As another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.......
Except for President Richard Nixon noting that Citizens on the right went into business while subjects on the left went into politics, there really has been no definition of what really is a liberal mind.
Rush Limbaugh could script read that the leftist "feels" things compared to the logical reality of the rightist, but I will ask you something which will be an exclusive in forensic psychology to explain something to you which is defining to all of this.
Think for a moment about an answer to the question, of what was the last greatest accomplishment of these United States of America?
What comes to you mind?
For me personally, I had to reflect back, because America has been so degraded that it accomplishes nothing any longer in reality. The last event that was of any accomplishment was the Space Shuttle launch and landing for any drama as an American accomplishment.
As you ponder that, a liberal would have immediately stated that the greatest accomplishment of all time was the installation of Barack Hussein Obama into the White House.
See a liberal's idea of accomplishment is something which does not build or accomplish something, but an event that focuses upon undoing some personal psychopathy.
Review America in what she was as a Conservative nation. The Clipper ships, winning wars, taming wilderness lands, the Erie Canal, the Transcontinental Railroad, the tallest buildings, biggest bridges, largest dams to supersonic speeds. That is what America was in bigger was better and anything that involved genius was celebrated to even the atomic bomb.
That is why a liberal looks to things of non consequence with horrific consequences. The current trend is built on obsurdities like "women's rights". Women I knew as a child would have loved to have not worked their butts off and been inside like June Cleaver. Those women thought equal rights are worthless thing as they were forced into rights in doing all the things the upper class women thought was a novelty.
Liberals think sodomites treated as normal people is an accomplishment, because they bash fags. A sex act is considered superior to the Panama Canal.
A liberal never equates that unlike the landing on the Moon, that installing a foreign agent named Barry Chin to 1600 Penn Avenue, has millions of peopl who did not care and actually fought against it.
A national accomplishment is an event which unifies a nation in pride, and not one which divides a people. A national accomplishment is James Fremont going to California and obtaining that land for Americans. There is a vast difference in that compared to Obamacare which rationed death.
That is what is a liberal in they look at Barack Obama as an accomplishment, but it is only an accomplishment to a racist, and that is not an accomplishment at all, as from the reality, I could care less what race a President is, as a President is someone who is a Constitutional Officer to uphold that Document, and not a skin color.
America accomplishes nothing any more, because America is nothing but a psychotic catharsis of different forms of degrading perverted sex as it relates to a gender.
Barack Obama when he was in this earth was a fagsexual, and that is what was behind his beach pictures in 2008 to appeal to sodomites, just like Hillary Clinton was having Chelsea in bars getting her ass grabbed by dykes. That is the liberal accomplishment. Bill Clinton was "black" and "black" Chinese Obama is a "normal" queer all in the closet as liberal prepare for the next perverted launch.
The 1960's saw the last "to boldly go where no man had gone before" and after that it was an Obamanation "devolving to where only perverts had sinned".
That is the reality. An American mind looked to be something more, while what is the American psychosis in the 21st century looks to make perversion catharsis an accomplishment.
nuff said