As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.I have dealt with the reason for the loss of the Republican Barry Goldwater 1964 Presidential campaign and will expand upon it, as Rush Limbaugh...
View ArticleJim Beckwith's Run
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......There are no Olympic records for the real record holders in life. Mother's lifting burning cars off children or runs which could never be...
View ArticleJust Scare the Cats
TL and I were watching one of Clint Eastwood's old spaghetti westerns, but I wonder how spaghetti they were when this one was made in Spain.I think it was a Fistful of Dollars. TL liked it the best out...
View ArticleThe African Coon Virus
This image brought to you by Sons of Liberty Tees. (They have great designs even if the prices are far too high, but looking is free.)As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.Sometimes I...
View ArticleLord of the Battle
My children, in every storm there is a Bible open on a table after the house blows away it seems, and that is like Daniel in the Lion's Den the message for all Christians in Faith. God does place us...
View ArticleTurpentine Cannon Balls
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.I was doing some Civil War reading and became fascinated with a projectile called a Turpentine Ball which was fired from a cannon. I found a more...
View ArticleHolland's Purchase
Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.......I wonder at people who think nothing of driving 30 minutes to get a pizza at 8 pm at night in how extravagant it all is. It is why there is so...
View ArticleConstitutional Traitor James Brady
John Hinkley should sue the Brady Estate for Patriot Act Violation of Organized Terrorism of HinkleyAs another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.I do not suffer my children from an Eros...
View ArticleWormwood Cakes
Opening the past is an interesting recipe in finding something called Wormwood cakes. Wormwood is a bitter weed or shrub as the Bible notes in the star which falls in the End Times to earth and poisons...
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.........In the study of "bad boy Germany", it is interesting that the Germans time and again were minding their own commerce when someone would...
View Article2017 AD
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.This issue must be understood that America or the world getting rid of the image of Barack Hussein Obamais not going to dawn a new age of peace,...
View ArticleThe Incidental Spy
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.IÂ came across an American around Look Out Mountain during the American Civil War who gave more for America than anyone.He has no name as knowing...
View ArticleThe Real History
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.Most people think that the surrender of General Lee was afforded to General Grant at Appomatox Court House. The reality is that after a crushing...
View Article3 questions in Matthew
My children, I am by God's Grace going to address the future, which too many are reacting to and not listening. Therefore, I instruct you to copy this writing, paste in and send it to yourself, and for...
View ArticleRIP Rest in Piss
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.First let us be real as the public swoons in the self murder of Robin Williams, in Williams last act in this world was pissing himself as his...
View Articlehistorical note
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.Bedloe's Island.That name will have no meaning at all to everyone, but I place it here as a historical footnote even though if every person of you...
View ArticleHistory of to Keep and Bear Arms
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.There is reason that Americans singled out certain Rights in the Amendments to the Constitution and it was for the real experience in they had not...
View ArticleCoon Commerce
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.Ferguson Missouri.This blog does not discuss things the Mockingbird Limbaugh attempts to direct racial issues on the old examination of Equalz...
View ArticleHuman Touch
You would think with a name like bamboo forest or cinnamon garden, that you would be in for some kind of rare exotic beauty, but in the end all you got is a bunch of green sticks in the way or sticky...
View ArticleIn the Dark
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.Dateline December 3rd, 1901:I have been tracing the "Gentleman's Agreement of 1897" which was brought into play in England, France and the United...
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