If you were a Jew in a Nazi work to death camp, or a Refusenik in a gulag exile in the Soviet Union, what would you prefer?
A Patton's 3rd Army driving in spear to defeat the Nazi or a League of Nation's inquiry into if Jew are really being used as slave labor or not in occupied areas by the Nazi?
A Ronald Reagan defining the Soviet Union as an evil empire, employing Christian Lutheran Soldiers to tear down walls o a United Nation's vote on if the Soviet's could treat you better?
Mark Levin has come out with another book in which to quote hisself which advocates a bit of a making ammending the Constitution easier to overturn the Ashkenaz financed overthrow of the American Republic to the American gulag. I wonder of these delaying tactics as Levin is where he is, because he is paid to keep Americans who would revolt from revolting in focusing on the next election as the draconian torture and enslavement of Americans worsens.
I wonder of many things of "faith" as I had last year a note in Face Book from a snot who was an Ulsterman groupie. The note was one like that Ginsu woman in attacking me over my older sister being killed. It attacked with I was jealous of Ulsterman and took out of context that I had created the Insiders, and finished with a BOOHOO that I was poor rubbing that in as a final dig.
In hindsight, by God's Grace, I was right that Romney was a strawman being set up. I was right about the "insiders" in things posted here they projected off of. I was right about the insiders in they disappeared exactly as if it was an intelligence operation to keep voters of that psychosis focused there as if they would win the election, and all they did was deliver it to Obama again to steal.
Hindsight now reveals the information posted here was correct, but I will never have an apology or a fitting donation until it hurts from a rich lurker like that, because they were duped while they thought they were so brilliant, and the Lame Cherry was right again and they were wrong again.
It is sinners like that which makes me shun Face Book, so I do not invest a great deal of time there, except in trying to help people.
The "faith" in Mark Levin is something that my relative who signed the Declaration of Independence noted of George Washington being a fine man, but even fine men were not to be trusted absolutely.
I have stated the reality of Mark Levin in he uses his mouth and moderate intellect to bust people, so they do not hurt him first. Ashkenaz do this as a group. The louder they are the more intimidated they are and are trying to protect themselves.
They retreat into animals as solace for the many wounds they have from dealing with people who do that Ulsterman groupie thing.
Intellect is their shield as if they are asking the questions, it puts everyone on the defensive as you have to figure out what they already think they know.
There is a reason the Founding Fathers, all white of them, were moved by God to make everything extremely slow, very difficult and impossible to change, and that was to protect the people from themselves.
Everything from Electoral College, six year Senate terms, filibusters were all designed to slow the process down so people would have time to think and in that time the whims would fail and the Constitution would fail.
We hear all of the dogma of the feudal state in the overthrow of America now. The phrases of needing things to be speeded up, that the regime can just declare laws, that the Courts are the means of legislation and that the Constitution is a living document are all the propaganda of insurrectionists.
The US Constitution is a document carved in stone and cemented in place. Anyone who states otherwise that this foundation is something reforming is an insurrectionist and an enemy of the state, for a foundation which is unstable brings down the house.
Lame Cherry
We were told to trust in Mark Levin's last dozen books and the result was a complete destruction of America. His newest scheme is one of making it easier to mould the Constitution to one group's whims to overcome the manipulations of the feudalists on the other side.
Let this blog point out in exclusive matter anti matter a reality of Ronald Reagan. In the 1980's President Reagan created free economic trading partners in South America which made for prosperity for the Americas.
A few short years later, George H. W. Bush's "new world order" was pushing NAFTA in greater free trade zones, which in turn the financiers of Europe and America led by Ashkenaz loans, pushed nations like Brazil into massive debt through borrowing. The same scheme drove the American farmers off the land in the 1970's in a reorganization of America.
This led to the communist takeover of Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela, and as this blog has alone noted, Marxism was created to better plunder nations of wealth and manage the mob cheaply, for greater power control for the feudal aristocracy behind all of this.
The point is in this, that Ronald Reagan was pure in intent, but his vision was bastardized by the same forces who always find a way to turn a good American thing, into a matter of economic rapine.
We return now to the Levin Manifesto which festers there. So you who agree with making it easier to ammend the Constitution, have you considered that the feudal leftist salivate over this, and would use it with equal effect to literally outlaw you?
You would be like the horses in Animal Farm reading their Constitution of, "The freedom of religion "except Christians"" in how this would start out.
As I stated, those Founding Fathers, all white of them, made things impossible to protect the mob from democracy as democracy is anarchy against the Republic.
That reality is the death trap of the Levin Manifesto. Levin is not more intelligent than the Founders. Levin is a cut and paste legal mind who is paid a fortune to condition a segment of the masses from rising up to revolt.
In that, the Founders were all Continentalists, as this blog is, as the Republic is dead. They founded a Republic years later to gain more federal leadership as the States were too much the mob in pulling America apart. The solution was absolute States Rights with rationed federal power.
That is what the Constitution is and chiseled in stone.
