As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......
Matt Drudge was featuring the Obama photo above and there is a definite look to this club hand. Pictured next to it is that willowy hand which appears as Barack Hussein Obama also.
You will note the eye touch photo has a stumpy type hand, and the middle finger even for "rubbing" distortion does not match the extremely long middle finger in the other "Obama" photo.
For those who will still not deal with this, this blog posts both of these back of hand photos of the Fang Jinn and Birther Hussein and asks HOW DOES THE VEIN STRUCTURE UNDER THE SKIN CHANGE FROM ONE OBAMA PHOTO TO THE OTHER?
These photos can be found anywhere on the internet, until they will be scrubbed, but the one Obama photo of the hand has definitive blood veins as all humans do and the other has a print of veins which does not match at all.
This is an impossibility in what did Obama have a " vein reconstruction on his hands"?
All humans have distinct veins in their hands and no two are alike. That is the Lame Cherry forensics on vein prints for identification. I have always been quite proud of the artistic structure of my veins compared to others, and now the evidence is once again added in shapeshifter at 1600 Penn Avenue at the Oval O, conclusively does not have the same veins in one Obama hand to the other.
That fascinates me in how this possibly can be, as I would think a demon would just clone the structure, but for some reason in regenerating an image, there are all sorts of inconsistencies which appear as have been noted here......including that disappearing mole.
As I have not been paid by any rich people the 6 figures this work deserves, I will leave it at that, as I am not working my ass off for non payment.
If you missed it Obama is ashen in one photo and in the other he is his yellow Chinese color.
So come on you richtards, con yourselves with a big donation you are not going to hell, as I had a really bad few days with Emma's murder and all sorts of satanic stuff.......oh that woodchuck you sent to antagonize me...........
Yes that little demon familiar you sent to dig under my Mom's house and was raising hell as I was trying to get some needed sleep.........was caught in a foothold trap, it was making noise and as I was laying down due to another of your attacks in an inflamed disk, I struggled up, got my 22 rifle and went out, named it for all the evil and I shot it's eye out.
Is like Jeremiah telling Seriah to read the scroll and toss it into the Euphrates and say Babylon will sink too...........sympathetic cursing...all Bible stuff of the Prophets.
Yes got a skunk so named and when a woodchuck was sent, I so named it too.
They used to be afraid of Prophets and lately some say there is a fear of them growing in the rich for some reason, but as this is all entertainment, let us focus on how Obama's veins changed which is impossible.
Long live the chicken entree.
You can eat woodchucks, as they are rodent things like squirrels.........I just tossed this one as I do not have a taste for eating things familiar.
I would think it would be much nicer to say, "Hi Lame Cherry, Here is a 500,000 dollars as would it be possible to bless me, not that I can buy such things, but is like an offering at the place of worship and better than being named for vermin".
Being a human and not a vermin would to me have more appeal than not. Is like I would rather be honored like Ronald Reagan instead of being a chicken entree like Barry Chin and having the Fang Jinn do a bad poll number impersonation of me.
I just do not understand the anti Christian.
Before you get distracted by the entertainment, explain how the veins are different in the two "Obama" hand photos.
Tick Tock...........