As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Ferguson Missouri.
This blog does not discuss things the Mockingbird Limbaugh attempts to direct racial issues on the old examination of Equalz Obama and bigotry, as the St. Louis people see the national media focus on Afroids being shot by police and then the Afroids make profit off of this event in riots and lawsuits.
The Lame Cherry correct assessment of this is, I am fed up with crooked cops stopping out of state cars, looking for ways to extort money or dope from them, as they are in a bad mood, out looking for Afroids in their prowling about, who are involved in organized crime which is the mode of existence in ghetto America.
What is the problem in this, is the reality that Obama welfare has so freed up the Afroid's time in never having to work, and being able then to dabble in a second vocation of narcotics, burglary, pimping and being friends of moronic white people looking for a Nig on the leash as a status symbol, that with the Missouri shooting, all of these Afroids are now cleaning up in a 3rd source of income, and bragging about it on Zuckerberg's Facebook.
This is the problem in all of this, in the Afroid has welfare. Then the Afroid has the dope and pimp trade. Then at opportune moments they are triple dipping in being allowed to loot and sue Americans for more free stuff.
This is a massive failure of Obama, in only giving Afroids cell phones, in the Afroid requires big screen televisions and whatever else is at Walmart. No Afroid can be expected to stoop to reselling welfare card supplies, and no one can be expected to take their profits from dope, prostitution and robbery on the necessities of Afroidism of big screen televisions.
The Afroid is stopped coming out of their ghettos, because they are expanding their criminal enterprises into white communities. Now this is a problem as liberal crusty crotch Mummy voted for Obama and masturbates to he thing Muchelle, but the rich kids are slumming with the street Nigs, and gaining a direct supply, instead of going through normal police bribery channels of your local dope dealer and or prostitute who blows the cop as he sucks the cream out of donuts.
Granted this is a success of the Obama regime in expanding the profit base of the American Afroid to three daliances for the finer things of the ghetto green existence, but a great deal of this could be alleviated if the Equalz would simply hand out turkeys as they tarted in 2008...yes I mean tarted, and then, the cell phones.......but now with this genocide of blacks in the Obama invasion of America by Tacos and Take Out, they can not help but be upset in facing elimination, so should be given their necessities of life, as America is not Africa with drums and millet beer to keep the native pleased.
The Lame Cherry considers it extremely unfair in the Afroid being allowed three sources of untaxed income. The welfare trade, the dope trade and now the looting trade, are just not allowed to Asians, Mexicans nor Whites. Even the Indian must stay on the reservation to await the fort welfare, so I think Nancy Pelosi should lead a series of marches on Walmart to loot them in these Asians, Mexicans and Whites....well at least the Chinamen and Beaners, as they do vote Obama in mass.
See you never hear about the economics of this do you. You never figure out how you can not afford a car, gas and insurance, with more gold chain than Tiffany's has, as these Afroids have, and all these Nigs cruising out of the ghetto on welfare got it all.
It is because the Afroid has been allowed to double dip financially in the black market economy. In most cases, I do not care if some liberal white children are catching syphillis off some Nigs, but it begins to bother my world when the police are pissed off in not getting a cut from coon commerce, so are gunning down Nigs, who then in this Obama Super Depression are allowed to go off and loot for big screen televisions.
That is the reality in what is gearing all of this. You have crooked cops. You have cops who are sent out to police gaited communities where the sanctioned criminals who provide prostitutes, narcotics and whatever to the rich people, to be thumpers on Nigs, Beaners and Chows looking to expand their markets, as the little white Obama voter children are inviting the other criminals they are getting better deals.
That is what is behind Shithole Missouri. It is an issue, because the Rovians decided to make it liberal turf in gunning for that right winger in that special election, and has been nothing but butt sex central in pushing sodomy up the ass on those people as that state is flipped.
Missouri should just open up Coke Mart next to Walmart the way Colorado has Huff Marts for the dope trade. Granted, this will negate all the bribes and blow jobs that cops get in managing this trade, and cut out the Afroid in their second income, but it will stop these Nigs being shot by cops overtaxed in trying to protect their own criminals.
You could enforce the law, but there is no profit in that for the bankers, stock dealers, real estate tycoons and yes, the high end bling cars and jewelry, which is what funds a greater share of the incomes financing snob hill estates. So the best alternative is to just have Equalz hand out big screen televisions, with Nancy Pelosi leading some riots for Mexicans, Asians and maybe Whites, but whites appears like mold now in just laying there and being walked on, so maybe the regime could just cut the whites out.
Blacks have not worked since...........well they never did work as slavery lost money and welfare is a money loser too, unless you are selling welfare food to Nigs. You got your few Weezie Jefferson women who have always held up the race's end, but most are like Equalz and that is why he acts like he does, as that is the image of the Negroid race. Equalz has his presidential welfare ticket, got the perks add ons and then there is that dope Islam skimming going on for his terrorists, so Equalz and the she thing Muchelle have been making a good dump into banks which can not find a way to audit their millions.
That is about all the interest I have in this. I can not get a donation from people spending a fortune on kiddie cruises and things, but the Afroid is triple dipping under Obama.
You can not blame white cops in Missouri hosing down a Nig on the street over dope wars, as Obama has been hosing down Muslims with drones for years in dope wars.
Think about it, and then you will figure out again that Lame Cherry has the reality in another matter anti matter exclusive.