As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.........
In the study of "bad boy Germany", it is interesting that the Germans time and again were minding their own commerce when someone would come up and slap them, and then cry out about the abuse Germans heaped upon the world.
On the occasion of the death of Queen Victoria, the Kaiser, who was the grandson of the Queen was summoned to her death bed.
The English commoner took off their caps and thanked the Kaiser for the honor he did in coming to the dying Queen. Queen Victoria in fact died in his arms.
In the afterwards of this, speeches were made in bonds of adoration between Germany and England by the Kaiser and Edward VII. It was suggested by the Ambassador to Germany from England to make the Kaiser's praise of England known, but the speech was never heard nor seen by the British public.
The Kaiser desired an alliance with England, as she was a superpower, and being on England's side meant that fledgling Germany would have a host of lesser problems to deal with. An alliance was soon enough proposed by Chamberlain of England, but the Kaiser astutely queeried just what kind of alliance this was, as he knew it meant that it would be his soldiers fighting for England somewhere, and he desired to know just what fight he had gotten Germany involved with.
Remember now that there was a secret treaty between America, England and France, that if Germany prospered, she was to be annihilated as a nation by the three powers.
It was into this that the English reply came, that the German troops were to go and fight Russia.
Russia in her own right was the power of the east, and the Kaiser reminded the English that while Russia might be threatening India and Constantinople, that massed Russian troops on the Prussian border were something of dire straights for Germany.
The Kaiser also made note that the British fleet would do little good in the Baltic Sea in a land battle, and the British were not going to sail up the Black Sea.
It would be a war of promised British assistance to Germany who would be doing the entire land battle, with the grave concern that Russia's ally in France would enter the battle and give Germany a two front war.
Logic dictates that Edward VII who was embarking upon the encirclement of Germany, in his advisers had hatched a last scheme before World War I would be ushered in, and that England would allow Russia to crop Germany of her army and wealth, while Germany tied up Russia from being a threat to British interests in the east.
It was diabolical, heinous and murderous, but all the same it was typical of the English in being brutally brilliant in killing two birds with one stone.
I will remind readers that the Kaiser and Edward VII were blood relatives, and this is what the English had just embarked on, knowing that if the Germans were not suckered into this trap, that in a decade and a half, they would be slaughtered in a World War.
Recall this now, just a few years prior, it was the French and Russians who tried to make Germany the fall guy in a war they suggested against England. Everyone is familiar with the "bloody hun" niggerizing the Germans in World War I, but where is the balance in all of this in real history in Germany was simply acting as a sovereign nation in commerce and trade, as other nations were doing on a far grander scale.
Germany had made no wars of conquest around the globe.
The intrigue of all of this is most interesting in it was the allied powers who were constantly trying to manipulate Germany into war. War was the allied powers thought and not Germany.
This did not end there, as the Prussian Pawn on the other end of Asia was soon enough unleashed in an Anglo Japanese treaty, in which Japan was handed over Korea and China as pawns to deal with. In this bribe, Japan and Russia went to war, a war neither desired, and one which was brought to peace by President Theodore Roosevelt who was awarded a real Nobel Prize for the effort.
I desire the expansion of this to be understood. The British as pawns of the cartel in their empire, were trying to destroy Christian Germany. Their main competitor in Russia would be destroyed in wars this group instigated, handed over the the Marxists to better exploit the resources of Russia as a slave state.
Into this context, there is Japan who was promised carte blanche of Korea and China. Now recall as history progressed in this in Franklin Roosevelt's illegal war in China against the Japanese in the Flying Tigers, in the Japanese were branded as imperialists who had invaded China and Korea, and were later doing biological experiments on those peoples..........
Who was it that had handed over Asia to Japan? It was the British Empire in exchange for the Russo Japanese War. Japan had feudal right to those lands as she had earned that right because of war with Russia and the British stamp of approval.
Just because socialist Franklin Roosevelt had his own designs for world conquest, did not make Japan the villain in any of this, because Japan was set up for war by Roosevelt's war against Japan in China which was Japan's sphere of influence by British mandate.
The same can be said in the Germans in being manipulated into two world wars, in neither Japan nor Germany were showing up in America, British territories or Africa, but were dealing with areas in their traditional spheres of conquest.
All of this takes on a completely different light in the propaganda that Germany was evil and so was Japan, when both were either used or later marked for annihilation for being competitors to the other world powers.
I have made a point in this to point out how World War I was planned before 1897, and did not begin in reality seventeen years later. I have warned you though that just because that war did not begin until 1914, that this war was not being attempted.
There was the Russian French scheme to get Germany to attack England during the Boer War. Immediately after Queen Victoria's death, there was the English scheme for Germany to attack Russia. After that, the pretext of the Kaiser's visit to Morrocco, was used by the French to try and start the war with Germany, but the French military declined in not YET being ready.
The British in this scheme assured the world they would land 100,000 troops in Holstein and seize the Kaiser Canal in Prussia in 1905.
When one examines the record, one truly sees that all of this was orchestrated and demands an examination as the propaganda has censured the entire Truth.
World Whore One, World Whore Won.
The education continues.........