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Icelandic Wonder


Children, my children,  are the most resilient of beings. Parents who are disasters seem to only make them better. Parents who are children, create children as adults.

Children should never be discounted in being able to handle tribulations, for they are not Lord of the Flies at heart, but they are God's children in the worst of situations, they are Joan of Arc in both shepherdess and knightress.

I recall the children of Lebanon in their Civil War which daily had artillery and rifle fire. There in the rubble were the babies playing in the midst of the shells still booming. They were completely unafraid and completely aware of the situation.
One does not have to ask a child in the reality of the world what they think, for they do not think, they simply know.

Iceland was founded by a race of liberated souls who navigated a world wild and as untamed as they were. The Runes of their soles which touched the ground are all across America in the stones they left, the mooring rocks they put their ships to and the bloodlines they founded in the northern Indian tribes as the Mandan.
It is estimated that there were 60,000 Vikings in North America upon the Great Plains, having sailed up the Great Lakes and into Minnesota. Lands which were vast lakes then, connected by the space of time as the children of Israel roamed the land which would be America.

I have numbers of pets in this life. The Slavic peoples, for all the endured. The Indochinese people for all they endured, and many came to America founding lives here in the best possible civility.
America was founded on Scottish, Irish and Germanic character or it is what Americans are, and yet these other children arrived here and appreciated the work, and continued on it to every person's benefit.

When I was a child existing in nowhere, my delight was jets. My eyes were as those of a hawk and I would study them. I knew the 747, disliked the lesser jets of the DC's as of course they were pretenders to the Boeings, and the 707 was just not a heavy........now there are so many others bigger is not smaller in 727, 737 an the triple 7.
I still watch the jets, and I still wonder in their landing how such huge things do not simply stop and fall from the sky. American jets were always so much prettier than even the Aeros out of Russia. A child sees things and knows things without bias of the adult world, but biased in the truth of the child in seeing things with pure vision.....yes sometimes without wisdom, but always with reality.

Too many liberals talk down to children, and expect of them answers. That is the mistake in children the lower themselves to the stupidity of the adult in groping for answers in a simple world where predators eat prey, all things grow old and decompose, and in the end the fox feeds the grass with it's carcase and baby rabbits are born of that fodder.

I looked around as a young person, and noticed how many miserable people were as adults. I was miserable enough as a child, so I swore I was never going to grow up, but remain a child in trusting that miracles did happen and I would live in that reality of forever being a child.

A child really only needs to be loved with boundaries, and in neglect, war and hurts, they will respond wonderfully in overcoming things. They are so resilient and only in the worst ways are they ever completely damaged and turned into liberals.

A liberal child is one who thinks they can change the world by will or thinks the world is perfect and they want to become the world, whether urban or wilderness.
A Conservative child realizes the world is just a place they visit in a situation called life from God, and that they are to become like Him, and return to the place He is.

The children are prepared for the Great Tribulation. The adults are not. Children see the Spirits and listen to God openly while the adult is more concerned like Martha in baking the bread, instead of the Bread of Life before her.

Children are God's best prayers breathed to life and women are God's breath of the eternal prose.

Children learn from Godly parents and Godly parents learn to see God again in Hope as by a child He leads the way.

Parents and children need each other in a wonderful miracle that each of Us have with our Parent God. It all teaches and is all the world is, for we are but here a moment in eternal time and then return to our eternal nature.

It was said that if a dove would carry a drop of water from every ocean, every 1000 years, until they were all empty, that in that time, it would not even be a moment in eternity.

We should focus upon that destiny as we grow here as God's Spiritual heirs, for that is our Home.


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