Let us all be Entertained
As everything is so festive here at the Lame Cherry, I thought, why not share all the accomplishments of the people who will not donate to this blog, but in evil thoughts and condescension produce such...
View ArticlePain
Pain is an interesting thing my children as Limbaugh and others pontificate as rich folks about Obamacare not being implanted for conglomerates next year, but comes after individuals.I ripped something...
View ArticleBlow it out Your Snowden Ass
Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter blah blah blah blah.The Jinn pissiing on Vladamir Putin in not going off for another hand cuddle is going to have repercussions to make you bleed...
View ArticleLame Cherry now proven right by Mockingbird NBC
Oh yes, hurrah and tampons all around, that a mic head has predicted the obvious and gets a Drudge header. Faber: Look out! A 1987-style stock crash coming...For the record, the Dotcom crash or...
View ArticleThe Good People
My children, I wanted to share with you a letter from one of your family today, as I do receive notes from you and I desire to show you how good each of you are.It means a great deal to me to read...
View ArticleNegatrons
Good people, have good hearts and good souls. When the 10 Commandments are read, they have an 11th searching their hearts for more sins as if 10 were not enough.When I speak of Emma, they wonder if...
View ArticleSuch is Life
I remember allot of things.I remember a Sunday morning when the livestock were out and being a child running after them, almost throwing up, being ordered to run faster, as that is what mattered was...
View ArticlePutin's anti Chirst
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.........The reality upon inquiry as the real reason the entity Fang Jinn cancelled the Barack Hussein Obama Chin summit in Moscow is something...
View ArticleWhy have the hands of Obama changed?
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......Matt Drudge was featuring the Obama photo above and there is a definite look to this club hand. Pictured next to it is that willowy hand...
View ArticleArticle 3
I was just thinking tonight in what it really is like to me, and the answer is really simple and it explains all the rich people, all the lurkers and all the cuddlers in one thing, because I'm the girl...
View ArticleFor the Doubters
My children, today's exclusive in matter anti matter deals with the subject of proofs that Americans are part of the 13 tribes of Israel.The further proofs are in the Prophet Hosea in chapter 11 and...
View ArticleFrosty the Jinn man
Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter and I do not give a damn as I am exhausted in being screwed over in all of you goat assassins, literal anti Christians in this world being protected...
View ArticleThe Fire of Heaven
This exclusive in anti matter is not going to make much Lame Cherry sense except to Lilies of France or Viking Maidens, but then some might, but as it is in code, it is enough that what is unencoded...
View ArticleWhen Being "Nice" Does Not Manipulate As Planned...
From the desk of the Tiger Lily.For all who think this is easy, or glamorous, or profitable, a private rant was sent to LC when it was refused to let them and others peek up the skirt for free. And...
View ArticleTHIMK
TL was adding a pile of new friends on Facebook, and except for Sundae who is our favorite say of the week, I suspect to be on easy street as the reality is on LC FB freindshops is they sell for 3000...
View ArticleBreeder boy Obama
I think if I hear Mark Levin parrot "It's about redistribution of wealth" again...........I think I will just be as disgusted by his ignorance as I personally am now.These phrases are just not what...
View ArticleTime of the HAARP FREEZE
Another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive on your starvation principle.The world of this season is one of Alaska is hot, the mid part of America is autumn cold, and the west if on fire.......set...
View ArticleAdvantage: Jinn
circa 2008ca. 8/2013...so apparently Obama now has a third nipple on the back of his left calf. Not too surprising, as there are so many welfare leeches suckling at the government teat that in logic...
View ArticleThe Naked Truth
This past week when Emma was murdered by you wicked people, my ISP started unhooking on the night it happened, about every 15 minutes.As I logged off, and then tried to re acquire internet service the...
View ArticleEmily says
I will refrain from posting this most helpful person's name as this mail was forwarded to me out of an account some other poor soul is tortured in, but WILL RESPOND IN THIS COLOR FONT to a few of the...
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