As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, my children, it is by the Grace of God that I am proven right again and again and again.
Baby has said that Lame Cherry knows all, and it does appear the situation and it makes one wonder if all the rich people how much I know of your embarrassing secrets which could be posted here along with the screeners in all the criminal things you have done which could be posted here.
Amazing things about being friends in I never notice thing but those who choose to be enemies then all sorts of things the blood of Jesus does not wash off suddenl become things on the mind.
Yes it is amazing as I wait upon the Lord for that hundreds of thousands of dollar donation in the tick tock of the clock, how many more things I know than ........well I could go to Homosota and fsh some Walleyed Pike in the Arrowhead in the Boundary Waters Canoe area, to enjoy the howl of moose....I mean the howl of wolf and the 'ooaah" of the moose as mosquitoes the size of kias drone over my Lund boat powered by a 25 horsepower Evinrude..........
You have no idea what I just did, but giving that speech in Minnesota with things like metro and out state western Minnesota and the Iron Range, DFL......would just put them at ease in having them all believe that I was a native .....probably could sayI have a cabin over in Wisconsin where I can hunt deer when not at the Dells.
If I added John Froyd to the old people, they would puzzle and remember him, and then would know I was a Minnesotan just like them too.
Want to hear about Mississippi and the Fighting Okra eh?
Leave the eh off if not in Canada though as we can not all be Charles Adler.
Where was I?
I know you like reading what I write so much that anything I post here is most intersting as you are learning things and being taught things about how to fit in and make the natives all think you are one of is what skillful operatives do as sleepers, but they can never cover up the predator in their eyes......that blow fly eye stuff of Obama when he was not Sgt. Pepper....and yeah America got the Herodian she wanted to get sticky wet over in the sheets........
Where was I?
Oh yes, the reality is by God's Grace in the condom bomber AKA the underwear Christmas Bomber this blog revealed that al Qaeda was going to be putting in bombs inside their trunk areas...........
You have to know what you are doing though in bombs just make messes in you need it to blow out instead of like a mortar exploding in the mud and all you get is a dull sound. Pyrotechnics are technical and .....well it just requires an understanding of how to deploy a bomg inside a human cavity......bones and all that and while you might kill some fashion model with a rib of a terrorist, instead of making a sexy Eve as for Adam by God's hand, that allah stuff for al Qaeda run out of 1600 Penn Avenue just has major problems to overcome.
Moriches Daily- by Zachary Reis- 1 day agoA significant threat from an al-Qaeda affiliate has prompted concern about devices that could be implanted inside the body of a terrorist.
There is a better way but I will not explain that operation, as I am a loyal gulagonian to the regime, "Long live Obama" "Hate your fat children" "Suck dick not stick it in unless of course with Muchelle"......what else, "Birthers forever!!!!".
Ok now what else was the Lame Cherry right about again?
Oh yeah the post which stated this IS NOT about terrorist attacks but is cover as you probably missed one of the embassies closed was the ISRAEL embassy.
Ah, that is secure from anal rape ah it goes back to WMD pollution in a regional war thing being pushed as was revealed here weeks ago.....hell if you go back it was years ago in the grande outlie of the European powers.
U.S. closing Tel Aviv embassy, 13 other Middle East missions over ... days ago - U.S. State Department instructs embassies and consulates in region to take precautionary steps; CBS: Decision tied to Al-Qaida plot.
So I was right richtards and screeners follow around your regime paid Mockingbird bloggers, get the leash on of the commenters in posts paid to lead you astray, listen to your Mockingbird local and national "trusted sources" as of course who you have judged trustworthy only reflects what a dumb ass you are in being duped as each one of the mic heads appeals to a certain group of rats in the maze.........
Here let me say something.......
"You know folks, the rich in America are the backbone of all which holds up the body of this world. The rich have wealth they astutely cultivated and now hold it for the next generation in trust. The rich are generous in donating money in 9 11, hurricanes, Boston bombing, medical research, and I jsut want to say we owe a big debt to the rich and we should all be on our knees thanking God for the prosperity God obviously provided for the rich".
You know bullshit like that..........the richtard just eats that up and hears it in Manchurian script about once a month, and the rich just suck it up like beer at a tailgate gathering for the jock wanna be under stress working class.
Want something for the lurkers who know it all?
"I have to say that the people who engage in weighing all sources make up the most enlightened audience there is. This radio program has always been blessed with the most intelligent of listeners. Their observations in understanding the real story is what is the fine thread holding all of this together in these many conspiracies."
See in the above you have the excuse to the rich to funnel their money to regime skim charities so the poor are not helped, with the rich hording things and the absolution of their being A Holes and they just bathe in that justification.
In the screener screed, you have that appeal to this group of dolts who hide in thinking they are brighter than others, but the pollution of all the propaganda sources provided to warp their minds and that justification that no one likes them, so they are alone and being isolated they will serve the regime in being they become more miserable and depressed to commit suicide.
That is what is constantly taking place and I never do those things here, and the rich should like the screeners appreciate that I have the ability to manipulate you into things you would think were your ideas by your triggers. Instead you get a does of facts in what A Holes you are and are going to hell as that is for you my woodshed event to reveal to you what you really are.
