Everything it seems falls to this blog as the Ulsterman Insiders have absolutely no information on things........in they are so boring for rich people, especially RIP.
This is about Barack Obama and his press conference in which he was pleading for Republicans to come over and play cards with him or something......and smiling about in telling how great him and the Mrs. are as playmates.
Here though is the thing...........
Call it a Lame Cherry matter anti matter exlcusive............AGAIN.
The Washington elite, really dislike the Obamas. They had enough of the Obama whore hand parties with the Salahi's in palm sex and those gyrations of salsa dancing to Stevie Wonder.
Look you want the inside story on this in what is being said, it is Joe Biden's definition in the Obama's smell like clean blacks.
Yeah black folks have an odor when clean and the crystal cutware crowd just do not like Barack Hussein and Muchelle Hussein Obama.
Obama cheats at sports and he always is trying to grab a cuddle. The wives of gay men do not like it, and the gay men do not want to be known as Reggie's sloppy second Love.
Muchelle is boring. She has this victim thing going on........she is pleasant enough according to the crystal sect, but she shatters it all after about 15 minutes as it is this same whining thing going on in a constant repeat........is like listening to Carly Simon in YOU'RE SO VAIN.....great song, but geez louise mildred it splits your brain after the 500th loop.
The Obama's always got this ............Nig group around them..........and I do not mean blacks. They got these pale faced wacko women who get abortions when nothing is up the uterus and they got these terrorist sympathizers who come up with ways to abort Jews out of the womb. Sure the Letterman cocktail crowd can joke about that stuff and implement the policy, but who wants to look at Amy Carter's bush snatch when one drops their fork and sees that under the table.........and you wonder if that fat Arab across the table has a suicide bomb around his paunch.
That is the Obama problem in the Nancy Pelosi types hate the Obama's. Obama is begging for the GOP to like him, but they do not want to be Newt Gingrich with Bill Clinton or have to put up with sleep overs with Barry in bed.........and his mentioning it as jokes in press conferences.
Barack Obama is lonely. He only has Jarrett and mummy is not amused. The inner cell is trying to fast track the diversions on gun control and making illegals Americans in order to keep the public from talking about ANALGATE and the 2012 election theft.
Obama has real problems in the blackmail coming out of the Middle East...........the Muslims do not want to be around him at 1600 Penn any more than Jews do now.
Old Bob Schieffer summed it up in his consternational look about Obama at the press conference in not comprehending what the hell this retardo is about as dictator.
It is all a matter that one has to be a crass asshole to be a darling of the DC elite.......John Kennedy was the last perfect boy for that job.........Obama just likes things up his arse hole, and while the elite having things shoved up their's, with Obama it is more like at the geezer home with a suppository for fun.
It has gotten so bad that the Obama daughters have gone like the Reagan daughters in Ron jr. and Patty........meaning, the Obama kids do not want to bring people over as their parents are so mocked by the establishment they go to school with.
The girls have gone over to the dark side and are talking trash about parent 1 and parent 2. Got so bad that the "Obama is not really my daddy comments" have been rumored about. Although flipping it is Scottie Pippen or Stevie Wonder only gets one the, "Yeah but it is still black sperm", that the comments are not repeated.
Works better to say it was Rahm Emanuel in why he got the Chicago mayoral job.
Look I will write satire on this for later, but will preface it, with I told Obama he needed John McCain to take him out and do manly things like shoot guns and kill things.
For a governess fee, I will volunteer to teach the Obama's how to be acceptable in patrician company. I would take them to Texas and Barack and I would go shoot some whitefront geese.......Muchelle could pick them and cook them up......do a job she was born to, like making sure our sleeping bags were aired out for a warm night's slumber.
We could bring in Scalia and his wife.....maybe Cheney and his wife, and the Obama's then could see how real Americans act without that fag thing going on.....Mr. and Mrs. O could do some foot rubbing and serving of hot brandy by a fire........and if Muchelle chopped off her toe, I could sew it back on as Tony bandaged it.
It would all work out, and then they could go back to DC and throw a party letting the interesting people do the talking and the elite would start tolerating the Bobamas.
That is the insider stuff on the Obama's. Look I can't write Ulsterman's stuff too as I'm not paid off to do it. I could do it if I had the six figures, but right now I'm in a fix just surviving here.
The Obama's are just not likeable people. It is why they had no friends anywhere.......well except those pedophiles in Hawaii. They are all election thefted up and no one wants to cuddle with them over ANALGATE.
Bill Clinton could rape women and it was something exciting, but Obama fingering up the a hole is just nasty.
You want to know the damned thing in this..........the joke in the crystal service set is, "We miss George W. Bush.......well we miss Laura".
Yeah it is that Obama bad.............you did notice no huge name New York or Hollywood is turning out for the Second Inaugural Election theft right?
You got it as TL and Baby Sister know.............Obama is on nig status with the elite. The novelty of the designer negro has worn off, and no one wants to play with the bathed nigs at 1600 Penn Avenue on the liberal left or the lincoln log right.
If you think the above is harsh, you should have heard the jokes being told about why people were not attending Obama events.......there is actually a comic pool operating in odd reasons.
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