Mark Levin in his manifesto can change all the laws he desires in Constitutionality, but the problem is not the Constitution nor the Laws of America. The problem is defined by the revolutionary voice in John Adams who stated that the Constitution would only work as long as moral people were operating it.
The Constitution is like a money till. As long as the cashier is honest, the business survives, but when the cashier starts stealing from the till, the business is destroyed.
Mr. Levin goes to the point of "term limits" to remove officials, including from the Courts. We have witnessed since the Reagan Gingrich revolution, that the cartel is not going to allow such things to ever take place again.
The Clinton's started a blackmail scheme against Congress people and the press, and it is a leviathan in this 21st century. There are too many operatives in both the democrats and republican parties, and now the fringe parties to gain any redress there, for as quickly as the Americans vote people in, those people are blackmailed into towing the feudal course.
The American system has been subverted by treachery to make the American the criminal in the system is now used to imprison the Citizen.
The fact of this is the reality of what Mark Levin pants out like Alex Jones in conditioning of "no revolution". The question is, is this to protect themselves or is it to keep the people in the gulag until the regime can effectively exterminate the mass population?
All of these people in the Limbaugh financial drain pool, are there because they are serving a higher up purpose. That is the reality in each serves a faction whose main purpose is the survival of their elite within the elite.
The reality is the only redress when corrupt people have overthrown the system, is the direction of Thomas Jefferson, in "a little revolution once in awhile is a good thing". When a body politic is so corrupt as America is, there is not any legal means to rectify it, as all are criminal in the system.
Just quoting Jefferson above is something one never hears anywhere in this medium any longer. I doubt the American people have it in them to revolt or to stomach the fight as it would be a deadly crackdown on the population.
Edward Snowden has done what he could for the group he represents, but that offering has been quashed as the control is so organized in criminality that crime now rules. Granted it is possible in theory to blind the system of control with 100 astute operatives, but as stated all hell would break loose in a massive crackdown as Patriot and all of the controls for martial law are in place.
It is in that Jefferson Revolution, that there are two hopes for the America corpse. The first in human pursuit would be the Continentalist who pitted the empire of France against the empires of England and Indians for a battle in which George Washington parlayed a God given victory.
It is what Edward Snowden was starting in involving Peking and Moscow, but the reality is Peking and Moscow are not Paris or Madrid.
The second is Divine in George Washington's vision of the 3rd great cataclysm to inflict upon America. History proves that when a system becomes so self indulged, the people will not nurture it for the pariah state it is, from Babylon to Rome. That means that system will face invasions by foreigners. The absolute dangers in this national destruction is the reality that the pariah is rooted out and the masses perish in mass.
Thomas Jefferson equated the American Revolution which was non predatory to model the French Revolution. It was incorrect in 11 million French perished as John Adams warned against, and Jefferson admitted much later that it was a wrong policy as that revolution fed on itself like the one in Argentina, while Franco's Revolution in Spain was a "civilized" undertaking.
The point in examination of this is simple. When you are talking about gutting the Constitution to save the American corpse, the corpse is dead and the effort is futile as those types of desperate measures will solve nothing. Mark Levin is either a fool or a stooge or a foolish stooge for what he advocates, as not admitting America is dead and trying to amputate parts to save a cadaver only leaves one with a mutilated cadaver.
It will be revolution then as John Adams warned of and it will be revolution as Thomas Jefferson glorified. It is the reality of that which the Lame Cherry counsels all to pay their taxes, do not make yourself a target of the regime and in silent running, "pay allegiance to whatever flag they offer and never let them know what you really feel".
Good people only need to be quiet and bide their time, for that time, when the mob is no longer eating cake and the regime rises up to expend quantities of extermination means to desperately keep control. There is never enough poison gas nor bullets nor police to keep control, as all spirals out of control.
Unless God would raise up a Washington or a Reagan, with moral people assisting though, it would all be futile as Mandela in South Africa, which was about economic rapine and not freedom, as it always is in the feudal overthrow of nations.
Mark Levin should see the warning signs in his advocating the amputation of the Constitution that this American nation is dead, or such desperate measures would not be voiced by him, and would certainly be exploited by the cartel which engineered all of this.
That proves this Lame Cherry correct again in America is deceased or Mark Levin would not be advocating exteme measures which the Founders all warned against.
Everything Levin does only avails more time for the feudalcrats to gain an easier extermination of Americans. That is the reality and Mark Levin never addresses that reality.
It needs to be stated, and this blog states it in exclusive matter anti matter. There are no fixes coming as nothing can fix this. This will not end pretty no matter which type of revolution is unleashed. Those feudalists who murdered America will not give up without trying to mass murder each America, as each America holds the potential for lynching them to a short rope on a sour apple tree.
Thomas Jefferson was correct in a little revolution is a good thing...........but John Adams was correct in alot of revolution is a bad thing.
The only thing worse is a Mark Levin manifesto gutting the Constitution which checked both Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.
nuff said