My children in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter and anti matter.
My reading this morning was in the Prophet Zechariah. I tell you these things so that when events come against Jerusalem soon, that you will know and not be led to the lies of the false teachers who will arise and tell you that this is Armageddon or the anti Christ as they always do. What comes is but preparation events. What will come will only come after great tribulation and upheaval.
I am moved to teach from Zechariah by the Holy Ghost as in the last chapters God is warning of those events when Jesus returns, which will be several years from now if these are the events of preparation.
There will not be peace in the Middle East, but only a false peace the peoples will celebrate and then wars will come.
The day is coming which you will not need a false prophet to lie to you and you will not know it is a lie. For the days are coming when you will be aware.
That day which is not now, will be a time when all nations will be gathered by God to pour out His wrath in balancing the scales against all the evil in this world in peoples rejecting God's Way of Life. It will be a time when 2/3rds of the inhabitants of the lands will be dead. The final remaining 1/3rd will be tried in this upheaval and they will call God their own.
Jerusalem will murder the Two Witnesses, but the end will not yet be. The end will be the gathering of the armies of the world there, and the city will be robbed, the women mass raped, half the occupants exiled as the city is captured.
At that time will the Lord's Christ return as the Warrior King. His feet will stand upon the Mount of Olives, which will split in the mountain north to south and a river of water will flow to the east and to the west, to the great seas in pure water.
The Warrior Whose Name is only known to Him will stand and make war the armies who come to make war with Him. It will be a bath of blood in the valley north of Jerusalem past the Vale of Jezreel. There upon the Hill of Megiddo will be seen the battle plain and there two hundred million soldiers will be slaughtered.
The Lord will strike all the soldiers who have gone to battle against Jerusalem. It will be a plague which their flesh rots from them while they live, their eyes rot in their sockets before death and their tongues will rot in their mouths.
The Lord will panic the soldiers in madness and they will raise up to strike each other's army until they are no more.
The plague of the rotting flesh will be upon the horse, the mule, the camel, the donkey and all the cattle in the camps. It will be the feast of the fowls, the great supper, the Day of Atonement.
There will be no light in the day of the great earthquake which splits the Mount of Olives in two, and the people of Jerusalem flee down the then made valley. Darkness will be, and yet it will be not day or night, but at evening there will be light, for the Lord will be the Light in Jerusalem.
All who survive of the nations will come to worship in Jerusalem after these things pass. There will be buriers who bury the dead in the valley, and those who find bones will set markers by them so the land will be cleansed.
Those peoples who do not come to worship the God YWHW, will have drought as punishment and reminder to come and worship before the Lord God.
All things in Jerusalem will be dedicated to the Lord inside the Temple and out.
It will be one thousand years of Rest which will follow in satan bound in the pit. In those days death will be uncommon. People will live to a time, when if they die at one hundred years of age, the others will wonder, "What great sin have they committed to die so young".
At the end of the thousand years, will satan be released from the pit, to deceive the nations beyond Jerusalem to come and make a spoil of the unprotected cities there. They will come then named Gog and Magog to murder the peaceful land, but be made dead themselves as they gather upon the mountains.
Then will Judgment come to those not of the First Resurrection as the Books of Judgment are opened before Christ Jesus and He passes sentence recompensing those for all they have done. For that which they have done in life will be what they will be repaid for in eternal death.
Then will death, demons and all the spiritually dead be thrown into the perpetual fire as all time ends, and then you will behold a New Jerusalem coming from Heaven, hundreds of miles wide, high and long for all the children of God to dwell in with Him.
I inform you of these things, so that you are not concerned nor led away by those false teachers who will come. They will come and lead the uninformed to their great consternation and fracturing of their faith. Not until the signs are sure will the terrible upheaval begin.
They valued the Word of the Lord in warning in donating 30 pieces of silver to His Prophetess and made their Teacher a slave by the price and unglorified God as a slave. By their own guilt they have robbed themselves of eternal glory for by the price they paid will they be condemned as worthless in their day of Judgment.
It is not yet now that a plain will be made around Jerusalem and leaving Jerusalem up. It is the time of the preparation.
Repent sinners even though you will not repent for you are wicked and your evil rises to Heaven. Abide in the Lord, you His children, unless you return to sin unrepentant and you meet eternal death. For the day that a righteous person becomes unrepentant, their righteousness will not save them as the forgiveness of Christ is gone, and the day, the sinner repents, the blood of Christ will cleanse them and their sins will be remembered of no consequence.
I have explained these things before they will happen, so you will not be deceived. Be of good cheer His children, the Lord will not take you from the world in a false rapture, but will try you through the times you were chosen to be born into. You will be purified in those times while the sinner who thinks the filth of their works makes them better than the Saints will follow the anti Christ to their great harm and death.
Listen, and put into the life God is growing you Spiritually to gain that gift of Life which comes through Christ alone.