As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........
The American version of the British House of Cards was actually a script incorporated by the Obama regime, and is why some of the Eric Holder debacles play out like bad PBS fiction. It is like watching Kevin Spacey play a worn out version of Ian Richardson who mirrored Sir Lawrence Olivier in Richard III.
Obama though plays it all like a junk jack off oar boy sucking a Hong Kong opium smuggler.
Trevour Loudon gets it quite right, but never sees Peking duck or Kremlin vodka in the depths of this mix as this is international communism based in Muslim cash back all propping up that Designer Negro of latino black liberation Jesuit order machination which is the leviathan that slithered from the Asian deep calling itself Birther Hussein Obama.
You children who play at this have no idea of the depths of what the breeder program was in creating this image of the beast, except the information you have been led to there. You may never know unless this blog unlocks the key, but it is a point with this feudal operative wearing the Marxist flag that there are layers in this in when the Birther was alive, the reality is he was the Obamachurian, more a combination of all in not all and yet not nothing.
I do not care about this Fang Jinn no more than I care about the necrophilia of America in loving a rotting corpse. Not much point in I am not a blow fly nor a carrion eater. I do not carry the dead whore to the next day, but leave her for the invaders to feed upon.
It is so plain that what Obama was, was an Asian. His brain was manufactured as it was too lazy to ever think oriental. It is just a manifestation from the labs and it was just too much for it to ever handle.
Upon inquiry there are 183 of the "Obama class" of Sugarland breeders, and not all of his generation. They were all created and programmed for service to the order. They have all been placed in positions of power and are adult age.
You really think that Barack old man indoctrinated and sent back to the plantation was not of the same programme in reverse engineering and they decided to do the same to America? What do you think the overt Rhodes scholars were about? Sugarland was just making American traitors by the cartel plan.
This group of Sugarland mirrored the protocol for subject named Barack Hussein Obama. All were the product of imported foreign women and males. The impregnated women so herded willingly returned to their host nations from Russia to wherever in being miserable in America as were the sperm donors, where they were eliminated.
The bastards such birthed in America, were "adopted" as registered Americans by liberal parents, being indoctrinated that they were the product of the "working classes" and that America had destroyed their parents, and if not for liberals saving them, they too would be dead, and America must be changed to something to be believed in.
The subject Obama Chin when alive and not in the Chicken Entree section of the doomsday city, was informed of his roots and his salvation. All of these bastards are of the same Obama Chin manifesto in being associated with the right schools and apparently no matter the race, having Great Expectation benefactors in doors opening to them at every level.
It is no coincidence that these fudged foreigners are appearing in Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz on the right. While not of Sugarland, like Bobby Jindahl of Louisiana, these Dinesh D'Souza breeds are steering agents to get people on the right accepting the idea of taking the step in fudging the Constitution if enough "what if's" are in place about birth, citizenship and parentage, as the operatives on the left in the subject Obama Chin manifest as indoctrinated foreign agents for the overthrow of America.
All of this has been planned out in detail. America did not sell the rope to the Marxists to hang herself, but she opened her cradle and allowed these changelings in like a cancer to infect the body politic.
Barry Chin proved what the Founders all warned of in no foreigner being ever allowed anywhere near the Presidency, as a foreigner has allegiance to a foreign mindset and not an American heritage.
It is not happens chance that the odd little Val-erie Jarrett appeared as an Obama handler. It is said her DNA does not match her parents any more than Obama's did in who was listed on his birth abstract.
Eric Holder is though just an indoctrinated sociopath seeking retribution on white America for past Nig illusions of racism he experienced. Those educational moments were set up by the cartel to enhance his sensitivity.
Nothing like being rat in a maze learning misbehavior by artificial stimulation.
Kevin Spacey as Francis should have been filled by Sean Penn in the American version or at least Alec Baldwin, but that Robin Wright who is Mrs. Penn really is inadequate for the role. Muchelle Obama would have been perfect as the English Mrs. was probably not capable of being recreated for an old once pretty feline who still purrs nice, but leaves the impression she would eat you.
Mrs. Penn just is like a rowing machine the basement for interest in it is vain repetition as much as the entire cast.
Exactly as the script for the Obama regime in they all are actors on the Marxist stage, but all are playing the part and not matching the propaganda, even with demon machine spikes for the dolt masses to orgasm over.
I think that is enough of this, as this bores me on slave wages. Then again what should it bother the richtards or the screeners in knowing what is the background of those cancers introduced into their bodies, as they have the color of money to comfort them that all the doctors named Limbaugh and O'Reilly are paid to lie to them about.
Yes I said enough of this as alas poor Uric I knew them well.
