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The Good People


My children, I wanted to share with you a letter from one of your family today, as I do receive notes from you and I desire to show you how good each of you are.
It means a great deal to me to read notes from you and every one of you is a good person. That is so very pleasing to me, as having been in this for years, I have had numerous encounters with poison pens.

I was going to send you this big long diatribe explaining a bunch of things, but to make things short and to the point, I know JUST how you feel about poor Emma and I'm VERY sorry about your having to go through that right now. I hope in the next world after this one, you will find her along with other loved ones, by your side, in Christ and be forever together. I'm not rich and can't afford thousands or even hundreds, but I will try to help out from time to time when I can. Thank you too for a very nice way of explaining things, direct and to the point, you are able to communicate the classical gospel in a way that may be easier for the modern non-gospel oriented minds to comprehend. It shouldn't have to be that way, but given today's state of things and as precursor to the Two Prophets yet to arrive on the scene, it is good that you do say what you say. Thank you again and God Bless you, TL, your mom and Emma too.

So you understand I was moved to share this, because I want you to know there are many people out  there like you. I also want you to know that no matter how much this regime tries with the cartel to make you feel like you are the only one out there, that is not the case in the least.

I also know in backdrop that it illustrates what I say in all of this in the people who are poor are the ones who have done the hard work, while the richtards sit there on piles of money being asses. I do not know if ATM's work at hospital death beds, but perhaps the rich know how to donate off of mobile phones that hospitals turn off.

There is a vast difference between the good poor and the rich selfish. I know each of you good people are going to have riches in glory in Christ. I would that I could make all of you millionaires to have you hidden away for what is coming. The "what I can do now" though is having God mould you through what He does here. I hope it has prepared you for the anti Christ as Obama was a preparation, even in the Jinn to make you aware.
It is fitting to show you in the Light of God in you to the darkness of satan which are these goat assassins who sent out all that evil to me, and Emma absorbed it all in death.
I give Mark Levin a hard time, because he deserves it, but that is what probably degraded his dogs and murdered them. He though I doubt was digging any graves with his clean fingers and manicured lawns.

That though is the point in this, you my children will be with Christ as you are in Christ. I know Emma and my other and TL's pets who are good are in Heaven. I know for a fact that Emma is with Joan of Arc as I have seen and felt it. Emma is a favorite and she likes golden apples......she certainly liked apples here.

The Holy Ghost offered instructions to me today on what is ahead for now. I have an extended commission to the 13 tribes of Israel, an that means the Americans. Lamentations, mourning and woe are coming.  I am to tell them how evil they are and Judgment is on the way. I am not to coddle this nest of vipers, but tell them they are dead and they must change. They will not change though and the reality is in the time ahead, they will not be buried when they die ghastly deaths, and their rotting corpses will litter the land. They will be dragged from their places and dumped, so others will reside in their mansions and enjoy what they think is theirs.
They are fools and their souls  are required of me....... I was going to type THEM as the Bible indicates, but the Holy Ghost did the typo and He meant it. Their souls are required of me.
I see them everywhere I look in mind like the buffalo skeletons scattered from Bismark to Missoula in white landmarks unburied on the land. Their stench will rise from the land. I know what the dead smell like. It is sour like rotting pigs. It takes months for that to wear off and it can not be washed off.

I know the rich are now afraid of me in the message for them in what their Judgment is. It has reached even to the minders in when you have money and power, you always delude yourself into the lie that you are untouchable.

I have to make the Way for those who will listen in protecting them in preparing them. I look though for the Two Witnesses as they will come with fire in their hand.

This Emma situation has been extremely trying as it started in January really in concern about her. The last 5 months were very hard as they started with a phobia of her falling down and with cattle in my experience, when they go down, they will die if on their back in hours. I did not want to have Emma die from any mistakes.
She was though a lesson, and one of many teachings in I have no problem now cutting the strings on the rich who use their money to blackmail me and others to hint they will share it, but never have any intention to as it is part of the game.
TL was moved by the Holy Ghost to share the commands from St. Paul about the rich being generous with that money God has in their possession. That is the Law of the Gospel. You would have though thought the end of the world had come for the silence from them. That evidence is fine, and the next step of course if they will not be generous, for the command to come forward from Christ FOR THEM TO SELL ALL THEY HAVE AND GIVE IT TO THE POOR as evidence of if they love God more than money.

