Psychology is an interesting science due to the human prejudice. Rich people care about not giving money as money is their validation and nothing else "validates" them, and poor people give money, because they know how hard it is to be poor.
A very nice Lady dropped me a line a few days ago, and I share it here, as recognition of the reality there are very good people in America, yet, in the minority.
All Grace To God. Thank you. You ARE appreciated. I wish you rest and a walk with The Father that may be less stressful to your self. Every word you have said *has* come to pass. If I had millions, I would certainly donate it, as I have said before, I cannot express in words how much I appreciate what it is you and TL do. I hope you feel it. I only wish I could relieve your burden and to Give All Grace To God. Your work is not in vain. (Thank you for the blog comment hint).
Now for an example of the ignorance in America, in I was made aware of a post by a skirt who should follow the advice of disconnecting her typing fingers from her brain, because the words should have never been typed.
This person was chattering on about the Lame Cherry with opinions, sounding off as judgments, but revealing complete ignorance due to the lack of the Holy Spirit in her.
It was a typical ignorant complaint of "why does Lame Cherry care so much about the Obama sex lives" or some other rubbish.
God Inspires what appears here in subject content, and that includes Sodom. To make the point to skirts, there are 10 Commandments, and 40% of the Commandments of God, deal with sexual sins from adultery with idols to sexual sins to lusting after other people's spouses.
The Bible has "lay with" 232 times recorded in it.
I Corinthians 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
If one is a sexual pervert, they will not be in Heaven nor the Kingdom of God. So when the things going on behind closed doors that liberals try to say do not matter, do matter, then those NATIONAL perversions being led out of the Obama regime, are probably of significance to the God in Heaven, and exposing that perversion here, is what is required by myself, or I end up Judged for not warning perverts.
Yes that is a bit hard for skirts to comprehend in their hair flip world, but in God's rule, those He commissions are responsible for many things. I never have been able to be a child nor hair flip my way through life. I was birthed an adult and have had to be responsible while every one else was whoring around or thinking all of this was "their life" to waste.
God comes down extremely hard on me and while I teach here with humor, this is never a game, as when Judgment comes, it is going to be brutal in piles of dead, mass rape and things from history, because when a people places a messianic foreign pervert fraud in the White House, Judgment comes on the entire nation of America.
This skirt went on, and I doubt they have ever donated here, as they are above all this giving money, but quite fine in stealing Inspiration here, and then repeating it all to the people around them as such remarkable insight they take credit for, to write that the Hypothermic Womb was such an astounding post.
All the posts here are remarkable. God Inspires it all.
That which is seen is that which is seen, but it does not mean that which is unseen does not exist.
It is like mixing an Ireman (male from Ireland) with a Jewman (Ashkenaz who says they are Jewish).
The Irish and the Jew, are interesting in the fabrications they raise, and then bring these fables into the American Right attempting by word and cash to infuse their dramatic pause upon the America they want to re create like Obama in his own image.
These Ashkenaz and Northern Ireland types gang up in friendly hand and dick shakes, to come up with all sorts of fiction. Like they have gone through the troubles, when their people were loyal British subjects, and the reason they left that grass patch piled up with rocks, is not for some grand epic, but because Mum wanted to get the hell out of Ireland and used all sorts of drunken pop excuses to just be free of that place.
You always see people getting out of Ireland, but never a mass return.......duh one wonders why.
Same with the faux Jews. They got these ideas of Jewland. It is a place that validates them like Northern Ireland does, and if it was just Irish and not British, well then even cesspools would shit rainbows.
The faux go in and buy up the Holy Land and decide as rich people to dictate to the Jews there who actually want to be Jews due to religion. The faux never live in Israel as that would mean sacrafice in lifelong military service and sucking dust and Muslim missiles all the time.
It is the fake Irish and faux Jew who really imprint on the American right, with a mix of other fraud elite. None of you have a clue how much queerdom goes on at the top as you suck up the script and have an Adelson choose a list of failures from Santorum, Gingrich to Romney, as he shuffles off to Bush 2016, and another loser none of them can pick a winner.
Then there are the Insiders, a boy fag club. What you never figured that did you, in what would a bunch of men have in common who have no women or have women around to keep them in the closet............
I keep telling you about that fag lobby of Wall Street skimmer elite, who are getting the money pipeline to them out of the US Treasury laundering funds. Same group that is pumping money into the GOP for the fag bills.
A few years ago there was a splash anal boy operating under the alias of Jeff Gannon. I suspect most of the nice folks will have forgotten the 2005 epic, but this blog remembers all on the hard drive.
