My children, I am by God's Grace going to address the future, which too many are reacting to and not listening. Therefore, I instruct you to copy this writing, paste in and send it to yourself, and for those of you with printers, print it up, and review it every few days in reading it slowly, so you understand the End Times, Last Days, Great Tribulation, Second Coming.
Matthew 24 is a time line of the End Times in sequence, taught by Jesus Himself. The Revelation of Jesus to St. John, is an expanded time line, but it is 3 dimensional in looking at events from different vantage points, which are given in part by Prophets of God as Daniel and Joel.
I start with Matthew 24 as people take it out of context and you must know this book in context. The chapter is one, where the disciples are showing Jesus the Temple of Herod or the Second Temple and all the buildings, as they were something to marvel at.
Jesus stuns them in telling them, that not one stone will be left in place as destruction was coming.
The disciples when alone with Jesus, then ask THREE QUESTIONS:
Matthew 24:3
And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, (1) Tell us, when shall these things be? (2) and what shall be the sign of thy coming, (3) and of the end of the world?
I will repeat this as you have read it in Scripture and not the Lame Cherry in the disciples ask:
1. Jesus tell us when the Temple will be destroyed.
2. Jesus what is the sign or Your coming back.
3. Jesus tell us what is the sign of the End of the World?
Now that you understand this is about 3 things and not about you, but focused on the Temple, Jerusalem and those Judahites there, calm down and slow down, so you understand this.
Jesus melds the time line by first answering that there will be conflict, wars and betrayal with people lying about Him or claiming to be Him. This all took place and at 70 AD in the year of our Lord, in a Jewish rebellion, Rome leveled the Temple and the city, just as Jesus stated would take place.
In verse 15, Jesus states the Gospel of the Kingdom will be proclaimed in the entire world, and then the end of the world will come.
Verse 16 Jesus focuses on the greatest sign of this "end" in the vision of Daniel the Prophet stating the "abomination which makes desolate" will be set up in the Temple as the key moment that the "end" comes, but it is not at that moment.
This abomination, took place after Daniel, but Jesus sites it for a future time before His coming. The abomination was the setting up of the pagan diety of Zeus in the Temple, by Antiochos Epiphanes, the Syrian Greek ruler of one of Alexander's four kingdoms set up after Alexander died.
During this time, swine blood was offered on the altar and sex acts were performed in the Temple.
That is why it is called the abomination which makes desolate, as these were abominations and they made the Temple desolate without God.
This is the key event for the End Times, for Jesus points directly to catclysmic upheaval. This is when the Prophecy of Joel in the sun darkened and the moon blood red appear, as it is interesting in Mark 13 which is a different view of Matthew 24 like Luke 21 is, mentions a key element which in the Living Bible I will place the smoother translation here:
"On earth whole countries will be in despair, afraid of the roar of the sea and the raging tides. People will faint for what is coming over the whole earth, for the powers in space will be driven from their courses."
Verses 26 and 27
Jesus states in verse 28 that when you see these things, stand up, because your Salvation is near.
The same reference in Isaiah foretells of the heavens shaken and things moved out of place. There are wars at this time also, but I focus on the references of the oceans roaring and tides raging. We know that Jesus references "stars" falling from space and we know one named Wormwood which makes the waters bitter is one which strikes the earth.
I have written of this, the scientific reality of this, that only a large object passing by earth would cause this kind of ocean turmoil, and a large object would logically have a number of meteors in tow, due to it's gravitational pull.
When the anti Christ events are initiated, this then begins the conflict which leads up to the Battle of Armageddon, which is on the Plains of Sharon, north of Jerusalem, with 200 million soldiers gathered there.
The sign of Jesus will then appear in Him coming in the clouds. The last trumpet will then sound, and the Holy Angels will gather up the children of God to Christ.
I am going to expand this, as Jesus did, after answer the questions, in telling people to watch, be faithful and follows Matthew 24 with chapter 25 in the 10 Virgins being told to be ready as they do not know when the Master of the house will return.
There is a great deal of deliberate hiding information in the Bible, as too many people upon glimpsing that maybe the end is coming, suddenly throw up their hands and think work is futile, having children is not something to do, and they should just sit back and wait. That is not what God intends. You are here to live the lives God gave you to the last moment in this. This is something you will answer for.
I do not get to quit just because I have been shown things. I fully intend to strive to fulfill things which matter to me, like frying walleyes for TL, catching a mountain lion in a trap, shooting a buffalo to eating a peach off of a tree I grew. If it takes me to the last evening to do this, it is going to get done.
