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As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have dealt with the reason for the loss of the Republican Barry Goldwater 1964 Presidential campaign and will expand upon it, as Rush Limbaugh with the Republican establishment getting wrong.
Limbaugh going so far as to plagiarizing this blog again in stating the reality that even the Pope could have run against Lyndon Johnson, the democrat, and not won.

My example would have been that Abraham Lincoln could have run against LBJ and lost, because the reality is John Kennedy's brain splatter had so guilted Americans that LBJ was going to be given that office even if he had a put on Hitler moustache and been caught going down on Leonid Brezhenev in the Kremlin.

The LBJ nuclear bomb ad though was telling in the little girl picking petals off a daisy and a nuke going off. That built upon the designed propaganda of the 1950's meant to scare Americans.
Harry Truman was the biggest asset of world communism, by all the 5th column pinkos and reds inside the Franklin Roosevelt regime.

Truman gave away eastern Europe to the Soviets. Truman gave away free China to Mao China. Truman then ruined Gen. Douglas MacArthur and oversaw the disaster of Korea in wounding America in that.
People forget the euphoria of World War II, was crushed deliberately by the Truman foolishness. They forget that traitors like Robert Openheimer were  giving away atomic secrets with other Jewish Marxists who were caught and executed.

It was a continuous roll of atomic bombs going off and then thermonuclear bombs. Americans were terrified and then the Soviets had a man in space. The person blamed was not Truman, but the Dwight Eisenhower administration in attempting to check all of this. The person who received the brunt of this was Richard Nixon exposing all of this.
Voters chose the handsome John Kennedy who stole that election literally over all the ugliness they were terrified over in Richard Nixon who was not a handsome man.

The people in the know knew John Kennedy stole the 1960 election. Kruschev knew it and that is what the Cuban missile crisis was about, in trying to check Eisenhower's missile check in Turkey.
So when John Kennedy was eliminated, it was just a manifestation of all the things that Americans feared in annihilation.

It did not matter that Lyndon Johnson, the democrat was a big, homely, southern thug. Americans wanted to make up for something taken from them, and were going to give LBJ a win.

The reason LBJ was turned against, is thought to be the Vietnam War,  but that was not the case in the least. LBJ was turned against not by the Republicans or Conservatives, but by the reality of the rape of Tamar.

This will confuse readers until explained as in the Bible King David had many children, by different wives. Two were Amnon and Tamar. Amnon was the male and he loved his half sister Tamar, who of course was a good girl, but Amnon on being refused, even after Tamar told him to ask King David for her, that Amnon raped her and then threw her into the streets as he then hated her with the same passion he had loved her.

The American leftist voter was emotionally raped in the murder of JFK. They then soothed themselves with a necromania with LBJ. Upon that bed lust, they got up the next morning and were upset about having sex with a homely man who was not a replacement for LBJ.
That is why LBJ was ruined in it was the same scarred psyche which defeated Barry Goldwater, then turned on Lyndon Johnson.

This group then ran in gang bang for Robert Kennedy who was eliminated by the same group who shot John Kennedy, as they were not going to allow this rabid liberal the opportunity to turn the government against all of them.

Richard Nixon was the result and I will take this out again as this all matters in the 21st century. Mr. Nixon won a split vote as the South went for George Wallace and liberals did not want a bald, chubby Hubert Humphrey with the brains and blood of two dead Kennedy's being their sexual discharge.
This allows Richard Nixon in 1968 to achieve the White House which was his from 1960.

President Nixon was destroyed, as in liberal minds he was in John Kennedy's bed, and they were not going to have sex with him, and it sent them into a fury over remembering that JFK had given them a victory over communist hunter Nixon, and now Nixon had the last win as JFK lay rotting, minus brain matter.

So President Nixon was destroyed in an organized coup by the  5th column. Gerald Ford replaced Mr. Nixon, but America was in fury over more fear and defeats in Vietnam, and put into place anything that would rid the scarred psyche of Americans.