See my children if the rich had just given a big donation, they could have been blessed in me, and kept what they had. It will all be taken from them and their live which is God to require and not their possession.
The same is true for the malevolent trolls. If they had just made a fitting donation and said, "I'm sorry for being evil to you as it was a mistake".........that part would have been wiped away. All of these though just are afraid as they can not face what they are, make amends and then stop running from God Who they are going to face in Judgment, so it would be BETTER FOR THE RICH TO FACE HIM NOW IN REDEMPTION BEING CIVIL TO SOMEONE GOD IS WORKING THROUGH than Jesus as Judge with myself and others as evidence.

I will help those who are not like David in being good, but you richtards and screeners stop acting like I am going to wipe your ass all the time in saving you when you are intent on staying in the Obama Abyss.


I do not know what to say, but I am sorry for things. Here is my donation as I know I can not buy things from God or you. I just want things right as best as I can.

That can be copied and pasted, and it settles things as long as you are not pulling something again and you understand you have to have Jesus as your only Way to eternal Life. You have to try daily to mould the life God gave you to the 10 Commandments. That means being like Scrooge in transforming to they type of generous person he became in addition to Christ.
God nor I do not want you giving everything away, as your being poor only makes more poor. You do though as I have told you, have to get involved in doing hands on good away from those regime charities which keep your hands clean and do nothing to have you have contact with people that are good as that is what you need.
That is the same for the computer lurkers. You have money or you would be out working. You dump around 1200 dollars for high speed a year and can afford it. I am not asking for your home. You have to though stop being an ass to people in real life so you do not lurk around in computers.
Be nice to check out people, even if they are beasts. Return shopping carts as those people in pissy Walmart jobs might never say thank you, but you will start to see a reality that is what you used to be like.
Get some human contact with good people by just being good in your daily life in holding a door open for someone.

You change by the little things in being courteous. I am not saying be a door mat. I am saying just stop being mad or arrogant all the time, and start being at peace in God.

If you richtards and screeners need a reminder, I am being nice to you after you all have been asses. I have reproved you in exposing you for what you are as it is necessary, because you have a way to Life or a way to hell. It is your choice you make, and do not expect me to fall for your damned lies or scams when you are treating me like shit, murdered my Emma and are off doing worse things today.

Just reread what David wrote. Is that the things which come from you or do those things sound foreign? That is what this is about. It is not about some Jinn at the Oval O as I can  tell all of you, that America falls like the rest of the world, and billions die. People will find that money will not save them from what is coming and Jesus is the One Who comes back not as a lamb, but as Warrior King slaughtering the people like you.

You have got to get past this at this moment in flipping that heart in you which has satan sitting on it and telling you it was too much effort and you are good enough to make the change. With Christ you can change and be like the people who are featured here in notes. satan will try and stop you like wheat choked out by weeds as Jesus taught, but just try being human.
How about just getting up each day and saying I will not do one evil thing today that I did yesterday.

There are no excuses in this in money, past hurts, being programmed by Mockingbird or anything else as Jesus faced it all, and I have faced what you have. It is about deciding about not letting the evil win to change you. It is about trying to be good and better each day.

I hope many of you are frightened of me. At least you have sense enough in you to recognize that.

Do not make the mistake though that my being nice is weakness and any of your are off the hook. Nothing has changed, because you have not proven yourselves. I am still hell on wheels over your being evil as God defines it, not as you or your excuse in the world does.

You have done horrid things while hiding behind facades of money and computer screens. It is not a secret and I know it all, as God does. You know it, and while you do not want to face it, it is going to be faced now or when you are dead in facing Christ in Judgment and then there is no way out.

All of you richtards and screeners, deep down think you are better or smarter than poor people, because you deep down think God certainly appreciates you more as why else would you have money or be so smart. That is not the way it works as God puts treasures in Heaven which do not crumble for His own and the only Wisdom comes from God worth having.
You can not buy your way to Heaven and knowing how to fix a program is not a password to Heaven.

Only Way to Heaven is Jesus is Thee only password and how you treat others in helping them with money and talents is how you prove you are Christ's.

Apparently the Holy Ghost has more to say through me. I am open to it for I am His and Christ is my Lord. I will see how it goes in what God produces here or wherever He wills.

It is better to be Christ's sleeping at night in His Peace than lying to yourself in finding that to Rest in Peace without Him is hell.

Lame Cherry


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