None of this is finished though, as when Jesus returns, the Faithful then rule with Him 1000 years, and then comes the Judgment for all those heinous creatures who afflict you.
In Daniel, he is informed of a "last week" which has never been fulfilled. That is the final 7 year cycle. In the precursor for the anti Christ, Antiochos Epiphanes, broke that agreement after 3 1/2 years.
Chapter 9 verse 27, "That ruler will have a firm agreement with many people for 7 years, and when half this time is past, he will put an end to the sacrafices and offerings."
This is a duality thing of Prophecy, in Antiochos Epiphanes fulfilled this by action, but another anti Christ type will appear at the End Times mirroring the events. In Daniel chapter 11, this Antiochos Epiphanes merges into the anti Christ who appears thousands of years later.
There are time periods in 1260 days, 1290 days and 1135 days. Divide those times out at 3.5 years, and you get 360 days, 368 days and 381 days. None being an exact number except the 1260 or the lunar 30 days of 42 months.
I do not want to confuse people on the numbers, but 3 1/2 years from the inception of this false treaty, the next Temple is made desolate on Easter or Passover. You will see that 3 1/2 years after this plus one month is key what happens at the end of that month, and at the 1335 day all who remain Faithful will be "happy", as this is the end.
We know for certain that the Last Trump is in the harvest time or Feast of Tabneracles. That is when Jesus returns and I have already informed you that the 1335 day is the Temple Rededication by Christ Himself which is Hannakah.
3 1/2 years in, the Temple is desecrated. 3 1/2 years plus 1 month the Temple will be desolate. 1 1/2 months later all the Faithful will be happy as it will all be over, for the final 7 years.
The final 3 1/2 years are the Great Tribulation. That final period from September to December are the final events. Armageddon as I have shown here is Hebrew Attonement or Yom Kippur which is in the October period.
America will have it's Judgment due to the blasphemy of this image of Obama. It will be events though as Prophesied elsewhere as in Amos in duality, as Americans are descended from one of the Lost 10 Tribes, in being of Joseph. The disciples did not inquire of Jesus though about Joseph, but about Jerusalem and the Temple, and Jesus spoke of the Judahites, and not Joseph as that was not the subject.
None of this is that difficult. It simply requires the Holy Ghost to explain what has already been explained, and for the non Obama voter to stop being thrown about in fear. I will be blunt in the sin of being deceived to vote for Obama is great, but for those still doing the devil's work in following that image and in attempting to smear me, are not going to ever understand any of this as they are reprobate and evil incarnate. They have chosen darkness and will be thrown to outer darkness.
Understanding this though, does not matter in being saved by Christ. Jesus as your Lord does, but you can not have Obama or anything else in your heart, other than Christ. That is the reality.
I simply am revisiting this to calm the children. You will have a few years once the fuse is lit, but that entails if you are not run over by a car or die of a disease, so the matter of being right with God is moment to moment and not something to be put off.
I find comfort in knowing. I find some solace in knowing all of these smarmy Obama voters (this includes the same anal Rovians and Mormon Romneyites as sin is sin and denial of Christ is denial of Christ) will be in fetal position terrified when events happen, and that will please me as the beginning of their payback.
When I was sick, you donated nothing. When I was in exile, you donated nothing for my return. When I was in anxiety over what to do, you donated nothing to make things right. You did though spend a fortune on trivial pursuits while I and other Christians like me suffered. You will be sent away by Christ, even after claiming yourself as "christian" as much as a condemned Obama voter.
I and other Christians have suffered enough abuse, and when the return tsunami arrives, it will be Christ driving it over each of you.
The majority of you are hypocrites and evil and require being told, as you lie to yourself in your thinking your filth is good.
The signs for America are aborticide, sodomy and an image of Obama called the messiah. That is an abomination to God and a condemnation on these United States. If the image was praised in America, the anti Christ is going to be worshipped in Europe when he arises, like the beast of the empire and the false prophet.
America you put off God, Righteousness and Marriage for this image, license and sodomy.
The Faithful will notice when things begin to happen. The evil are so seared that they will see it and not be able to change. That is the reality. If the above has you doing what is right in your examination, then you are on the correct path, but if the above has you explaining you are right, you are already finished.
I have a reality for the majority of are already finished.
7 days x 24 hours = 168 hours
365 days x 7 years x 24 hours = 61320 hours
1/168th of 61320 = 365 hours
365 / 24 = 15.208333 days
Revelation 17:12; "And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast."
The one hour as factored into 7 years, as factored out by the 7 day week.
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