Quotes of Christian Reality
The following is a quote from the Divine Teachings of Martin Luther the Reformer. It is of note concerning the 21st century machinations of the Pater of Rome in his current false teachings, condoning...
View ArticleRushed Revere
 Editors note: Even Russian Limbaugh is fed up with talking to those droolers on his program in hour 3....as if all of us were not alsoDear Rush Limbaugh,My name is Trayvan Marteen. Please do no...
View ArticleForeign Policy Doctrine
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.I made a rare post in commentary to a Ron Paul editorial considering the subject of the Crimea, in the Obama's nose in Putin's business, that...
View ArticleWe now bring you a Lame Cherry moment
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.I believe I am an example of approximately 70 million Americans. It is that example which terrifies Homeland, NSA and the Boehner right and the...
View Articlesatan's reformation
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......It is no secret that I am a reformed Catholic, as was Martin Luther, the literal third greatest man to ever live. Christ being the first Who...
View ArticleScream of the Innocents
Powerful PrayerIt is nice to hear Martin Luther state that my prayers as I am poor and oppressed create a beacon, a warning cry, all through Heaven that God and His Holy Angels must focus upon.Of the...
View ArticleLame Cherry Answers All.....By God's Grace
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.I wonder about Sharyl Attkinson or Atcheson or whatever that former CBS skirt who looks like Jan from the office as she auditions to become Andrew...
View ArticleBlood Splatter Recon
This is my exclusive new favorite Cafe Press design. It took about a week for it to come up and of course is not in t shirts for some reason, but it is for license plates and pet bowls for chihuahuas.I...
View ArticleThe Coon Master
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.I just has to share the above picture of this tough bastard from South Dakota as I was looking through things online. Look close at this guys...
View ArticleSo hello NSA
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.........First a preface in Rush Limbaugh is not spied on by the NSA as he is on this drama of trying to appear like Conservatives in mixing in...
View ArticleSettling Head Hunters Claims
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter in caps due to someone at nsa apparently thought it would be amusing to lock my caps.odd how the program shows all cap locks off, but it is still...
View ArticleLame Cherry Said This
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.I believe that Lame Cherry said something once upon a time about things that go boom on ships in the American waters, and here is a butch haired...
View ArticleThe Pater Pope's Cocaine Lubrication
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.The Vatican getting a condom coke delivery was not the Pater's sloppy firsts. The Pater had nothing to do with it.I place this in Catholic...
View ArticleRabid Skunks
Just another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.The story of rabid skunks invading California due to conditions in water retention is based in this. Skunks naturally have the rabies virus,...
View ArticleShark's Tale
I enjoy and have a fascination with existential experience as from that remedy comes all types of information which is free from the bias of egg heads with degrees.It is not a secret I have been...
View ArticleSins of World War
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, this blog is taking the non speed reader hyped up on Obama jism stories, to an education based in the past which is being repeated in this Age of...
View ArticleThe Cherry Stone Files: Sonic Sound Rape
As another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive......There was initiated a phase two in the American child mindset which turned out these equal sodomite sign and Obama voters from the 1990's on. I...
View Articlejeb lurker bush
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.I have told you of the coups being staged against Christie, Clinton and whatever as Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are out leading you around on the...
View ArticleHolographs Appear Closer Than They Seem
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.I apologize as I have not been able to answer even notes as am swamped. Jeff asked a question though:How does a russian get an ITAR restricted...
View ArticleAre you going to believe me now about Sarah Palin?
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.I told you Sarah Palin was threatened and sold out. I told you she was hired back as a minder. Now she has hijacked my ConServ intercast...
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