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Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter..........

Upon inquiry that "terrorist strike" in Yemen had nothing to do with terrorism at all. This was a level two target, meaning it was what has been taking place since January 2009 when the Obama regime went gung ho Predator in turning the United States military into an assassination force to murder "terror competitors" who were not interested in managing the dope traffic for profit and would not come to Islamocommunist heal to be run out of 1600 Penn Avenue.

Yemen is the bloodline like Syria of the bin Laden clan. The target in this was a merchant line connected to this group.
The target was utilizing bribes to bring in on US military air and sea contractors Afghanistan dope into Yemen. They were good business in they shipped to Lebanon at a better price than the cartel was offering. In effect, they were cutting into the Turk and Israeli opium cut.

Oh you want proof eh?

Ok here it is dudewheat......

From CNN no less.....home of Tap Tap Tapper.

 None of those killed on Tuesday were among the 25 names on the country's most-wanted list, security officials said.

Is all there in black and white if you read between the lies.....yeah I mean lies.

So to make all things monopoly in the Afghanistan opium trade, the Yemeni competitors were hit with a sanction to give creedance to the lie that the 7 day waiting period for terrorists to strike embassies issued by the Obama regime was really a threat.

How bombing Yemen drug dealers is related to al Qaeda chatter terror threats against embassies is related is something only the wag the pup press can not explain nor ask, as it appears sort of like the regime was bombing another nation and that al Qaeda was not boming anything American.
I could be mistaken on that, but when al Qaeda being run out of 1600 Penn is not bombing anything and 1600 Penn is bombing things, that this should not be a reason to shut down American embassies for a week..........unless of course it was the regime going to bomb it's own American facilities again.

I could repeat that the only ones bombing things for the past years are either the US military for the regime or the regime's conduits in al Qaeda bombing the US military.  This regime is perfectly Rothschild as they always gave the orders for both sides to bomb each other and they made money doing it.

I would that this was all about some real bad terrorist dying or it saved American embassy lives, but what it was, was about killing off some dope dealers who were making too much money against the Obama regime's dope dealers in Turkey and Israel.

Can not have those capitalist Yemeni dope dealers being a success or you will have them being like the Delanos in America producing Franklin Delano Roosevelt as communist president in turning America over to......well not the Rothschild financiers, but some other bankers and then we would have real problems....like whoring women as slaves, child sex slaves, dope trade, weapons trade, wars, spying on everyone, foreigners put into the White House..........wait we got that already in these genocial maniacs.

Maybe some Muslim dope heads are just the thing.........no they did the same thing before they got the trade stole from them.........sexing all those Luo women up and selling Nigs to produce Barack Hussein Obama I........I mean I and not that Birther as he .......well he got the horn of Africa going to, but Chin is his game and that was all that dope war in China too going on in this same trade.

I am bored with all of this. Where is that anti Christ.......where is the Mideast War....false peace treaty........Pope Pater doing the big demon miracles so that something interesting is going on.

Nothing is interesting watching a chicken entree freezer burner even if it is a Designer Negro in a billion dollar underground doomsday fortress.

Hey you know what would be cool..........I will write about that for tomorrow as it is Tuesday and it will publish on your tomorrow  Thursday........yeah I like this as it will be interesting.

Where the blessed blessing is my 500,000 dollar donation!!!!!!!

You people are so tight you would squeak but you will not even donate a sound.

How about you richtards donate 1/10th of 500,000 and tell me in your note why you would not donate the other 450,000?

I got to get writing on another exclusive....so closing this shop up.

agtG 242Y

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