, but it is another matter to keep Paypal from noticing a glitch in the system that self reports. See how this spreads and something from a level beyond some Obama hacker pretending he is not government sponsored.
This blog makes a record of this as this will filter up on many levels now, and while Homeland, FBI, the spiders and whoever does not care about this blog, they will desire to know who has exposed them over nothing.
Each of you knowing this, generates more intelligence and that framework the spiders pick up on.
I do not know how this will turn out as God is my Avenger in some of my friends are Vulcans. This will though engage in areas which the world has no defenses against, and God is not prosecuted for His retribution and reckoning.
God though does not quit, filleted from the bone, bone ground to dust, dust to the wind. The Lord is my Protector.
It is never a good time to intefere with the Lord's workings as the Lord's wrath unleashes.
They will be caught in their own trap.
I get to battle all on every front and you steal all the credit.
Lame Cherry
agtG 245