The Weather Bed
Whisper oh wind of instrument touchThe feel of each chord resonant clearUpon riffled tension of silence brakeThe skin of the water of hydrosphereSing, as I play the melody of youSing, Sing, SingIn...
View ArticleThe Dull on Edge
Forget that embassy stuff my children.....yes, yes, another LC exclusive in matter anti matter bits. Prompts high-level meeting at White House...PLANNED ATTACK 'BIG,' 'STRATEGICALLY SIGNIFICANT'What do...
View ArticleLame Cherry now proven right again by Pan European Intelligence
EU TIMESA Lame Cherry follow up and a hat tip to........Patt ///// for this exclusive in matter anti matter proven right again.What you have to comprehend though on the link is what you are looking at...
View ArticleANAL UP: Bend over and WMD cough
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter..........As you missed this........As you were waiting for dozens of Jinn embassies to go anal up.......As you the richtard and backstabber have...
View ArticleThe Lament of Syria
In another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......Listen to the Word of the Lord in the burden of Syria, the people of Aram, the mother of the American children in wife of Gilead.Mourn for...
View ArticleLame Cherry Proven Right Again
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, my children, it is by the Grace of God that I am proven right again and again and again.Baby has said that Lame Cherry knows all, and it does...
View ArticleA Lame Cherry 5 Fedora Alert
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.......As I was Inspired to begin warning you children a few days ago, that things were going to be engaged in to discredit this blog, something...
View ArticleI do not know what to do
My dearest children, I want to apologize in TL was checking my "junk mail" folder and found a few of your correspondences which I read this evening after coming in and tending to the sick.I honestly do...
View ArticleIslamism
Islam without a sword is like the rapist without a cock.Lame CherryThe problem with Islam is Muslims. That may sound offensive to Muslims, but the reason that statement is offensive is due to Islamic...
View ArticleThe Prophet Gad
satan, the adversary has stood up against America in her rebellion against the Lord God of Israel and Washington. America, you have replaced your God with the demonic.The anger of the Lord is kindled...
View Articleal Qaeda fresh
I will have to admit that liberals were absolutely right about George W. Bush being a dumb ass and Dick Cheney being a pecker head, as who knew that terrorists had experation dates like produce from...
View ArticleThat damn George Bush
I really have had it with that George W. Bush spending taxpayers money like he is Obama.What do I mean?I mean like W. has a clogged artery and that bastard using taxpayer healthcare that Obama....I...
View ArticleA Matter of Understanding
I know I post too much, but TL and I were just talking and I felt this advice must be offered up as it is after God, the foundation of TL and my Covenant.Is one certain thing, give your Wife a knife...
View ArticleYou have been charged
The Holy Ghost moved TL to open the Bible and gave these verses after Our prayer for the rich to donate here. I Timothy 6:17Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor...
View ArticlePredOPER
Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter..........Upon inquiry that "terrorist strike" in Yemen had nothing to do with terrorism at all. This was a level two target, meaning it was what has...
View ArticleThe Sloven Nation
You want to know what is wrong with America?Too bad, as you will be informed, as America is a nation of Les Miserables, in the best of times and the worst of times. It has been degraded by design to...
View ArticleAmy's Good
" prayer some daily good to do, to Thine, for Thee; an offering pure of Love, whereto God leadeth me..." Mary Baker EddyAmy's Good.I needed some good today my children as all of this intrigue of...
View ArticleTo whom it may concern
I wondered why Homeland was so NSA damned interested in me today in it taking 35 minutes for Facebook to load.......yes my children some piss ant tourist decided to abuse message privileges in...
View ArticleIn the Jones Cookie Jar
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter antimatter.My children, this morning it took 35 minutes to load facebook.......not kidding. I informed you I am popular and the thing is yesterday it actually...
View ArticleThe death of my Little Girl
Many of you have been very kind in mentioning Emma, so as we share this my children, I am moved to share with you how good God is when the sweetest little girl is absorbing all of the evil in this...
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