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Breeder boy Obama


I think if I hear Mark Levin parrot "It's about redistribution of wealth" again...........I think I will just be as disgusted by his ignorance as I personally am now.

These phrases are just not what Obama is doing. Redistribution of wealth is what democrats were up to, but Obama is nothing about that of the sort. There is a reason this blog coined the definition FEUDAL LORDS and FEUDAL STATE, as that is what Obama's aristocratic benefactors have implemented around the globe.

Obama AKA Barry Chin WAS a Marxist as first defined here, and Mark Levin timidly lurched into years later being a puss lips fag coward in not telling things like they are. Obama though is no longer a Marxist.......and yes this is another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive explaining things.
I was first by God's Grace years ago defining the power spectrum in one had communists and nazis on the left as both are leftist groups. In the middle one had democracies of mob rule on the left and Republican forms of Government on the right.
Then one had further right juntas and the monarchies which degraded into despots and tyrants in the extreme right.

Barack Obama is an anti colonialist not because of what Dinesh D'Souza plagiarized about, but because Colonialism is a monarchist form of extension of the Magna Carta.......meaning colonies are groomed states meant for self governance while remaining loyal to the original monarchy.
Obama hates this, because his feudal state is authored by absolute rule of the conquerred with managed local despots enforcing the order of the state. In true sense, Obama is Empirical in the way the Emperors of old were. He is not an emperor, and only a guise of a satrap in reality.
He is not a Pontius Pilate though as he is no military governor of that fine order. Obama is just a bastard boy of a breeder program meant to enforce his sperm donors oracles as a loyal member of the herd.

Barack Obama AKA Barry Chin is not interested in redistribution of anything. He is defined by centralized power and wealth, so competitors can not arise to depose his or his Berliner boys.
It makes no sense for Obama to take GM and it's power structure and turn it over to the union mob, who then can raise up some Jimmy Hoffa to raise hell with the political structure by redistribution of wealth and power.
No Mr. Obama Chin, has horded trillions of dollars and usurped the electronic voting structure to centralize and monopolize power in a empire form, with conglomerated management of the business structure to keep it from becoming an antagonist structure.

This is the feudal state in reality. It is the semblance of Claudius yearning for the Roman Republic pretending he is a Republican while gang raping Boudica and her daughters in Great Britain. B. Hussein is an illusion where people think they are empowered in voting, while Obama is Caligula doing the sodomy things while doing the fairy princess dances.

Obama is all about the few ruling the many. The elite are able to amuse themselves in the manipulation of the masses as the livestock of their fields. Obama has now graduated from Stalinist tyranny to the lord of the manor dictating the lives of all.
In some ways, Obama has become the mullah to the masses in ordering how they live and die as this Secular Islamist meets the Suleiman of the Ottoman or Persian Empires.

As I have stated, money in this is not important. Money is simply the enslavement tool by inflating wealth into poverty as the accumulated wealth of trillions in the hands of the commerce few becomes the weapon to chain the masses.

People simply do not have any experience in this world which Obama is initiating as it is archaic from the days of pre Magna Carta. It is nobles raping men, women, children and beasts as it was their right to deal with the populace who they owned to amuse themselves, as people would not be able to appreciate art or God............those ideas were too much for them to consider and they should not be taxed with that burden of thinking.

Obama does fancy hisself as one of these aristocrats of the order. He does this now like an Animal Farm pig, because the aristocrats told him this and this is how they have this merchant boy from the breeder program carrying out their tasks in simple manipulation.
Obama is from the commerce lines. He is a bloodline of some slummer who deposited semen in some Horn of African whore who made a bastard that ended up in Hawaii at the docks to dump a load into Anna Chin, when Barack H. Obama Sr. was firing too much dust to impregnate his anchor wife.
That is what the Chino Spanish Filipino Chin was. She was an anchor wife for this African bastard and she was supposed to pop out an anchor baby for Kenya, but ended up popping out Obama who the Dunham's tried to pawn off on Indonesia as Suarto's replacement in the Dutch colony of oil wealth.

That is breeder boy Obama. He is like the organ grinder monkey mimicing the owner in thinking he was human too. The grinder allows the monkey to eat the peanuts and dance and the monkey thinks he is acting human on his leash.

I can only tell the insider stories from the European lords as they amuse themselves over their boy Obama. He has always been a joke to them in being the designer negro who they would never allow selected there in Othello over the white foils. Obama had one resonant structure and that was to do the dirty work for the anti Christ which will arise in Europe. Obama prepares the way like an ejaculation in all that twat stench, while the anti Christ is the orgasmic spiritual revelation in that aura of where this is all being taken.

This is about satan in power as sole leader. This is about the anti Christ as his son of perdition. This is about the false prophet in the role of their spiritual presence in the anti Godhood.
There is no place for a breeder boy, playing as the John the Baptist role in this unholy trinity. The adoring mystics and their dedicated prostitutes are of the families of the higher order. Obama has no place in this.
The Rothschilds and lesser Rockefellers are of that financier order........then comes the Bush types lower yet as money changers........then comes the commerce class of merchants, and that is where Obama was bred from and he was degraded to the political class which is about like having rats on the linen table equal to people like you Americans of the anti demon bloodlines which God bred to sow His Spirit into to make You His Children.

Shit pot hannah, girl from Tarzana, you children have got to get this stuff as you are being fed old talking points by Levin and Limbaugh is not about to let this stuff slip as his blonde minder livescreens his blackberry..........too deep for Hannity too in being naive, and you are never going to hear this from the Letterman cocktail crowd as those beastmasters are some race employed to f*ck the help for entertainment like Lara Logan getting gang finger raped.
See one does not engage in ishy sex when one can have the animals gore themselves for you.

Thinking on this now........

Think that is about it in explaining all of this enough in terms which you can fathom. You are animals now in a gulag, serving masters you will never see, and an Obama is making you pass under the rod for sport as he is the overseer pretending he is the guy in the big house, just because the plantation owner raped your mammy on her first period and out you popped.

Obama is about centralized wealth and power as he cons the sheep as a Judas goat leading them to the slaughter for the real powers who installed this political bastard.

I truly am bored with all of this as Obama is a dim bulb on the black light stage. Exposing what he is, certainly is what the aristocracy is interested in as they do not appreciate the help being known as them, but they do amuse themselves in seeing this little breeder boy prancing about like he is one of them, but never will be.

Enough of this twat face stuff and Levin puss lips stuff........all just nasty ass that I don't watch on PBS animal shows with those Obama voters getting all frog over animal sex.

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