Whisper oh wind of instrument touch
The feel of each chord resonant clear
Upon riffled tension of silence brake
The skin of the water of hydrosphere
Sing, as I play the melody of you
Sing, Sing, Sing
In every note true
Sing, Sing, Sing
The song of I love you
Breathe, in every breath that I now draw
Breathe, Breathe, Breathe
In exhale voice of your call
Breathe, Breathe, Breathe
The sigh of your oceaned walls
Ripple each note again and again
Ripples each note again and again
Come play on the surface there with me
There the song of the tempest sea
Still are the waters there rolling deep
Yielding there in limpid keep
There by the moment of twilight dawn
There by forever of the eve day
To awake to morning of eternal sleep
To slumber aroused in tear weep
There liquid sky in ocean met
There cloud dry of rain tear wept
There sultry joy besotted wet
There arid storm in fiery sun set
Ripple each note again and again
Ripples each note again and again
Wave upon wave
The sound of each note
Wave upon wave
The chord of each quote
The depths of the night
The heights of the day
There upon still water surface
The waves of the notes of you play
The sound of the many waters
Washing upon my every shore
The sound of many waters
In waves of you forever more
Ripple each note again and again
Ripples each note again and again
There lays the sky
In blanket wed
Their lies the ocean
In weather bed
Ripple each note begin and again
Ripples each note begun and again