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TL was adding a pile of new friends on Facebook, and except for Sundae who is our favorite say of the week, I suspect to be on easy street as the reality is on LC FB freindshops is they sell for 3000 dollars an add and as this is the honor system, I know the donations will come rolling in.

Of course my best friend in Sheriff Joe's 3rd testicle in that posse who abuses me in FB notes refusing to pay 500 g's for the name of my source on Barrry Chin, but is now threatening to tell the entire Birther movement I am an Obama supporter and do not want B. Hussein from office....well now you know why I do not deal with people for all the fun they are.

See let me explain something. When one is a celebrity one has insignificant people looking to be someone try to attach themselves to you and then take credit for all you do.
Amazing to me in I have been the Birther who kept this issue alive after WND and Corsi could no longer see the profit in it. It is always most pleasant to be smeared by idiots who are tourists riding on other peoples donations.

I do hope we are still friends though as I do not think I could not bear us not being friends.

What does gain my wrath though is ass mail upsets TL and that puts those people on the wrath list for God. After all the punishment was something about taking pictures down so I could not have access and we all know how much  I was looking forward to masturbating to those Facebook hot photos.

Yes when you are a woman all these males think they can come in and slap around the popular girl in being so brave. In real life the story is so different as the women make them limp from the staple stare.

It you have to join something to be something, you are still a nothing.

Lame Cherry

As TL stated, if the posse would wake up they were being fed rope to occupy them just as Orly Taitz was fed the same rope to keep the people from revolting, perhaps they would not be so revolting in being upset that the things they wanted did not go as they planned, but realize all of this was planned out to bleed off energies in the courts or the ballot boxes instead of the streets.

It is what Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh are paid the currency for to keep you chasing your tales, yes TALES.

That deserves a Lame Cherry quote as apparently I'm a communist now too from the spokeshat of the birther posse.

The Obama regime from day one posted conspiracy versions to not keep the hounds of America at bay, but to keep the dogs chasing their tales.

Lame Cherry

We are all friends here though now and all the donations pouring in from FB adds.

Oh to the person who keeps trying to add me, you have reached you 5000 friend limit. Try sharing some with the red sash as it needs friends in drunken 1:30 AM rants.

Always amazes me in how many people think they are immune from God's fire and brim.

Wow when I get 50,000 dollars in donations I can..........not much you can buy with 50,000 dollars..........guess I will have to get more friends or friends who donate money as being Sheriff Joe's 3rd pistol does not have much donation in it.

Number of lawsuits and legal actions in 1776 against King George that won America her Independence?


Number of lawsuits and legal actions in the Obama years against Birther Hussein that gained back America her Republic?


Lame Cherry

My sister, who is the one who was killed riding with a drunk driver when she was 20, had an octagon dice with sayings on it. One was, Never Hit a Man when He is Down, as He may get up.

The other was THIMK.

I have warned you children from the start of this, that it is much easier to play this game if you know the rules of the game.

I am here by God's Grace being His conduit while millions are kept safe and have no idea what I is being accomplished and afforded here. I am tolerated by those who manage this world while their underlings would assassinate me. All the same, they do have exuberant types who do scuff me from time to time before they are reigned in.
God makes this look fun and easy, but regrettably none of you could do this nor be worked through.

All I ever wanted was enough money for a place of my own with TL, so I could be insulated from the world at least part of the day, so I could listen to God more focused and not have to deal with asses bothering me, because they can not get the job done and want me to give them things which would endanger them.

The reason I do not forget Lawrence Sinclair or Andrew Breitbart is because I know what all of you vultures are like in you use people and then forget about them the moment you have no more use of them. You would do the same to me and not give a thought if what you did caused my death or more harm to me.

There is not any sense in explaining this another time as the 100 other times do not get the point across. You are not me. You can not be me, because God only works through people who give Him all the credit. Obama has never been an issue. He is a diversion and what his entire political dictatorship was all about.

As you require telling, all that is left in this world is the Lame Cherry. Everything else has fallen away like World Net Daily or are leading you deeper into the abyss as Coast to Coast. This is it, and if the cartel decided to shut this down it would be gone as I have no assets to show up any place else.

Then what are you going to do, stand around with that dazed look on your face as they pick you off for sport?

I disappear, they won't have to pick you off, so do not delude yourself about your intellect or importance. If you were as smart as you think and as important as you lie to yourself about, you would be Andrew Breitbart dead already.

Yeah this is all so easy, you don't need me and you can do it all yourself

Well, do it then as you are the adult here. Go ahead and step out and become a real target.

I am all for Independence General Washington, but can't you do it without asking for money as you know you can bank on my support just like my descendants will be backing Lame Cherry.

Lame Cherry

Either you are in the fight or in the goddamn way.

Lame Cherry

The worst thing is every civilian and every enlisted thinks they are a General and then when the shooting starts all you see are the holes their asses are hiding in.

Lame Cherry



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