That person was the incompetent Jimmy Carter. This individual too intelligent for his own good, ended up blaming Americans for his disaster as President, which the left turned against him as Carter was no John Kennedy. Jimmy Carter looked like what the Kennedy's rode in horses, and not aids.

The result of this was a Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter and a third party John Anderson, where Ronald Reagan attained office which was a Barry Goldwater win from 1964.

America being healed in feeling Reagan good and successful, allowed George H. W. Bush to be elected and in that America found it did not like being in bed with HW, and promptly jumped into bed with John Kennedy jr named Bill Clinton, who bribed his way to two terms.

America not being able to decide if it liked Clinton rape or George Bush Jesus, it came down to hanging tags in Florida in Bush43 attained the White House.

Again the ghosts of John Kennedy were conjured in 2004, but Karl Rove stole the election away from the unbalanced John Kerry. This all led to the Kennedy shroud passed from Teddy Kennedy to Birther Hussein Obama, another brain matter disaster from the Grassy Knoll of Dallas and JFK.

The bizarre thing in American politics is from 1960 onward, in the increasingly dead Kennedy generation, every election and political problem all goes back to John Kennedy's brains being in Dallas. All of this has led to thee absolutely most psychotic of political theaters.
In reality, Lyndon Johnson was one of the best Presidents in history and yet was destroyed by John Kennedy's brains. Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan were both of the best, and Mr. Nixon was destroyed and Mr. Reagan was eventually deemed a "liberal" as these strange leftists adopted him.
Bill Clinton was preserved for John Kennedy, but this pacifier is the reason for the seeds of the Obama Super Depression and the attacks on 9 11.

Walter Mondale would have been a better president than Jimmy Carter as would have Al Gore in leadership qualities. Others though like Michael Dukakis and George McGovern would have been negated by oblivion in their inability to lead.

While Bill Clinton was unprepared to be President, he did grow into it. The difference is Barack Hussein Obama was thee absolute worst of this group in Michael Dukakis would have at least managed government without massive debt and George McGovern would have at least built a rail system for something to show for his efforts. John Kerry would have surpassed Jimmy Carter as Mr. Kerry would have not had Chinoid blackness to hide behind, and borne racist wrath against him for being semi white.

The best of those who were denied the White House were Hubert Humprhey, who would have been a fine democratic Conservative leader. Bob Dole would have been a much more astute President than Bill Clinton, saving America from Stock Market busts and 9 11.
John McCain would have been saved by Sarah Palin, and Mitt Romney of course would have saved America from the pending Obama wars and obliterating depressions.

John Kennedy's brain splatter goes back to the assassination by an eastern European anarchist of President McKinley. This is all Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter and no script readers like Limbaugh are going to provide you with a PHD in a twenty minute blog post.
With President McKinley dead, Theodore Roosevelt was President and a great favorite of Americans. President Roosevelt though attempt to be elected to a third term, in a divided electorate is what placed Marxist Woodrow Wilson in power that plunged America into World War I.
In like manner, the staged 1929 stock collapse is what put communist Franklin Delano Roosevelt into power. FDR violating American accepted Constitutional authority in not retiring after two terms in which some very fine Republicans were defeated who would have been better for America.
The same Kennedy brain splatter is what awarded Harry Truman the White House was guilt in FDR's death from gut cancer. This then set off the chain of events in a round circle of the victory of World War II negated over Berlin, with Barack Hussein Obama Chin completing the Nazi and Marxist victory over America, the Berliner boy appearing.

If one cares to examine this, this transcends back to the European assassination of Abraham Lincoln which started as shock process of American turning inward, which brought about outward looking Theodore Roosevelt.

I should probably teach a course in this, but it would have rules in no questions from students as I dislike idiots interrupting me. All they need to do is memorize the script like Obama and Limbaugh and recite it.

Thinking should be left to fully brained women.

nuff said


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