REDDIT Founder's Father: 'Aaron...Was Killed by the Government'...
This blog has compassion on the Swartz family in the murder of their son, Aaron.
Aaron, like Andrew Breitbart, had thought America was a place where "the guys with white hats won" and barvado is what won out in knowing the Truth would triumph over evil.
America though is not John Wayne nor Clinton Eastwood morality of the lone American facing the world and riding off into the sunset victorious.
America is a place of organized murder projected at home and abroad. Few have connected the dots of the start of this in Obama predator strikes, Hutatree, Gabrielle Giffords, Sarah Palin and the growing numbers of Jokers and Hookers, representing the thugocracy of the Obama regime.
Swartz family were naive like most in thinking exorcising racism by installing a foreign bred agent like Barry Chin would make America a better place. America is the place of political gang rape of women whether they be Christine O'Donnell or Lara Logan.
America is a place where children crawl through pools of blood in the bin Laden staged home and no one bothers to cover the story of what the occupants saw.....and only this blog notices no follow ups were allowed.
America is a place where Khadaffi is brutalized in the streets before he and his followers are mass murdered.
America is a place where SEALS are murdered in quid pro quo and Chris Stevens is anal raped in a botched Obama 2012 election theft wag the dog....both events are connected and both are the equal brutality of Obama and Holder dumping guns across the border in Mexico to slaughter latins and Americans......yet no one investigates that, nor does New York Cuomo suddenly pass laws convicting Barack Hussein Obama, but Sandy Hook, just whores it's way into being as the Age of Obama shrouds the American corpse of the Virgin who was raped and murdered before our very eyes.
The father of Aaron Swartz does not know the complete story in surmising that it was just the Patrick Fitzgerald thug crew who tortured his son to death. It is deeper than that, and other families in America and abroad are in the same limbo of what went wrong in this Nobel Prize Age of Barry Chin.
The Obama regime is Murder Incarnate. It slaughters by missile, by poison, by cancer, by wave and by means of the undiscovered country.
Aaron Swartz joins a list of whispered names all accidental and all suicidal. Some are familiar, some are not, but the reality is when there is a culling of the most gifted computer programers, that is a pattern and the links all were about elections, Obama and data protocols.
The silence of the Judas Goats is deafening as this murder spree consumes more lives of people daring to speak out about what is right, and finding too many facts, and soon enough finding mourning families who do not realize just how dangerous America has devolved to in the Obama Abyss.
The father of Aaron Swartz is a brave man driven on by grief. He will be discounted as unbalanced by the media and coddled that way, as Eric Holder and Patrick Fitzgerald continue on for Barack Hussein Obama.
No mention of the Rod Blagojevich family though in his being a political prisoner at the start of this no more than what was done to Lawrence Sinclair in his suffering as Aaron Swartz from the start in knowing too much.
John Edwards hounded by the regime to remove him as a competitor in 2012 as his cancer suffering wife dies.
The Swartz family has a great deal of company. They though remained silent when Terry Lakin was ruined like most did.
The question is how many dead are there, beyond the thousands of Soldiers offered up for Obama quid pro quo to Muslims in his slaughter many dead have not made the front pages in the stories they knew in the details of the regime like Donald Young of Chicago?
How many Aaron Swartz's never were noticed and they were just buried by grieving families as accidents will happen and suicides are just the way it is.
James Forestall, J. Edgar Hoover, Joseph McCarthy, Chandra Levy, James McDougal, Vince Foster......
Lame Cherry right again in matter anti matter exclusives. The patterns do not lie. Forensics always uncovers the cover story.
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