Hypothermic Wombs
So it is like this..........I was talking to my Vet, and he was telling me that the livestock in America were 3 degrees cooler this spring than normal.See cows are supposed to be like 98 degrees, but...
View ArticleNetanyahu Control
As this blog has been the definitive on the subject of ANALGATE in Benghazi, there is of little interest in the skirt coup being instigated against Hillary Hamrod Clinton to defuse her 2016...
View ArticleThe Obama Murders
The reality is Lame Cherry has been absolutely correct from Day One on Benghazi as thee entire machination of the Obama regime imploded upon 1600 Penn Avenue being the head of al Qaeda in the...
View ArticleThe King's Deer
Barack Hussein Obama with Diane Feiinstein has now engaged in the death of the American Second Amendment a reality in the overthrow of the four western documents which produced the west.Biblical LawThe...
View ArticleIndustrial Slavery
Let us face facts my children and that the world embraced in the George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton policies of the global order, an old world form of commerce and it was INDUSTRIAL SLAVERY.When this...
View ArticleCrazy EFFING Obama
I got this email from the Obama campaign which is raising money to win the 2014 elections for Marxists, and the reason I received this email is an Obama operative impersonated Lame Cherry which is a...
View ArticleJodi Arias, Amnesty First
I saw this wire story about Jodi Arias, but odd thing was is this being the latest chic to be media raped as a criminal, that what she did beyond offing her ex boyfriend, was not in the story....as it...
View ArticleThe 12 Saints
As a Lame Cherry exclusive with the Tiger Lily in matter anti matter.Matthew 27:50, 51, 52Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.And, behold, the veil of the temple was...
View ArticleThe gods whom juries trial
Jodi Ann AriasI could by satire make sport of the trial of Jodi Ann Arias and have in the ludicrous nature of what is evil and what is Benghazi, but realities do take precedent at times and when Ms....
View ArticleRah rah sis boo bah
As I assess this day, I have had a harder than normal week. I relate that not for sympathy, but for a reality of my situation.The Holy Ghost has provided two double Bible readings for me, and both deal...
View ArticleLame Cherry proven right again, DOW hits 15000
As no one has complimented this blog in God's Grace in prophetically being Inspired to predict that Obama would manipulate the Stock Market to hit 15,000......doing so in February of this year, gee...
View ArticleThe Obama Chained Women of Libya
As a reminder how Birther Hussein Obama, has made things worse in this world, and no one is going to ever note these things save this blog, recall how Col. Khadaffi in Libya was brutalized, beat up,...
View ArticleThe Ghost of Andrew Breitbart
The flowing is a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter and anti matter from both the desk of the Tiger Lily and myself.I construct this with certain reservations as having compassion for the Breitbart...
View Article1440 Minutes
You know Keiffer Sutherland has always been a little Lost Boys creepy even when young, as he has that dwarf looking gene, in having that alien large head with those squished little ears, that makes one...
View ArticleJust pimp me
I feel bad for this chic and have exposed her here, as she reminds me of the blonde who runs one of the mind control machines linked into Baby.The reason I feel bad for her, as I have dealt with too...
View ArticleFour Four
The Gaystoric Obama, Barry Chin that is of Lederer's Hawaiian Brothel.Laugh In 1968: SUCK IT TO ME!!!!!!!!Great big gobs of green greasy ghetto pukeThe Constitutionalist Party, because we care........agtG
View ArticleThe Entitledists
Psychology is an interesting science due to the human prejudice. Rich people care about not giving money as money is their validation and nothing else "validates" them, and poor people give money,...
View ArticlePaul's Letter
I hope Paul that it is ok to post your correspondence as something you said touched me as all good people do, in so many are trying so hard to turn their lives around to be better, as that is what all...
View ArticleCoca Corea
As no one would cover this after it has lain for weeks, it is time to address it in the illegal commerce of an Obama conglomerate in Coca Cola doing business in North Korea with Kim Jong Un. Rodman's...
View Article15000 Tops: Flatline
Upon inquiry the current year is to be managed for a slow erosion of the Stock Market from the 15,000 level predicted only here first to within the 14,000 limits.The market is being managed as all...
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