I got this email from the Obama campaign which is raising money to win the 2014 elections for Marxists, and the reason I received this email is an Obama operative impersonated Lame Cherry which is a federal felony the Obama regime knew of, and they have been emailing me ever since with some of thee most trivial drivel in history.......aimed at thee most born without common sense or brains Obama voters, as who would respond to an email that starts out with "unicorns" as an example running down the street.....and still adhering to "climate change" as a fact WHEN AMERICA HAS JUST EXPERIENCED THEE COLDEST SPRING ON RECORD due to Obama's HAARP.
Yes the Obama regime is the author of weather modification and it is a DISASTER in the making for lack of a wheat crop.
This is the chit Obama sends out, and there should be Issa hearings on the terrorism of Lawrence Sinclair by Obama trolls, the hacking of this blog and censoring of emails by Yahoo, and of course there should be a reality of there is a crime in being this stupid in the idiots that Obama hires to write emails this dense as Birther Obama now has a CLIMATE CAMPAIGN MANAGER to rob idiots of money they have to donate to this fraud Obama.
Yeah exclusive of Lame Cherry in matter anti matter blah blah blah.......who wants to read about ANALGATE when it was solved here last fall, and Issa is dithering, when we got real Obama manifestation of unicorns existing.
Dumb asses, this blog explained all about unicorns long ago and they did exist.
nuff said
From:Ivan Frishberg, BarackObama.com
Subject:Unicorns exist**
Date:Wed 5/08/13 2:55 AM
Friend --
If I said to you: "Unicorns exist, I totally just saw one
galloping down the street," most likely you'd give me a sad
look and get on with your day.
But what if House Speaker Boehner and the chairman of
the House Science Committee said they didn't know if the
science behind climate change was real. (Yeah. That
actually happened.)
Now obviously, it doesn't matter if I just make stuff up
about unicorns. But it matters, and it matters a whole lot,
that so many of our elected officials in Washington who
represent us are denying science and using that denial
to refuse to take action on climate change.
It's actually dangerous -- and it matters how we react.
Each and every day that congressional leaders hold on to
their bizarre fantasy world, OFA is going to be there, not
letting them get away with it.
Add your name and say you're ready to hold climate deniers
We're going to make them say it out loud -- either
double-down on their claims, or come to their senses. The
National Academy of Sciences and more than 13,000
peer-reviewed scientific papers all confirm that the carbon
pollution in our atmosphere today is causing dangerous
climate change.
The sticky thing about the truth is that it's the truth
whether Congress likes it or not.
Unicorns don't exist, climate change is real, and we said
we weren't going to let this go.
Sign here and help Congress get real:
Ivan Frishberg
Climate Campaign Manager
Organizing for Action