I now pronounce you Limbaugh and wife
'I'm a fagsexual': Prison Break star Wentworth Miller comes out as he takes a pose against Russia's pro Christian laws Meanwhile perhaps Bradley Chelsey Manning might cumfort Wendy Miller...
View ArticleNow for something completely Incindiary
I have many interests and chemical reactions just happen to be one. Once upon a time there was a man named Julian Hatcher who worked all his life for the US Military and when he retired he wrote for...
View ArticleThe House of Fang Jinn
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........The American version of the British House of Cards was actually a script incorporated by the Obama regime, and is why some of the Eric...
View ArticleNothing like a Jinn in your pool pocket
It was noted today that after this blog exposed Rusty Hudson Limbaugh for being business failure, attacking listeners like Dan of the bake sale, and other things I could care less about, that Rush...
View ArticleThe Buffalo Chip Soldiers
General Gibbs also hastened off ; for in the accumula tion of mail awaiting at Fort Hays were letters from Mrs. Custer and Mrs. Gibbs and other women left behind, stating that the negro infantry there...
View ArticleA Jinn of a different Color
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......Some of the following requires a further explanation as the propaganda dinn is not allowing information to resonate in the minds of people to...
View ArticleThe Commander in Jinn
Two weeks ago you were informed exclusively of the coming of a staged war against Syria from only this blog in matter anti matter.There are now over something like 60,000 dead people since the Obama...
View ArticleMark Levin's Plough Pony
If you were a Jew in a Nazi work to death camp, or a Refusenik in a gulag exile in the Soviet Union, what would you prefer?A Patton's 3rd Army driving in spear to defeat the Nazi or a League of...
View ArticleThe End Times Scenario
My children in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter and anti matter.My reading this morning was in the Prophet Zechariah. I tell you these things so that when events come against Jerusalem soon,...
View Articlewe have breeder
Well this is funducker interesting, sorry to the holier than me types who have problems with the word starting with Fuck, and ending we Er, but had little problem with the gang rape of Sarah Palin and...
View ArticleIf only the Ignorant Died Young
I really detest ignorance attacking those who are not around to defend themselves. In a group of the always experts, there was a group discussion board on Gen. George Custer's pet dogs and it was...
View ArticleOne Bullet
I realize that I have the greatest destiny of mankind before me and was chosen with TL to fulfill this at this worst moment in history, but all of the same, if I had my druthers I would have been a 22...
View ArticleThe Saggy Saga of the Mic heads of Limbaughdonian
Half a "brain" tied behind a Limbaugh back is one disgusting mono-manboob. I am beginning to conclude that something really Obamachurian beats the breast of half mind Rush Limbaugh. This blog analyzes...
View ArticleCaucasian Genocide in the Obama Regime
As I sit at a Panera in a second time in this moloto chick offending TL and I as for some reason Afroids have a problem with women wearing diamond rings, while their bling is in the mouth or the car...
View ArticleOne small step for liberal Kind
As another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.......Except for President Richard Nixon noting that Citizens on the right went into business while subjects on the left went into politics, there...
View ArticleCode Name ISIS
When I met TL, I wondered why things got more interesting. People always claim they know what connections I have or do not have. Some think I am CIA as the CIA is a cloak spread over everyone, as that...
View ArticleYour Future
The reality is Kim Jong Un has proven he is not a racist against white people as he was smuggling gas masks to save the Caucasian Bashir Assad, while the Obama regime in the Fang Jinn is trying to...
View ArticleBovine or Bitch
I was thinking about the stories I was privy to growing up. Stories about sex which as I look back on their disgusting nature they are at times so bad one just starts laughing about them.Take for...
View ArticleA Lame Cherry Choreographed Wedding
I have decided in discussions with TL, that in Inspiration I must have a renansiance of matrimony as you women are in dire need of something befitting you, as this is about you, and we all know that...
View ArticleSet those you have put into bondage, free
Here the Word of the Lord. You have made poor the peoples of the lands of the children of Israel from America, the Angles Scotts, France, Scandinavia and Judah.Set them free of the bondage of debt...
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