Barack Hussein Obama with Diane Feiinstein has now engaged in the death of the American Second Amendment a reality in the overthrow of the four western documents which produced the west.
Biblical Law
The Magna Carta
English Common Law
The American Constitution.
Mr. Obama and Ms. Feinstein in gun control have dictated that which was thrown off as the feudal state was vanquished in the one aspect that there is only one law for all people.
Mr. Obama though desires the law of the lord, in which he takes first rite to rape the new bride before her husband, first rite to he has the weapon and you do not and first rite that he has another set of laws while the laws he mandates enslaves all.
That is what every Obama law has been from exclusions in Obamacare for key companies while you are saddled with rationed death to now the elite being excluded from gun control while the masses are disarmed.
This is the King's Deer, and for those unfamiliar with it, it was that only the royals and lords could hunt game while the peasants starved. It was thrown off in the Americas completely as one of the first acts, along with the right to arm oneself.
It was Arthurian Law in as King David noted, one law for King and the people.
Those who watched the bags were equal in share to those who fought in the battle.
That is all wiped away now in feudal lord Obama and his mistress Feinstein in destroying the equality of all people for equal Justice under the law, as Birther Obama is now like all his consorts claiming to be above not only the law, but above every American.
It is this reality that Lame Cherry is an anti Feudalist and leader of this movement while the hounds of Levin and Limbaugh bay at the moon distracting you to lord Obama dictating when you live, when you die, by disarming you as his genocidists rape your women and children under their mandates.
This is the fight and this blog is on point months and years before this baying bunch hired by the barons to distract you as their lord Obama grinds your liberty up as the dung for his pastoral pleasure.
nuff said