Jodi Ann Arias
I could by satire make sport of the trial of Jodi Ann Arias and have in the ludicrous nature of what is evil and what is Benghazi, but realities do take precedent at times and when Ms. Arias was convicted of first degree murder, I actually bothered to review this case as I have other women who have been railroaded by the state, and come to some forensic psychological conclusions.
Juries are notorious for thinking they are holier than God, the same is true of prosecutors. The same juries who have more porn on their sticky computers will side with a prosecutor playing sex tapes of a woman, and find the woman guilty, not for a crime, but for being a whore.
The women jurists pissed off that this woman was sexier than they are and the men jurists pissed off the woman never f*cked them.
Jodi Ann Arias is a simple diagnosis. She was a semi attractive woman who became a blue eyed blonde out of her hispanic background, as she had placed in her from previous experience that some blonde whore had stolen her man, and if she just became a blonde, then she too would be acceptable.
That is societal rape by blonde and the males who like blondes to "dirty" them up as degrading a woman is what turns them on.
That is the basis of Ms. Arias in psyche. She was a woman who was a "battered wife" in the worst possible form, as Travis Alexander, who she executed, was a male who obtained fetish pleasure from degrading a woman in verbal, physical, psychological and emotional abuse. He enjoyed degrading a woman to whore status, and enjoyed in a sadistic way the ability of using a woman who loved him, to use love as a torture to torment her.
Travis Alexander would not "make public" his relationship with Ms. Arias, which was an ultimate form of psychological rape, as she was only good for "fucking" and not good enough to be a human.
So this was the prosecution case, and of course the headlines would be of the facts of a woman shot a man in the face, stabbed him 27 times and then slit his throat, ear to ear.
A jury of gods who are so moral in going after this woman, would overlook all of their personal deviancy, as this was about getting this woman exactly the way Travis Alexander did, and exactly as the prosecution did in turning her into an animal to be raped in various forms in this court room.
It did not matter as in the Rove Obama political gang rape of Sarah Palin in the act, because this was about getting revenge on the woman who this jury had not measured up to in other women.
It did not matter that Alexander tormented this woman. It did not matter that Alexander had pedophile lusts spoken of. What mattered to the jury of gods was that Jodi Arias was there in bondage, and these jurists could torture her in the same way Alexander had been beating the hell out of her for the entire time.
Place yourself in a situation, and forget the trial. What would you do if you had loved someone, who used you, abused you, degraded you, and you allowed it all. Then one day, you are having a day long sexual intercourse with them, and all of that fury inside of you in being mistreated suddenly comes out of you.
What happens then as an abused person, is one takes an explosive device called a gun, as you have to unleash in an explosive fury by necessity all of what is inside of you, to try and save you, and you shoot your tormenter in the face, because the face means removing his identity, as he tried to destroy your identity.
It is not enough though as the gun is just the fury unleashed, and you need to make this personal, in you pick up a knife and pierce the body of the tormentor 27 times to match all of the stabbing to the heart and soul he has carried out inside of you.
It is still not enough in all of this combined rape you have suffered and been tormented with, in you then take that knife and in one liberating slash, you attack the throat, the place you have been suffocated at, the place of blood flow, to let you breathe and to let all of that hurt flow out of you, as his existence is terminated, to never rise again to torment you, and you slash that throat in one perfect cut of vengeance.
For the reality, there is not one person in this world, who under triggers they would respond to, who would not act out exactly as Jodi Arias did, as she was an abused woman and love was her bondage and her torture chamber was a relationship with her torturer the person she loved.
Jodi Arias, did all of forensic physical evidence, but Jodi Arias did not murder Travis Alexander. Jodi Arias executed her tormentor exactly as an abused person would do after being in bondage and the emotional dam burst.
Any person can only take so much of this porn, this erotic non consent, this BDSM and this psychological whirlpool Travis Alexander was unleashing. Alexander should have like most of these males been in Christian counseling. His motivational speaker status, is a tell in he was uncomfortable in his own skin in a phobia of being sloven, and he projected that into all things, and "love" was not motivational for him, but hate filled sexual misconduct is what he gained emotional fuel from.
