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Industrial Slavery


Let us face facts my children and that the world embraced in the George H. W.  Bush and Bill Clinton policies of the global order, an old world form of commerce and it was INDUSTRIAL SLAVERY.

When this was attempted in America, and the west, the peoples rose up, and refused to be enslaved in pennies for wages and being worked to death. In the Obama feudal order he has initiated upon the world based upon the cartel plans though, the people of this world, since Henry Kissinger for the Rothschilds and Rockefellers brought into being the "oil dollar" in which the American dollar would be plundered by rising oil prices in an exchange for Asian and Latin slave labor, that the world has become nothing but holocaust work to death camp.

No one speaks of this now as the entire human rights groups funded by the feudal cartel to bring down the west, now has brought down the west in all the employment is in Asian hands which are in chains to joint crippling wear, all for the control of the world.

The American has not seen any cost of living increase in wages for decades. Instead they have been inflated out of their lives. Stocks and inflationary rises in real estate give an illusion the Americans are more wealthy, but when your home was worth 20,000 dollars two decades ago, and you were making 15,000 dollars and gas was 1 dollar a gallon and an education could be obtain for 3,000 dollars a year, there is no advancement but a gulag imprisonment of the reality that there is a minority ruling feudal rich class and a majority peasant class preyed upon.

Do you not comprehend how bad this is, when you think 3 dollar gas is a break and only spending 5000 dollars on a used car with 200,000 miles is a deal?

The world has embarked upon industrial slavery where China and India belch out pollution and death to cover the west in yellow snow and rain filled with toxins, as the Asian is used up like so many ball bearings worn out in too full of production. This is the most heinous part of world history as in the slave trade one could witness slave ships as a marker of the vile nature of human traffick, but in this Age of Obama, all the slaves are maintained in mass to be slaughtered in their government adjusted dwellings to die without a great fanfare for the world to rally around.

Think of it my children, each of you can not live in this world, unless you pay a government fine of a real estate tax in your own home. You can not buy food unless you pay a government fine for something you need to live on. You can not buy fuel which is as mandatory as food without a government fine of most of the price is a fine that is a "tax".

A tax my children is not over 10 percent and is only on those things not of necessity to survive. The British and Colonial American governments never taxed things people needed to live, but instead taxed those things which were of luxury.

Each of you is in prison and paying the feudal lords to exist in that prison as they have taken title to all you eat, sleep and breathe as their own.

The Chinese expire at 15 hours a day slave labor. The American expires at numerous part time jobs or on welfare bribes to keep them from revolt.

You do comprehend this now do you not? The Obama regime is not handing out welfare checks out of humanity, but is handing out payments to keep the majority from revolting and overthrowing this feudal gulag.

The Chinese manage their slaves the same way. They are given electronic toys or new clothes for all their labor and the monkeys go back to their pen thinking their world is their world.

Of course this is a Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive. Of course there is a better way in  the world in each nation could provide 4 to 40 acres to each family who could then feed themselves and produce an export to feed the world, as much as working at a living wage for providing for all of their needs as all prospered from Kenya to Xiangxang to Burma to Mexico to America, but this is built for the penning of humanity for their culling, all so the many can be ruled by the few.

My children, you and the world population are being cannibalized in aborticides and poisons genetic and chemical, with wars. You are the prey in being worked to death in gulags and concentration camps. The cartel is just more suave in their methods in not repeating old red flags like Opium Dens and Auschwitz or you would get wise to this herding you are all locked into.

I ask you in being so free..........can you get anything in America without a driver's license? Can you get any money without having a credit debt history? Can you get out of America or will the border guards shoot you if you try to get into Canada or Mexico?

Sound like freedom?

The borders of America and visas are not for keeping Mexicans out of America, but for keeping Americans locked into America. That is why there is not a fence built, as the police state is focused on the American and not the foreigner.

It is all Industrial Slavery, and it is the 21st century reality revealed in another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive so all can now look so intelligent in repeating that to others they exist with, who will puzzle, and then ask of it, and then smile at how brilliant you all are.

Least you could do is give the Holy Ghost credit for your theft here.

nuff said

agtG 296Y

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