Enough of the teasers under my skirt. The rich can donate to my fund. Get it done.
nuff said
The American version of the British House of Cards was actually a script incorporated by the Obama regime, and is why some of the Eric Holder debacles play out like bad PBS fiction. It is like watching Kevin Spacey play a worn out version of Ian Richardson who mirrored Sir Lawrence Olivier in Richard III.
Obama though plays it all like a junk jack off oar boy sucking a Hong Kong opium smuggler.
Trevour Loudon gets it quite right, but never sees Peking duck or Kremlin vodka in the depths of this mix as this is international communism based in Muslim cash back all propping up that Designer Negro of latino black liberation Jesuit order machination which is the leviathan that slithered from the Asian deep calling itself Birther Hussein Obama.
You children who play at this have no idea of the depths of what the breeder program was in creating this image of the beast, except the information you have been led to there. You may never know unless this blog unlocks the key, but it is a point with this feudal operative wearing the Marxist flag that there are layers in this in when the Birther was alive, the reality is he was the Obamachurian, more a combination of all in not all and yet not nothing.
I do not care about this Fang Jinn no more than I care about the necrophilia of America in loving a rotting corpse. Not much point in I am not a blow fly nor a carrion eater. I do not carry the dead whore to the next day, but leave her for the invaders to feed upon.
It is so plain that what Obama was, was an Asian. His brain was manufactured as it was too lazy to ever think oriental. It is just a manifestation from the labs and it was just too much for it to ever handle.
Upon inquiry there are 183 of the "Obama class" of Sugarland breeders, and not all of his generation. They were all created and programmed for service to the order. They have all been placed in positions of power and are adult age.
You really think that Barack old man indoctrinated and sent back to the plantation was not of the same programme in reverse engineering and they decided to do the same to America? What do you think the overt Rhodes scholars were about? Sugarland was just making American traitors by the cartel plan.
This group of Sugarland mirrored the protocol for subject named Barack Hussein Obama. All were the product of imported foreign women and males. The impregnated women so herded willingly returned to their host nations from Russia to wherever in being miserable in America as were the sperm donors, where they were eliminated.
The bastards such birthed in America, were "adopted" as registered Americans by liberal parents, being indoctrinated that they were the product of the "working classes" and that America had destroyed their parents, and if not for liberals saving them, they too would be dead, and America must be changed to something to be believed in.
The subject Obama Chin when alive and not in the Chicken Entree section of the doomsday city, was informed of his roots and his salvation. All of these bastards are of the same Obama Chin manifesto in being associated with the right schools and apparently no matter the race, having Great Expectation benefactors in doors opening to them at every level.
It is no coincidence that these fudged foreigners are appearing in Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz on the right. While not of Sugarland, like Bobby Jindahl of Louisiana, these Dinesh D'Souza breeds are steering agents to get people on the right accepting the idea of taking the step in fudging the Constitution if enough "what if's" are in place about birth, citizenship and parentage, as the operatives on the left in the subject Obama Chin manifest as indoctrinated foreign agents for the overthrow of America.
All of this has been planned out in detail. America did not sell the rope to the Marxists to hang herself, but she opened her cradle and allowed these changelings in like a cancer to infect the body politic.
Barry Chin proved what the Founders all warned of in no foreigner being ever allowed anywhere near the Presidency, as a foreigner has allegiance to a foreign mindset and not an American heritage.
It is not happens chance that the odd little Val-erie Jarrett appeared as an Obama handler. It is said her DNA does not match her parents any more than Obama's did in who was listed on his birth abstract.
Eric Holder is though just an indoctrinated sociopath seeking retribution on white America for past Nig illusions of racism he experienced. Those educational moments were set up by the cartel to enhance his sensitivity.
Nothing like being rat in a maze learning misbehavior by artificial stimulation.
Kevin Spacey as Francis should have been filled by Sean Penn in the American version or at least Alec Baldwin, but that Robin Wright who is Mrs. Penn really is inadequate for the role. Muchelle Obama would have been perfect as the English Mrs. was probably not capable of being recreated for an old once pretty feline who still purrs nice, but leaves the impression she would eat you.
Mrs. Penn just is like a rowing machine the basement for interest in it is vain repetition as much as the entire cast.
Exactly as the script for the Obama regime in they all are actors on the Marxist stage, but all are playing the part and not matching the propaganda, even with demon machine spikes for the dolt masses to orgasm over.
I think that is enough of this, as this bores me on slave wages. Then again what should it bother the richtards or the screeners in knowing what is the background of those cancers introduced into their bodies, as they have the color of money to comfort them that all the doctors named Limbaugh and O'Reilly are paid to lie to them about.
Yes I said enough of this as alas poor Uric I knew them well.
Enough of the teasers under my skirt. The rich can donate to my fund. Get it done.
nuff said