As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There is reason that Americans singled out certain Rights in the Amendments to the Constitution and it was for the real experience in they had not just been deprived of them, but beaten, imprisoned, robbed and murdered for them.
Yes people used to be hung for worshiping the Lord Christ as they were moved. People used to be hung for saying what they thought. People used to be hung for gathering together. People used to be hung for not feeding troops.
The General Order below is from Lord Howe by authority of King George III of Great Britain to all Americans. This was not a Tea Tax over money, but an order concerning having in your possession a firearm in 1776.
This General Order was from a portfolio which belonged to British officer, Col. Rhal, who was in command of a battalion, and was recovered at Trenton, New Jersey by the Americans.
"His excellency (Lord Howe) the Commander-in-Chief orders, that all inhabitants (Americans) who shall be found with arms, not having an officer with them, shall be immediately taken and hung up."
It was not the guns which were hung up, but the American which was hung by the neck until dead.
The mere possession of a firearm held no arrest, no prosecution, no court, but only immediate execution by the ghastly means of hanging.
Whenever you hear the "to keep and bear arms", "the right of the people shall not be infringed", this is the actual American experience behind it, in Americans were hung to death for having a gun. It is absolutely dastardly thing the gun grabbers have descended to in even questioning that right or passing some restriction over it.
When the Founders wrote of no infringement, they meant exactly that as they mandated no excuses for where the state could deprive someone of a firearm or penalize them for it, as the first Americans had been murdered over this issue.
This issue mattered enough to Thomas Paine in Common Sense to make it an issue, as it was thee issue as the British army was terrorizing the Americans in colonies by burning, raping and hanging Americans on sight.
No infringement on possession of any gun of any type. New Jersey has some of the worst gun laws, and that treacherous group has pissed upon the grave of every Jersyian who was murdered for owning a firearm or died in defense of America.
That is the reason there is a Second Amendment as Americans were murdered for possessing one with absolutely no rights to their own self defense.
nuff said