You want to know what is wrong with America?
Too bad, as you will be informed, as America is a nation of Les Miserables, in the best of times and the worst of times. It has been degraded by design to Karl Marx's communist manifesto in the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. It has become a nation where the idle rich have no comprehension of the working poor.
The picture below is what is wrong with America. There are now thousands of these young girls, they do not at the early 20's have an semblance no more than their rapist male counterparts have any relationship to being called men or women as they are juvenile in lacking all existential experience.
Quote me on that my children.
These are the great divide in America. The patrician Republicans and the feudalist democrats who have nothing but money to waste, are bored so they have time to worry about the mirror mirror, never work so they are too exhausted to whore around, and are connectedly pretty so they graduate as idiots and are hired as eye candy by companies so unproductive they have to hire Asians to get any work done.
Let me repeat that reality for these clueless American children all housed in bodies whose identifcations all read over the legal age.
The richtard are the offspring of the baron and tycoon coupled with the intellectual and theorist.
One exploits and the other manipulates. They are a Godless group whose religion is God is on the shelf for holidays, but they write their own morality in the halls of Washington.
Their idea of a challenge is getting up before 9 and their idea of social crime is an American who believes in God.
What normal person has the time, the money or the complete lack of humanity to invest fortunes in an Super Obama Depression in clothe to pose in, the hours necessary to bathe, preen and pose, and it never occurs to them that Americans in the tens of millions are in America who can not afford a car, a home, filling a gas tank or a grocery bag, because they have been sentenced to debt, debt and more debt in education bills, medical bills and spending bills which reward the Wall Street Welfare elite with looting of the Treasury as much as the bribing of the welfare classes, all so they do not riot.
All of that money is stolen and not earned in the hands of these richtards and they are worse than the illusion of Marie Antoinette as she at least thought in terms of eating cake, while this American elite dines on the flesh of aborted babies, corpses for organ donations and necromania in waiting for the parents to die to inherit the wind.
I honestly am at a point in I hope a French Revolution engulfs America. I hope this American mob rises up and it becomes a savagery of which would make a Russian cringe in their brutality. If it is not in this mob, then I hope it is a Eurasian horde sent to educate this elite one day in invasion with gang rapes, childrens heads bashed in, pregnant women cut open, and men crucified on pikes as yards of skin are filleted off for whips, just as Israel of old was educated when their ivory inlaid elite forgot God and all humanity as they preened on the stolen properties of the Citizen made slave.
I hope by God they are consumed in a reckoning to match the Great Tribulation in being wasted for the creatures they are.
nuff said
agtG 232y
Too bad, as you will be informed, as America is a nation of Les Miserables, in the best of times and the worst of times. It has been degraded by design to Karl Marx's communist manifesto in the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. It has become a nation where the idle rich have no comprehension of the working poor.
The picture below is what is wrong with America. There are now thousands of these young girls, they do not at the early 20's have an semblance no more than their rapist male counterparts have any relationship to being called men or women as they are juvenile in lacking all existential experience.
The American rich have never sweated from work in their lives, but sweat from work outs in perspiration so free of body odor the human condition is foreign to them.
Lame Cherry
Quote me on that my children.
These are the great divide in America. The patrician Republicans and the feudalist democrats who have nothing but money to waste, are bored so they have time to worry about the mirror mirror, never work so they are too exhausted to whore around, and are connectedly pretty so they graduate as idiots and are hired as eye candy by companies so unproductive they have to hire Asians to get any work done.
Let me repeat that reality for these clueless American children all housed in bodies whose identifcations all read over the legal age.
The American rich do not work. They hire Mexicans to sweat for them. The American rich do not think. They hire Asians to think for them. The American rich have no goodness, so they keep blacks as pets to pretend they have a soul.That is the reality of America in real Americans are having a deliberate genocide waged against them. They have no jobs. Their heritage is robbed from them. They are inflated out of affording a life and their America is now this feudal plantation where imported slaves are managed by the idle rich in the worst of social crimes where Americans are exterminated as in the days of iniquity and replaced with an ignorant class to inherit their earth.
Lame Cherry
The richtard are the offspring of the baron and tycoon coupled with the intellectual and theorist.
One exploits and the other manipulates. They are a Godless group whose religion is God is on the shelf for holidays, but they write their own morality in the halls of Washington.
Their idea of a challenge is getting up before 9 and their idea of social crime is an American who believes in God.
What normal person has the time, the money or the complete lack of humanity to invest fortunes in an Super Obama Depression in clothe to pose in, the hours necessary to bathe, preen and pose, and it never occurs to them that Americans in the tens of millions are in America who can not afford a car, a home, filling a gas tank or a grocery bag, because they have been sentenced to debt, debt and more debt in education bills, medical bills and spending bills which reward the Wall Street Welfare elite with looting of the Treasury as much as the bribing of the welfare classes, all so they do not riot.
All of that money is stolen and not earned in the hands of these richtards and they are worse than the illusion of Marie Antoinette as she at least thought in terms of eating cake, while this American elite dines on the flesh of aborted babies, corpses for organ donations and necromania in waiting for the parents to die to inherit the wind.
I honestly am at a point in I hope a French Revolution engulfs America. I hope this American mob rises up and it becomes a savagery of which would make a Russian cringe in their brutality. If it is not in this mob, then I hope it is a Eurasian horde sent to educate this elite one day in invasion with gang rapes, childrens heads bashed in, pregnant women cut open, and men crucified on pikes as yards of skin are filleted off for whips, just as Israel of old was educated when their ivory inlaid elite forgot God and all humanity as they preened on the stolen properties of the Citizen made slave.
America is a ruling class of rapists and whores, both in finance and in flesh.
Lame Cherry
I hope by God they are consumed in a reckoning to match the Great Tribulation in being wasted for the creatures they are.
nuff said
agtG 232y