As everything is so festive here at the Lame Cherry, I thought, why not share all the accomplishments of the people who will not donate to this blog, but in evil thoughts and condescension produce such wonderful waymarks recorded under their names in the pages of the Book of Judgment.
This is my Emma in death.
Is she not something to be proud of in seeing what a richtard can acheive along with the hateful things coming out of people's minds like that old sod who was calling me a whore.
Just behold her, without Mark Levin cash to haul poodles to vets and give them human characteristics. This your work, and whether you cringe if you have anything human in you or you smirk and say I deserve this, it certainly is something I will not forget, nor let God forget, who can not forget as it is all recorded in your Book of Judgment.
See the cowards who stole from God here or slandered me, and ran away in tandem, are just as guilty in hearing the warning as they never did a thing to fix any of this.
I was the one with Mom getting Emma up several times a day, until she could not stand up any more, and then we fed her by hand, built a special pen for her, and my days were from 6 AM to make sure Emma was fine until I went out at midnight to give her, her snack.
You might not figure this out richtards and screeners, because you put "your loved ones" into death beds, out of sight, as you allow the state or your insurance to do the hard job of caring for a "loved one" as you can not be you are spending almost a thousand dollars on highspeed internet and you have to go get your photo in the paper for being so caring in writing out tax deductions to those people in need......that it is a foreign concept that a righteous person is there caring for humans, plants and animals as that is the thing to do.
Here let me share some more of your work.
This is Emma's bed sore you gave her. It was healing when she died, but it had maggots in it to clean out the dead flesh, and while this will probably upset you, Emma never cried out once in it being taken care of.
Isn't this the coolest thing, in Mark Levin and all the pet heads speak of how much they love animals, but you know how it is, Emma and I are a lower class of animals which do not deserve a life as only the richtard in sociopathy can feel only rich pet's pain.
Where was I?
Oh yes I was congratulating you on your being evil, and your ability to power think evil, so it empowered satan to accomplish all what your wicked souls could send out into the matrix. I know your curses were meant for me, but there is always that collateral damage in things being tortured to death by you.
This though is just Emma. You know the innocent who you are telling yourself you are not responsible for. You know this as that is what you always tell yourself. It is why you are so guilt charity obsessed and why you just can not resist making your donations known, as you just have to have the propaganda to make up for what you know deep how no one would like you without money. Why you would be like a lurker if you did not have cash. It is why your family can not stand you and why the same things you are saying about others at the club is the same judgment they are heaping at you.
Of course I am wrong about all of this and you are not responsible. Just like the pile of suffering and dead things in this world are not your fault in your personal sphere of destruction.
Of course, you are innocent in all you have in money and place, certainly just appeared by magic and you never got all that money from poor people in having it stolen from them for your dividends and you never displaced anyone so you could be the Rush Limbaugh on top, ridding the world of conservative poor wage talkers.
Yes you are so very innocent as you can tell yourself things live and die, and who are you? Your brother's keeper?
I take solace in this, as your evil has sent more destruction today than dead Emma. You knocked my internet off so it took almost 12 hours to get it rectified. Why somehow a woodchuck appeared to dig under my home, just like a year ago when your evil started all of this.
My solace?
Why it is below..............
I got to dig a grave, as real people dig graves and can not afford to have a mortician or someone else do the shovel deed. Yes I got to dig a grave for Emma, carry her one last time in my arms, take her collar off, cover her in plastic, wrap her head in a towel and place her next to the other work of your evil minds in more dead animals.
The solace?
I know your secret see.........I know the days are coming when you will be dead and no one is going to mourn or bury you. Emma gets a burial from someone she loved and someone who cared for her to the very end. You will be a bloated rendering pile of stench, as blow flies lay eggs on you, and you become a moving pile of maggots as even those stinking orange and black dead animal bugs wriggle under your pile of putrid maggot syrup dripping from you.
You will then dry, as the parts of you not chewed on by vermin, stretch to your white bones like a Jew skin shade lamp.......and no one will care. You and your kind will in God's Judgment litter the real estate like seashells on the seashore.
The only thing you will get is someone tying a rope to your skeleton and dragging it off some ditch to get rid of you as they sleep in your richtard dwellings and delight in having it all without penalty.
I know what your end is. I know where your hell is. I know the one thing you want is to be remembered and no one will care.
That is my solace in Emma who you murdered will be in God's Kingdom, and you will be ashes under the hooves of her feet.
Yes isn't this entertainment so much fun? People too tight to donate a thing, but expecting to show up on Facebook and order me about to put my life in danger again as Emma is dead and I am dealing with that, and it is all supposed to be free, free, free, free, free.
Penalty phase is coming, and I will not let myself get over Emma until she is repaid in full for her absorbing all the evil you are. I will not allow you to continue on in doing this again......because you have already started again, and this time there will be no more Emma's. You will have all your wickedness back on you multiplied.
Let us all be entertained in being morons in piles of cash thinking nothing gets hurt or destroyed in any of this.
Who does not like looking at dead animals they caused, their wounds and their graves?
Not something I crave, but then I do enjoy knowing you evil people will be repaid and you get to rot above ground as no one will care to bury you.
My kind of entertainment.......and if I have the ammunition, I will probably set up a shooting match for Thanksgiving Turkeys in the best between the skull eyes shot gets to roast the bird.
You have murdered too much of mine. You are absolutely guilty and I will not let you forget it.
This is your responsibility.
Entertain that.