Upon inquiry the current year is to be managed for a slow erosion of the Stock Market from the 15,000 level predicted only here first to within the 14,000 limits.
The market is being managed as all prices are being set over concerns that a revolution would spark in America as conditions are this grave in the abyss in the Obama Super Depression.
The concern is not markets, nor terrorism, nor food prices, but the focus is upon food supply.
HAARP has been unleashed to attempt to delay the drought cycle which America is in, which again was predicted here in December of 2011 due to the harvest moon in that month as a sign of what was to come.
The current planting is in cold dry ground, and upon inquiry the regime does have and has been operating on remote viewing information concerning this drought. It is why the Soros led grain moguls started hording grain in 2012 as was again noted exclusively here, in preparation for what they were being told.
This food supply is what will be the primary focus from this point on in the Obama occupancy. This bitch slap transition from a socialist democracy of George W. Bush to the outright feudal state of the global order is producing major pains in the human condition and with an Act of God drought as a calling card to wake the people up, this phase is what the cartel is concerned about as a food panic or an outright food shortage would bring a revolution.
It is nothing of the price structuring as this blog has exclusively explained there are no market forces at work. It is all a matter of price fixing to economically rape the person in bankrupting them to gulag feudalism.
Cash though is what is the means, as the cartel does not want money involved in gold and it is why that commodity was plunged, as they will to have assets in the Stock Market where they can disappear in an instant.
For the illusion of 2013 though, the protocol is to slowly erode the Stock Market in the 14 to 15,000 levels. Birther Hussein has had his historic high in being given that in US Treasury debt.
So the managing of this is to not have plunges at this date, nor panics, as the feudal lords do not desire a problem with a revolution in America.
That is the information as of this time sequence.
Joe Biden will be a bad President.
nuff said 226