Lawmaker presses White House on 'Jeff Gannon' - 17, 2005 – Since resigning his position with Talon News, Gannon has declined numerous ... Conservative former reporter has links to gay escort service... he became so concerned about Gannon's possible ties to the Republican Party ...Jeff Gannon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia resigned from Talon News on February 8, 2005. ... for the Washington Blade newspaper, where he confirmed he was gay after he was outed. ... on the grounds that Talon did not qualify as a legitimate independent news service.Gannon - 9-11 Inside Job"Gannongate," which is only now being mentioned by the mainstream news... the name Jeff Gannon and possibly other aliases, was also running gay porn ... My secretary has taken the Secret Service“Gannon” logs and transcribed them for me. ... Resolution Will Force Cooperation, Unless Blocked by House Republicans...
See what none of you have ever asked, is how in the hell does a sodomite manwhore, get a big ass job of influence inside the right wing, and it all comes busting down tied to the Bush White House?
Yes none of you want to rock the boat of the gay brothel operating inside the GOP when the fag brothel operating in the Obama regime is so much more easier to ignore, as who wants to deal with that ishy feces penis scent.
Who put Jeff Gannon into Talon News, and then who let him roam around in the Bush43 White House?
Ask yourself my children, how many of you, who are in poverty like myself would just love a 5 or 6 figure job dumped into your lap as a White House reporter out of the about having free passes to the White House......and yes you are above the law in anything you do is blocked, not just by the White House, but by numerous GOP Congressmen.
What is the context in all of this in the common thread? It is homosexuals, and the same things are taking place on the right and the left in the modern Jeff Gannon is being fronted finance to start promoting Rand Paul, as ........well how does one meet a cadre of liberals who hate Obama, and do not seem to have women around them.......or women around them cover for the closet......and they all seem to get along from Jay Rockefeller to Karl Rove.
The joke as has been published here, it is not the InsideHERS, but the InsideHIMS.
Want a nice reality from heartland Bob Dole America? Kevin Yoder the skinny dipper heir to that GOP Senate seat, employs those who are asked, "Do you swallow?"
Obama is not the only hostess in DC working his way up from receiver at the gatherings both right and left come to.
Storch wrote, "Karl used to hang out a JR’s, which is on 17th between P & S streets, before he became so well-known. This is a respectable gay bar for discreet people...," adding, "there is an expensive apartment...over near Dupont Circle that certain powerful senators take turns visiting with their pickups."
Just so you comprehend this, and comprehend this on the Obama left too, that Obama and Barney Frank are just as aware who is doing what in the "gay right" as on their "gay left", let us visit the base of this all operating for years.
Except for the outbreak of news stories concerning the Franklin Credit Union-Lawrence King-Craig Spence child prostitution scandal in 1989 that involved midnight tours of the White House for underage male sex slaves from Nebraska and reached high into the upper echelons of the elder Bush administration, little has been heard about the sex crimes of top Republicans. That is, until it was revealed that "Jeff Gannon" was intricately tied to GOP operatives ranging from George W. Bush political "Svengali" Karl Rove, to White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan, and Texas GOP provocateur Bobby Eberle. In typical Bush scandal fashion, Eberle's "Talon News Service" has disappeared as fast as Jeff Gannon from the James Brady Briefing Room and Doug Wead's secret tapes of Bush from the public ear—tapes that, at the very least, indicated Bush's prior use of marijuana, cocaine, and LSD.
The very same perverts who drove all of these cover ups decades ago, are the same panty travelers now feeding you information to condition you, and it all has the feces penis scent to it as the common denominator.
So who was it that put a manwhore into a cushy job run by the Texas GOP which led right into the White House? The commonality is sex, so these strange bedfellows were getting more than news and knew it.
How does the money flow work in all of this, in the partnering that takes place of the bed fellows who vote for Obama, help out the bed fellows on the right, who are funded by bed fellow billionaires, deciding already that Jeb Bush is your choice to lose in 2016.
What America is, is a nation of Henny Penny and Chicken Little. There are a few Henny Penny people who do all the work and then the mass shows up and takes credit for that work, which is supported by donations from people who can not afford to donate here.
The people who take the credit are the Adelson billionaires who like Foster Freiss dump millions in buying GOP whores and put up front propaganda they fund, which gives Americans those wonders of Mitt Romney Strawmen as they condition you with pillow talk to accept this whorehouse you are being pimped in.
Then the Chicken Littles come with "the sky is falling" and mock what goes on here, steal what Inspiration is here, and of course know what could be done better here, as the always experts find ways to tap on keyboards with such relish that all they have to say is so vital in not having a clue what God is accomplishing.
They of course can see the problem of realities pointed out here in warning them of the disaster coming, but just can not comprehend the problem that all of this sodomy is leading as is intended to the legal rape of children by pedophiles.
