Mt. Obamamore
It is not an accident that B. Hussein Obama is becoming Abraham Lincoln in his second election theft having cannibalized. John Kennedy and Martin King in his first installment at 1600 Penn Avenue.Obama...
I have decided I'm incensed about the tourists attempting to co op my 21st century exclusive on Benghazi AKA ANALGATE and now trying to sound intelligent by asking head up the ass questions which this...
View ArticleSure um, let me take the second one first
There is still something wrong with Barack Hussein Obama's brain. In a synopsis of his January press conference, he had numerous pauses, numerous AH's and UM's, in searching for words.Thee only time he...
View ArticlePlaymate wanted at 1600 Penn Avenue
Everything it seems falls to this blog as the Ulsterman Insiders have absolutely no information on they are so boring for rich people, especially RIP.This is about Barack Obama and...
View ArticleArrest B. Hussein Obama
I wonder how many are going to get the real insult.I will not be sucked into B. Hussein's nor Aaron Burr Biden's infringement upon gun ownership, because the reality is this:A well regulated militia...
View ArticleLamce Arsewrong
I really do not care about this fraud Lance Armstrong, as it is not my French cycling career worth millions that was ruined by his fraud domination of a stupid bicycle race. That is the problem with...
View ArticleObama's latest murder victim
REDDIT Founder's Father: 'Aaron...Was Killed by the Government'...This blog has compassion on the Swartz family in the murder of their son, Aaron.Aaron, like Andrew Breitbart, had thought America was...
View ArticleKill thy muslim and Love thy Obama
Have you noticed after ANALGATE in all the election crimes of B. Hussein Obama, that he just has disappeared from the foreign policy stage after Hillary Clinton's brain exploded?You do remember that...
View ArticleOctober 14
I wonder about weird ass things. Like a few days ago this ad pops up in the ads that deluge me, and I saw it was in Arabic........and it had this picture of Obama and this white bald guy who did not...
View ArticleUpskirt Foster Freiss
Llke jock dude is with her for her personality and intellectBrent Musberger did something this past week which is of no importance in he saw Miss Alabama in the stands duringa playoff game and as...
View ArticleDesinger Negro R Us
Being a pioneer of forensic psychology, the field never stops fascinating me in while it is in a finite field of plus minus, it spirals out to infinite actions and reactions, which constantly surpise...
View ArticleObama's Pistole Packin' Posse
I wonder sometimes why B. Hussein is left to his own devices as he just finds ways to antagonize blacks.Then again, the only thing worse than being black in America, is being Asian as Obama the Chinoid...
View ArticleSilent Obama is Deadly Obama
As an exclusive, this blog will once again explain in matter anti matter exclusives concerning Mali / Algeria in being proven absolutely correct again on all things.If you are torn between the Truth...
View ArticleThe Second Amendment is Gone
According to the new gun control mandates from Obama and a gulag like New York, the following realities are true.All military style weapons are banned.For those who missed this, the military has had...
View ArticleProtocol of Suicide
Depending on time constraints, initiated contact will focus upon 3 areas.Area 1: Engage contact with mood altering medications, sonic, photon or wave length mediums.Initiation is indicated by...
View ArticleThe murder of Aaron Swartz
As Mike Gallagher goes on the attack dragging the dead corpse of Aaron Swartz through the media mud in reinforcing it was a "suicide" and questioning it all as Gallagher plunders the legal facts...
View ArticleMokthar is Here!!!!!!!
Obviuosly we have a problem here, as the new manufactured terrorist leader in the Cyclops Terrorists is more sexy than his boss B. Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin out of 1600 Penn Avenue.Mokthar...
View ArticleIcelandic Wonder
Children, my children, are the most resilient of beings. Parents who are disasters seem to only make them better. Parents who are children, create children as adults.Children should never be...
View ArticleBingo, Bango, Obamgo and ANALGATE
Did not I my children mention here in the turban head trading that the Four Star Admiral was saying what was behind the ANALGATE botched hostage attempt was this Blind Shiek bomber of the World Trade...
View ArticleAn American Reality
I place this as a notice to all the worthless damned Republicans and their right wing talking heads to what the reality is in America.Yesterday I received a notice from the government concerning...
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