Ms Arias like most women of degrading sex, reverted from the bottle blonde to the frumper look, in her distaste of how "sexually pretty" had been something which ripped out the part of her, she was.
The fact is if she had been the large breasted, large lipped, blonde, the jury would have lusted for her in male and female, been intimidated by her, and she would have had sympathy and gotten off.
The brunette intellectual, that sexual librarian was the retaliation point. She had been what they all wanted to be, and rejected it, so the jury was furious deep down over this, and retaliated on Jodi Arias for crushing their dreams.
Juries are filled with bias, and O. J. Simpson is released and Jodi Arias is convicted, because juries are gods of self delusion. A degression takes place on juries and it always comes down to, not of evidence, but if the jury has empathy for the defendant or the jury develops a catharsis to vent their past horrors.
A jury places each person on trial in they are trying themselves and a prosecutor manipulates a jury to punish others for their sins or a defense convinces that a state of grace is called for in each juror is to be forgiven for being the culls they are.
Jodi Arias received no justice in an Arizona court. She was an abused hostage of Travis Alexander, and rose up in fury to "fix things" in the only way she knew how, as she was about to expire in ceasing to be as a person. It was not murder which took place. It was an execution of her tormentor.
The judge, jurors and prosecutors though took on the role of serial rapists in taking on the persona of Travis Alexander. They failed the system of Justice, because the criminal was not the person on trial, but the victim.
Yes Jodi Arias was a victim. A victim is someone who does not fight back. When she did fight back Travis Alexander beat her. When she did fight back the court beat her. When she was a victim she was willing to take the abuse, but when she fought back the state did not protect her, and when she attempted in a state of psychological fury to be set free, the state once again did not protect her, but became her abuser.
Jodi Arias is in need of Christian psychological counseling, not murder trials and certainly not convicted of murder and under a death penalty in a penitentiary locked up with other victims of this Godless society that keeps a Birther Hussein on display doing far worse Benghazi things and enabled for it, as he is that Designer Negro established to prove to Americans they are not racists in the white color, not lazy failure in the black color and not able to compete in the brown color with those whites.
The forensic psychological facts of this case is Jodi Ann Arias executed her tormentor to save her shattered life, and in return the criminal injustice system shattered her life in court and took her life.
People in the majority just do not wake up one day and become violent murderers. They are created after a long emotional rape process. But for the Grace of God, there goes each American who would be Jodi Arias, except for some event which saved them from that moment of acting out.
In reality, Ms. Arias, as long as she did not fall prey to another abuser, which she has a tendency to, is no real threat to the public, no more than any normal person, as her tormentor is dead.
She could trigger in past emotional trauma, but that is the chance all society takes in every person.
Justice should have been a "punishment" for Jodi Arias to allow her to heal, in the effect of, giving her a reason for her pain, so she would be punished in a manner like serving in a Convent under some Mother Superior to guide her as she did good deeds. Five years of that with correct therapy, and she would be in a position to rebuild the life she had before Travis Alexander soulfully murdered her in numerous attempts.
One does not start out looking like Jessica Alba and end up after a relationship looking like a shattered soul by accident. It is by design by satan and it's minions.
It is easy to state to people to not get involved in these situations, but the fragile heart is preyed upon and America is a nation of predator rapists. Jodi Arias tried to get out, but went back and finally did get out, by ending what was drawing her in.
No justice was accomplished for her. It would have been better if she had turned things over to God, and allowed this Alexander's sin to destroy him, but then Christ was not initiated in this as He was to rescue others from the edge.
Due to prosecution and the judge's malpractice in not upholding the law, in allowing the prosecution to use text messages to railroad Jodi Arias, Ms. Arias deserves a new trial, and hopefully before a judge not working her own catharsis and a jury pool not of gods exercising their own trials and tribulations in their own mistakes in life.
5 years at a convent with nuns who are Christians with virtue. That is what should be the treatment for Jodi Arias as her psychology was one of a woman desperately just trying to save herself.
nuff said
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