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The African Coon Virus

This image brought to you by Sons of Liberty Tees.  (They have great designs even if the prices are far too high, but looking is free.)

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Sometimes I wonder what is going on between the ears of you people. None of you think like a cartel rule the world feudal lord, so all of you have your little thoughts you perish in. This post is about Ebola, according to Rush Hudson Limbaugh III, who is trustworthy as yellow snow, to inform all half brains that an American got ebola in Africa, and the regime medical folks, flew over a cure from private big pharm, and took the blood right out of the doo gooder's eyes.

This might sound like a miracle, but I keep telling you children that all disease is cured.......they mapped the human genome for genetic manipulation sake, so you think the same folks who brought you HIV, SAARS and MERS, can not kill a bacteria or a virus in knowing what to attach them too?

Ok so you get this.......and I am going to write this in "racist" terms as that is the way the big hosers who run this world all think, so you get the points in this.

First, the only good Negroid is an impoverished Negroid. You can not loot Africa if you got smart and productive coons about the place. One ruthless smart coon like Mandela to manage the looting of an entire nation, and that is the population quota on smart coons or as Bill Clinton calls Designer Negro Obama, that bright boy.

Second, there ain't no money in curing coons.

Why on earth cure a Negroid in Africa, when all it is going to do is die anyway?

Ever wonder why only Africa has those nifty banner headline plagues eh? No jungle plagues in Indonesia, the Amazon or in American swamps......just those coons in Africa get all the incurable coon diseases to terrify the world.
Ooopppss though there is a cure.

Crapper in the wrapper eh.

So of course they got a cure for ebola. But there is no money in curing ebola. Ebola only makes money by sucking money out of regimes for "research" and all those doctors without borders who like boarding coons for recreation.
See if you cure ebola, then all those billions in ebola research money would........well disappear, and an entire new plague to terrify people would have to be lab produced. So you get a cure, keep it around for white American folks in case it rubs off on them, and fly it over to save them while the coons die, as no one wants a cured ebola coon.

Ok so you got that part of this, and who the game works.....just like cancer, diabetes, auto immune, heart disease and whatever else out there.......Ruth Bader Ginsberg has damned incurable pancrease cancer and gets cured and is still voting for Obama on the Supreme Court..........how stupid are you children as I keep pointing these things out to you.

So you kill coons with AIDS, Malaria and Ebola to make money...is called population management....unless of course you are George W. Bush, then you start dusting Africa with DDT to save them from malaria, and there is no big money in that, so you get that ebola thing going again.......dirty bug wars with that Obama lot really. All dumping viruses in to make a few Big Pharm euros and things or West Niling Americans with new jungle bug skeeters giving them the aching joints and high fever.

This Obama regime is the Typhoid Mary carrier of plagues....more plagues from them than the black death.

Where was I?

So rich Saudi MERS gets paid off, and you hear nothing of it.....then comes ebola and some dupes fly in and save the doo gooders in this plague scare, and they should not have done that, as now people know there is a cure.........and Obama's image or Equalz could care less about any coon cures as there is no money in any of it.

I really do not care how many angels sit on pin heads, how many coons are being cropped, nor the profit margin for your Wall Street investments are earning you from staged plague. This is all just so much who cares about any of this, as what is the sense of being worked up over this when important matters like donations to this blog get absolutely no press.

I would sing, but am not in the mood. OK that is enough of this wasted space on the wall. You know the chit and it makes no difference at all as you can do nothing about it.

Woo Hoo running this keyboard like Parnelli Jones on a 150 degree asphalt at 200 miles per hour.........

Liberace at Kurachi with Obamanazi
Playin' fag time
On my radio............

Guess I was in the mood to sing.


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