I place this as a notice to all the worthless damned Republicans and their right wing talking heads to what the reality is in America.
Yesterday I received a notice from the government concerning unemployment for myself. To preface this, I have worked my ass off to sickness my entire life. I have done things in having several jobs at once, including this blog to caring for my Mom and nurse maiding idiots who need to be told to not be Darwin Candidates.
I have been having a rough time for years in reality, and yet everyone expects for the pony to get up when they want a ride.
My application, which was online, and from public library, because the unemployment sites ALL mandate Windows whatever to navigate the sites and will not accept anything else, gave me a red flag that something in my past 3 years of employment did not fit the criteria.
Past three years have been engaged in limited livestock and this blog for meager income.
So I tried to phone the government boys on Saturday as I only had two days to contact them........big surprise in, they do not work and have the weekends off.
They write me this form letter though informing me a week later that I have not enough wage credits........whatever the hell that means, so thta I can not obtain unemployment.
A system that is supposed to be there for someone who has worked their entire life and not taking a fucking thing from anyone, and according to the government, I do not qualify.
Now I see constantly these "cripples" in their new vans, usually smelling of 5 dollar a pack cigarettes, barking little dogs and new clothes with government handicap entitlements.
When I attempted being hospital sick, because I could not afford to go the hospital, to obtain a disability several years ago.........the Social Security gal told me I was "too rich" in I actually had saved a few thousand dollars in the bank, so I could not get disability.
She told me if I spent the money that she would then try to help me apply.
Having a friend at the time in Ohio who had disability and was getting 17 dollars a month in her payment, I decided to put it in God's hands to die or live..........as the hospital when I phoned them about medical records said I should come in and be treated.
When I mentioned I could not afford that, they said I should come in any way and run up the bills.
Yes then I could have collection agencies hounding me and dragging me into court, ruining my name in publishing it all in the papers.
It was all such a wonderful thing.
What started me on the unemployment ride was this past year, the government with their breeding of predators, bred so many of them that they killed all my low level livestock in the thousands of dollars.
Of course I applied for that job too to handle the situation, and had the same computer glitches as in applying for unemployment benefits. When I reported it, why the response was that everything was ok, and I just needed to send my resume as that was enough.
No reply, no interview, but some other fuckhead who does not do their job, was given the job as they were related to the authorities I suspect..........and I still have predators and nothing has changed in no one is doing the job.
I did report this to the EEOC, but they of course replied that as my state had covered their ass in hiring from a pool, that nothing could be done on the complaint.
Want to know why I hate Republicans even more than democrats? See Repbublicans look at people and view them as scum, because Republicans had silver spoons in their mouths from birth.
Republicans are like pretty Sarah Palin having doors opened to her, before she got to big and they slammed them shut. Republicans are like the autocrats or Romney and Bush, whose parents kissed some Rockefeller's ass and fucked over some poor qualified people for the job long ago.
That is what a Republican is. They are not Ronald Reagan in being a poor kid who washed dishes in school to pay for his education and got a break, because he was pretty...........no Republicans are all the assholes of this world who had some insider give them a hand up while smashing some poor bastard down.
democrats are the assholes who take care of their own who sold their souls like Michelle Robinson of the Chicago mafia. Mind you democrats are not saintly as if you are not a democrat who as bent over for them or paid an extortion fee, then you are dead to them, just like the unions.
So I post this advisory, that unless you are in the system, they system will not do a thing for you. Granted if I was a goddamned Mexican or some fucking Indian import, the world would be open to me in I watch my Mexicans prowl through my city with a road map of the car dealers, the bankers, the grocery and the second hand store, because it is all set up for them.
The same way with the pretty Indians who talk Dinesh D'Souza while getting 10 grande to shit in America out of the taxes I pay.
Yes I'm not pleased by any of this. I do figure though in time, that Obama will find some body donor parts program or some slave service that all the people who get hand outs are going to have to pony up for them..........and that is why I maybe am being saved by God from that degradation.
It just pisses me off though in I have never taken a thing from America or any nation I was stuck in. I paid my bills. I have never been in debt. I laid in bed dying when I did not have the money and God made me better. I have even done my best always to be a good Christian in helping people out who were worse off than me........although that is hard to find now.
Yet I see people being paid what has to be a fortune as vans are not given away and nor are new clothes.......gas costs a fortune as does food...........and what do I get for serving America?
It is like in the city I had to park clear to hell and back a week ago, as the front parking places were full. I was doing more than cussing loudly as I was helping my Mom who walks with a cane the 50 yards to the store.
Of course parked up front were all the assholes, and there was a brand new white van with a cripple sticker on it. I was not pleased.......saw the codger in the store and his wife was in great shape, and he was probably in better shape than Mom.
Yes he was a semper fi, but I personally loathe that bastard and hope he dies, service or not, as he is the problem in America, like those damned Mexicans and the fucking Republicans and democrats. They are all shit and shit on Americans who have done nothing but served America all of their lives.
I always operated in life that someone else might need something more than I did, so not to park in spots or to take things.......hell I would not sign up for giveaways as I saw that it was always some rich person winning the drawings. Hell I don't know what is wrong with people, in they got a pile of money and they still are grabbing for some give away.
Pissing and moaning about things does little good, except when God gets a hot prod up the asshole's asses and turns it cherry red to make these shitheads move.
I pray God makes them answer for all of this. I'm not happy about any of this, and I knew all of this in dealing with polticians for years.........the government never does a damn thing for you. The government only does things to you.
I look to God to somehow fix things as He always has, but this has just been such a pisser and I'm tired like most Americans in being pissed on, as all these politicians on the right look stern in not giving a shit about anyone and all those grinning bastards on the left think this is all going so well.
I will quote me as Reagan is dead and I'm the only one worth quoting now.
The government never does a damn thing for you. The government only does damned things to you.
Lame Cherry