This blog is apparently the last major source in media as a watchman warning you things of what is taking place. The signature is growing and it is logical operations are involved to produce counter intelligence so what appears here will seem incorrect.
It is your right to be like the deluded in the days of Noah to disregard what was coming. You can be like you are in thinking your money is going to float your boat, but the Ark door is going to be shut and the rain is going to be a deluge wiping you and your little pissers out.
It is not going to be rain, but a tidal wave, war, pestilence, nuclear radiation, solar flare, meteor and your regime slaughtering you in mass.
Would it not be prudent to not be a fool like those who did not buy some decking for Noah or help round up the gazelles?
If you richtrads require telling, it would be prudent to be donating in the 6 figure amounts when you have multiple millions as this is about giving in proper amounts you can afford, and not about tax deductions nor about acting like you are God in deciding what is "good enough for the whore on her kees".
If you do not like being defined a richtard going to hell or a screener going to hell, then stop being one. Stop being warped on the propaganda you have been conditioned with for decades enabling you. Stop trusting in money and stop thinking you are that intelligent because you listen to FOX or a dozen Manchurian brain draining sources.
I want the big donation to prove that one of you wealthy people who would not miss it actually can break out of that MSNBC or Limbaugh's conditioning you have been subject to. So far, you rich people have proven your programming is cemented in repressing you more than when Obama was not an entre.
Lame Cherry was proven right again on surgical implants years before they arrived, right about the clearing of embassies is not about terrorists.....and as a bonus, the rich and the screeners just received a lesson in front of all of my children who now have learned how this is all accomplished in the other mic sources everyone is subject to and how it conditions all of you to their possession.
Well I have things to be Inspired by and things to try and progress as you children and brats become more informed here. You bratty rich and isolated lurkers with poisoned souls, you can become God's children by just changing your outlook in Christ. Invite Him in, ask to have a clean heart and right Spirit put in you, and then just study the Bible for a few minutes a day to put something into you which is not this media garbage. You can not get your necessary daily does of God's Spirit listening to frauds say God bless You in the mic heads nor even reading some verses here.
You need personal time with God. You need to admit what you are and not reject it as that is what satan desires to keep you on the chain gang to hell. God is there, just start speaking with Him and start shedding yourself of the propaganda.
nuff said
agtG 328
PS If you do not like me in the idea of donating 500, 000 dollars, then for your sake, be led by God to find some family you can invest in who are desiring to build a life in a business you can help shepherd silently in doing George Baily good. Ask God for help to find them and then pay attention so satan does not mess things up for you or them.
For the screeners, get out from behind that computer and when you are presented with opportunities like returning a cart to the stand at Walmart or holding the door open for someone, do it with a smile and do not be pissed off if people do not care.
You don't have to go to China to teach Chinese English nor open yourself to injury in Chicago streets. Just do some good in how God moves you. Practice it daily until it is who you are. If you will not do good here, then for your sake do some good somewhere for your benefit.
Stop thinking you walk on water, as you are not a Terry, a Brian, an Alison or any of the number of good children here who are always questioning their supposed faults when they are the best of people.
There was an Evangelist from Europe back in the Cold War Iron Curtain days, and I remember how he used to take Bibles into the East Bloc in his hollowed out car, and how the border agents armed with AK 47's knew he had Bibles and searched his car and never found them.
Someone asked him why he just did not fly over and throw them out, and he said, "The Bible said GO YE and not THROW YE".
I am pleading with the rich and the lurkers to stop and I mean STOP. For your Spiritual HEALTH, stop throwing the money you have at charities and then posing for pictures or taking tax deductions. Be SMART and ASTUTE and get involved with some responsible people in helping to build their lives in a grubstake. Do not be an overlord, but let them learn like you do. Would it not be as I always thought be wonderful to have a table at your restaraunt you ran with your partner and having a meal, and looking at waiters working hard because they have a cut in the profit share and seeing your partner's family building a life in Conservative education, as you eat your steak?
Would it not be nice lurker to have neighbors who waved at you, and were glad to see you, because you waved, smiled, offered help, instead of hiding behind a computer screen because you are sure people hate you? Make the effort to smile and open doors as a start. Of course do not be buddies with the dope dealer or whatever else is lurking about, but the point is have a relationship with more than a computer, and stop lecturing at people as you know things, and when they need to know things, they will ask.
My children have these lessons down through disciplining themselves and daily working to be in life and not looking at it or hiring it done. They take children to petting zoos and have their hat munched on by goats and they are helping people in legal trouble not making the huge dollars.
People are here in this garden plot to grow Spiritually. It is not about being a jock, a millionaire, a know it all or locked in some room away from life.
There are enough Angeliina Pitt's sticking their noses in other people's businesses and not doing the job in policing their own lives responsibly with God. Get with God, and learn to LOVE YOU as you are loveable and you will gain self respect when you start living by those 10 Commandments in working to be better.
Just start today, and when satan has some ass be mean or some peer sneer at you for actually not being at a party, as you are working out plans with someone you chose, perhaps with a Pastor's assistance to help them build a better will in taking another step be who God intended and fulfilling who you are meant to be.
God bless the good children for the Good of God in them and God bless the brats to empower them out of the power of satan bringing them to their ruin in Christ's Name Amen and Amen