Ignorance is nothing to be ashamed of. I'm ignorant as all people are, but the evil is finding one is ignorant and then staying in that ignorance.
There are though a list of Pam, Bryan, Kathleen, Tara, Beverly, Dawn, Mike, Ellen, Paul, Terri, Shawn, Terry, Shawn, James, Dennis, Anna, Sharon, Ellen, Lawrence, Eugene, Theodore, Mark, Ann, Catherine, Eugene and a list I apologize in not naming all who are God's and have it right, and God bless each of you, as you are heartbreaking to me as Joseph, who say it all in a simple note.
Thank you, Lame Cherry! Your intercession on the behalf of Americans was appreciated. It brought tears to my eyes. The Lord knows I am at my lowest ever, and it was a truly emotional experience for me to read your last post.
My righteous indignation in all of this is all of the people above are not millionaires or billionaires like me. They have done things right in being Americans, and they are being put upon, and no one in this government gives a damn about them.
I do care and my prayers seem small service and I really am in no mood now for Crowns of Glory in future life, as crumbs and dog licking my sores, as these rich entitlists have millions to donate to a Karl Rove and his fag lobby which only lose elections.
On Wednesday I had a wonderful experience with two of the spawn of entitlists. One was a cripple who was no more crippled than a healthy person, but she had her cripple car tags on her new van and was in Subway getting food to stuff her fat I held the door open for her, and she did not bother to even acknowledge it as a cripple she was entitled.
Same with a border buster at the bank in I held the door for her and her anchor taco and voila, not even an acknowledgment I was there as of course she was entitled to all of this.
There are hundreds of millions of real Americans who are being wiped out in this Abyss and the sin in all of this is there are people who have a pile of cash and like McCain hire a Mexican cheap instead of paying some American a living wage to mow a lawn.
Then there are those who will spend a thousand bucks a year on political donations in that fraud circus or on some validation, as beggars like me grovel for my neighbors can piss on me as they are being pissed on by the elite and of course they need to unload like my siblings as doing the right thing in this world is a sin.
I met my Pastor the other day as he hunted me up at my front door. He thanked me for being in this arena and taking stands, and putting it all in Biblical context. I was reminded I was in good company as each of you are in Christ was hated first.
I was reading Job to TL months ago, and Job cries out non stop about being accused of sins in why he was having problems by his friends, when the problem was satan's hate for God's Creation.
Job laments the dichotomy in saying that evil people face doom and yet evil people seem to carry on not punished sometimes.
It is all about checed though in caring. Caring when someone is hurt in not beating them over the head with a Bible showing them their faults, but just in sympathy feeling their hurt. This world is going to be a rougher and nastier place as a new age did dawn. The old is rotting and dying, and infesting the healthy to a Lot tainted status.
God though will balance things out, and always does faithfully. People will be made to answer for what they did and did not do.
At times like these, I would that I was a clueless twerp like most people are in having too much money and not enough sense, because it would be fun to be a juvenile and not care. I know though that I could not do that for even a day, as that has never been me, and it is not most of you or you would not be here.
I castigate those who think they are entitled, those who never think about how bad others have and those who dump that God given money into the most godless things like the sodomite media rings and their sodomite politicians and sodomite cocktail crowd.
They are the problem in America, and it is not the Americans.
Years ago I thought what I should have on my tombstone, and was Inspired by this line.
Here lies Lame Cherry. Never accomplished a thing, but tried, hard.
What went you out to see, those clothed in fine garments?
Those with fine garments are not here.
For you entitledists, if you are not going to donate six and seven figures.....hell five figures to this blog, so I can get out of Dodge, then for YOUR SELFISH SAKES, at least pick some Joseph America, and partner in some lawn business or some franchise, because you do not want these Lazarus Americans on Judgment day there as evidence to what you spent your millions on in sodomy and everything anti God.
Luke 12:2 For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.
IAMX - Kiss& Swallow - YouTube
Feb 3, 2008 - Uploaded by Sharushka21
Video Responses · Thumbnail Goodnight (Cover) by AidenArrows 341 views; Thumbnail IAMX Kiss And...How much of the load are you going to kiss and swallow as you pay your paramours who never got over the shock of being birthed on their hind legs into America from that fabled foreign land the rest of the people fled.
Danger ahead: Colorado leftwing coup a blueprint for America ... Colorado model; March 23, 2013; By: Anthony Martin · Subscribe .... Reagan, Anthony G. Martin is no stranger to politics, particularly in the state of his birth, ... doing for the past 30 years with the Koch Brothers, Sheldon Adelson, and others.
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