As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......
Some of the following requires a further explanation as the propaganda dinn is not allowing information to resonate in the minds of people to comprehend the reality, instead of the fiction which resides at 1600 Penn Avenue with the Jinn at the Oval O.
For the reality, upon inquiry and numerous other inquiries, by two others I trust, the message keeps coming back that on June 13, 2013, an event took place which removed from these surly bonds the soul of B. Hussein from this plain, and an entity in demonic lore known as a shapeshifter took over Barack Hussein Obama's place, with the corpse being hauled off by Val-erie Jarrett to the doomsday Executive City approximately one mile from the White House proper where it is being stored in a cold storage unit in a box of chicken entrees.
To act as if all is normal, when this blog has provided published evidence that all have seen from nipples on the Jinn's leg, to the fact that the Obama handshake changed to the Jinn handshake, to note the reality that the sooty club hand of Obama manifests into these feminine yellow long fingered hands, to bulges on the Jinn's face, morphing of facial features etc... are proofs that something is not the Obama of prior to June 13 and to carry on as if this occupant of the Oval O is the same is to act as if the naked king has clothes.
I will note in this at this point that another person who will remain unnamed for safety sake, actually brought to my attention the question of who was really debating Mitt Romney in 2012. To answer that is obvious now that your attention is called to it as mine was. Upon inquiry, it was Barack Hussein Obama who fell flat on his oriental paddy in the first debate blowing everything, and it was the Jinn which was called in for the final two debates in being the ingredient of a winner, where Obama was an absolute loser every time he appeared.
What requires focus though beyond a Jinn, in how does one impeach an entity of vapour that manifests as human, is the reality of those fighting a battle in the physical when this is in the Spiritual or spiritual.
It is the same in the Dinesh D'Souza or that book by Terence Loudon or something which requires explaining as D'Souza got if flat ass wrong in anti colonialism on Obama the communist, when that is not the game at all.
Barack Obama was and that means he is in cold storage, was like all of these frauds on the left who gain dictatorial power in they all talk the game of anti colonialism and Marxism, when they are nothing of the sort at all.
Back in the day, the 1950's the African was by feudal powers, pushed to the forefront of representative democracy. The Negroid being a trained humanoid, jumped at the chance as the colonial teachers of England, Holland, Germany, Italy, Belgium and France were pushed aside by force by the cartel.
It was at that point the Negroid was informed, "You know that democracy is ok, but you do know that if you go Marxist that you can stay in power forever", but the cartel masters. The Negroid not being completely ignorant jumped on the dictatorial bandwagon and that has been the case from Africa, Asia to South America ever since.
The reality is Marxism by Karl Marx was created by the cartel of Europe for the Ashkenaz financiers to better loot and enslave populations for power and profit. None of the aristocracy is communist in the least, but they are feudalists in the absolute heritage bloodlines ruling the mass by the minority. There is no community, but only livestock pen as people are kept to tend the sheep to make the lamb for the table of the elite.
Barack Obama was never a community organizer no more than he ever was a black man. He was like all of these agents of the cartel, a liar who conned the masses into thinking they were free as he bought them with their own debt he generated.
You must understand this, anti colonialism had nothing to do with the supberb job the monarchies of Europe did with the dark skinned peoples in taking them from savage status to uncivilized status. The problem with it was though, it created in colonialism all these competitors from the working class to the aristocrats and the financiers.
America was the worst in producing an entire nation of rich people and spread that Francis Bacon teaching of you got to keep all you worked for. That type of thing unleashed all over the world and everyone not of blood would be living like a king and growing up to be kings and queens.
That is why colonialism was destroyed, as the cartel could not have the Negroid or Mongoloid evolving into self wealth generators who would out produce the European feudalcrats.
So a new system had to be designed to con the mob into thinking they were in control as the monarchy was getting it's heads handed to them.
The answer was telling the mob, they were in charge like America, but did not have to work for anything as it was already theirs in communal ownership. The ignorant mob flocked after Frauds like Lenin and Trosky suffering from guilt psychopathy and with a little help from British intelligence the plunder was begun of mother Russia as Stalin cleansed the state of military and self supporting peoples, for that Soviet system which Truman would implement in China.
Consider what this blog has only published exclusively in matter anti matter facts. What did Obama do in the Middle East? Think about it as he pretended to be Ronald Reagan to be elected, then implemented Marxism in rationed death Obamacare as he armed Mexican drug lords to manage the dope trade as al Qaeda became the mule for the international dope industry.
Think about it in Obama blackmailed, extorted and murdered the Nationalist Muslims who had vast stores of wealth and power, and turned Islam over to the Islamocommunists so a community of militant thugs in the Muslim Brotherhood would be able to manage the oil of Libya not for Libyans but BP and the European cartel. It was about having a Muslim mob keep the Muslim mobs in control as all the money and power was vested in central Europe.
Every step Obama made and now the Jinn is enforcing is about feudalism run by the elite of central Europe, gleaned by the Ashkenaz financiers and thug managed by Muslim terrorists. That is FEUDALISM and not anti colonialism nor is it communism.
Obama was nothing more than the Sheriff of Nottingham, in keeping the masses terrified while he robs them in taxes for the crown unseen in Europe. The Jinn follows the same directions in that entities uncivil plundering of the world.
Until each of you comprehend this, the same misdirection talking points will cloud this issue, as this is not a political movement at all. It is just a Nimrod self god thugocracy preying on all peoples. Until the thought minders of all your media are made to react to this, the same lies are going to be repeated so people are thinking Obama is still vacationing around instead of a Fang Jinn, and that the Jinn is a leftist when this entire cartel is ABSOLUTIST.
Sorry for some reason my live keyboard here decided to post a photo on the clipboard from another story, but that is another story.
That though completes the education and for all the rich and lurkers who do not donate, ask yourself how damn stupid do you want to be in being led around by Limbaugh or Matthews as the real powers amuse their caviar spoons empty laughing at you in being a chimp on a leash.
Each of you is programed and none of you is Inspired to find the way out of the maze. You harm TL and myself, murder my animals and then do not consider the same is being done to each of you, as you are not the elite no matter how much you delude yourselves and you are not in the least that bright, as none of you can figure any of this elementary stuff out.
For pity sake, a mentally challenged Designer Negro out thought you. What does that say about smart you eh?
Can not one of you rich trolls suck it up and donate 500 thousand just to prove you are not all lemmings going off the Pied Piper cliff. By God's Grace you made it this far by what was worked here. You make the mistake as others have in thinking it is them and not me, and you will end up a whore in Ohio chained to a real estate developer for trying to steal from me.
nuff said