Have you noticed after ANALGATE in all the election crimes of B. Hussein Obama, that he just has disappeared from the foreign policy stage after Hillary Clinton's brain exploded?
You do remember that dashing Obama of four years ago who was launching predator strikes as often as he was pulling his dick out of his pants to take a piss right?
You remember the tens of thousands of dead Muslims Obama piled up in four years, including the twice dead corpse of Ossama bin Laden, whose hidden photos will either reveal a stand in, or a problem revealing a date signature of wrong cause of death as he was killed in 2001 by Pakistani's and not SEALS........
I digress.........
See there is a problem in the Barack Obama playground, as someone has ordered him to go back to America and assault Americans on gun control and illegals or they are going to wise up and put ANALGATE together and start a revolution and bring B. Hussein to Justice.
What is behind this is Obama is being blackmailed by everyone in Eurasia. I'm surprise the Lebanese Ossarians have not published this in their press as they can not keep a secret. It though has all affected the Obama master nuclear plan in the Middle East.
You do recall just a few months ago how Bashir Assad was on the Obama hit list in Syria just had to be given over to Obama's al Qaeda terrorists. Now Assad is setting the terms in this "humanitarian disaster" in stating he is going to run for re election.
What is that 30,000 Syrians butchered by Obama terrorists, set off by his Iraqi ambassador a year ago, and all Obama has to show for it, is Bahsir Assad dictating how the new elections are going to be handled.
Do not count Obama out in any of this, as he really wants the Jews out of nukes. The problem in this though for Americans is Obama has been ordered to focus upon you. That was sort of unhealthy for former Obama friends like Khadaffi and Mubarak.
Hell Mubarak's stocks are rising too in he is supposed to get a new trial.
The entire Middle East is in bedlam, and Barry Chin is the cause in trying to put this communist caliph together. It though all went up the arse over Chris Stevens, and now Americans are the target by this foreign agent, Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin.
Perhaps it is not funny, but in ways it is amusing that Obama's terrorists have degraded from suicide bombers to getting their 70 virgins in Syria as rape is the choice of terror in Syria by Obama forces.
Muhammed had a sex problem and the Germans remember Stalin's lust of using rape on all things female there after World War II in breeding a new mongrel Russian German race.
Yes we heard in the debates with Mitt Romney how Obama was going to do all these magical things, and the interesting part is, Obama literally has disappeared from the foreign policy stage in the worst of events and times.
His terrorists in Mali are handed off to French for extermination. Nuclear Iran is not even mentioned. No one hates Netanyahu of the Jews any more. Libyan anal terror in tracking down those Obama donors is not mentioned. Egypt is in bed with Iran. Turkey arming terrorists and Obama is AWOL.
Yes it is a new order in the Middle East and Obama has been sent back to America to have little blonde school girls between his legs.
I can give you a little of the chessboard to start you thinking on this. Turkey has been promised in part a "greater Turkey" or a lesser Ottoman Empire in this, including parts of Syria, Armenian and Kurdish Iraq.....IF things get simmering again.
As I stated an Egyptian Persian east west Caliph is being worked on.
The Jews and sons of Ishamael are laying low as Obama is a non player and the players of Eurasia are more interested in Temples on Holy Mount and Saudi assets.
What this means my children is a new player has taken control of American foreign policy and that son of perdition is not in America, but in Europe. The world has changed and Barack Obama has been ordered to keep the Americans busy, so they do not get busy and go into revolt and bring him to trial.
It is all a strange time, and with the absolute news blackout in this, this is coming from the top down, as the puppy press has been ordered to ignore all of this and let the adults in Europe do the talking.
You have to pay attention to cause and effect. What caused Obama to drop the Middle East?
What is the effect?
Answer Obama will not focus on exterminating America, instead of the Middle East.
Who has taken Obama's place in Europe that is now in charge and no one sees them?
Yes Syria is a "humanitarian" problem, but why is Nobel humanitarian Obama not caring at all what is taking place in what he started?
Answers are above. A greater evil is destined to arise to clean up the Obama messes.
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