Well this is funducker interesting, sorry to the holier than me types who have problems with the word starting with Fuck, and ending we Er, but had little problem with the gang rape of Sarah Palin and the rapist Bill Clunton, the pooch screwer Ted Kennedy and Astro boy husband leading Gabby Giffords around on a leash, but what the hell Rumor Mill, we can be like Huffington Post, Front Page, World Tribune, Jihad Watch and Daniel Pipes in stealing my work, but let's just post Lame Cherry exclusives and links to make money off of traffic........you know let us be civilized in this like Muslims renting religious Jew space to make a profit as we praise allah.
Now onto fumducker things.......
You will not recall that Chicago awhile back shot a big ass mountain lion, which came from South Dakota, as those assholes under the GOP and now Dennis Daugaard, the MUTANT, had shipped a half dozen of those killers to west central Minnesota to kill herds of bambi.
So when they murdered all the bambi's these fucking cats took off or sexual position gatos, took off for parts known and unknown, including Chicago where the police there shot the damn thing.
Now though we have a story of a spotted cat showing up in Detroit........and due to human error in judgment, it stands to reason that what they in terror are seeing eating all their pets is a young mountain lion.
That of course would mean where you have babies, one has a pair of fucking adults........if you ever heard consensual cats going at it, it is painful and loud as cat peckers have prickers in them and the female pussy really gets a work over and it sounds like a cat fight.
So South Dakota in the Mutant and his Game and Fish are terrorizing Americans at least in one case, and this might be a follow up. I suggest the darkies and crackers still in Detroit to sue Dennis D personally and his Game and Distribute of critter terrorism, because it is known that lions and tigers will cross, but there are not alot of leopards and tigers or jaguars in circus to breed.
The other cats in lynx and bobcat do not have stripes so to speak, although the big lynx will reach that 4 foot type size and can pull down large cloven footed animals, including Pa Ingalls in the Little House on the Prairie as one jumped him.
Am just saying with all the wolves let loose in Minnesota and these big cats gone wild, that perhaps someone should be making these states legally and criminally responsible for their damn wildlife they are dumping and terrorizing other states.
If there are no breeding pairs in Michigan you have a huge problem as the Mutant's lions by Mount Rushmore have killed all the deer, are working on the elk and wonder of wonders are eating pet ponies and dogs.
These things are dangerous and why they killed most of them off and were not allowing breeding pairs to roam...........and yes South Dakota RFID tags all this shit so they know damn certain where ALL of the breeders ended up.
nuff said