As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......
It is no secret that I am a reformed Catholic, as was Martin Luther, the literal third greatest man to ever live. Christ being the first Who as thee only begotten Son of God saved the entire world through Grace in the Gift of His taking on all sin for Spiritual Redemption, St. Paul in turn being sent by Christ to give that Gift to gentile peoples, not of the Israelite 12 tribes, and Martin Luther who by the Spirit of God in him, was moved to save the Christian peoples from the blasphemy of the Vatican.
I was searching for something to treat on in this, and began this in the treatise of Martin Luther on Communion or the Sacrament of the Altar in Holy Communion as it is an encompassing doctrinal work on what Communion is, for like Baptism in not being water only, Communion is not bread and wine only.
I give the Dr. Luther quote.
"Luther does not try to explain philosophically what is inexplicable, but is content to accept on faith the act of the presence of Christ in the sacrament, "how and where,—we leave to Him.""
That is the reality of Communion as Christ Himself states before His crucifixion at the Last Supper with the disciples in "this is my body" and "this is my blood".
"Matthew 26:26 And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body."
"Matthew 26:28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins."
Jesus the Christ by His own Words signifies that the bread and wine have more significance than earthly forms, for in being blessed, they become the signet, the reality of the Presence of Christ, and all He accomplished in fulfilling of the Law for the Gospel, which is of the Kingdom of God, that all who believe, repent, are baptised, will be saved by Faith and not by deeds alone.
For by deeds, we show the Love of God in keeping His Commandments, but it is only by Faith that the Gift of adoption into the Spiritual Family of God manifests, unless any person could ever contend like Cain that the filth of their good works was a favor to God, and that people did not need God's Love to be redeemed by God.
I do not mean to delve into Dr. Luther's broad context as a PHD or doctrinal writer, as such things absorb the mind so completely that the student becomes overwhelmed in the waves of the message and soon is drown in how many Angels can dance on a pin's head.
The reality is though, that the Kingdom of God which is the Gospel, is what Holy Communion represents as the Congregation or the Communion of Saints, who are a Spiritual Body of the Christ extended.
Communion does not mean that all the dead Saints appear when you take the Sacraments nor does it mean that Communion admits you to being a Saint to be saved. Communion is the Sacrament of the New Covenant in Christ remembered, as Christ states "this do in remembrance of Me".
It is the Passover remembrance in teaching the children why we do these things, so the purpose of Christ is passed to each generation and not neglected nor forgotten as it is now.
For the reality, Communion nor Baptism, are not the sole possession of those with degrees and robes, housed in buildings. Each Christian devoutly may Baptize and each Christian can with wine and unleavened bread (crackers) which are blessed, may with all devotion administer Holy Communion to themselves and others.
Examination and confession are indeed important parts of this, so no one takes this Gift of Christ without the devoted requirements Communion must have to partake in.
One approaches Communion with humbleness, in knowing you are on a path of stopping deliberate sin, and are born again daily from yesterday's sins you are not aware of. This is the Office of Christ in forgiveness, redemption and daily regeneration. Each person in Christ trusts only in Jesus as thee only Way, only Truth and only Life in Spiritually joining with the Father for eternal Life.
Where this is being led now in Spirit is not a place ever covered before, for by Inspiration, what must be addressed is that son of perdition, known as the anti Christ, along with the false prophet of the Vatican who will hijack the Catholic religion and the beast or empire led in Europe will turn on the Catholics after they assist putting him into power.
Martin Luther led a movement of Protestors who became Protestants, who were savagely attacked, made war on and murdered by the Holy Roman Empire in that carnal mix of religion and state.
Dr. Luther was the bringing of the Gospel and the message of Christ back to the people. It was a reformation taking for the most part the pagan and aristocratic practice of the Vatican excluding people from Christ and reforming it to the New Testatment teachings of Christ and the Apostles.
The Bible in Prophecy though teaches nothing of Martin Luther's mission, but the Bible in Prophecy warns of another satanic reformation of the Church. Christ in the Apocalypse or Revealing to St. John in the last book of the Bible, states that the last manifestation of the Church will be one which is neither hot nor cold for Christ, but luke warm and disgusting to be spit out by Christ.
The world is in such an age of apostacy now. One can not tell Christianity from sin now, as in the majority of religions sin is taught from the pulpit and the reprobate leaders are not chastized in public by any clergy, as Martin Luther did.
I was raised a German Lutheran of the Missouri Synod. It is an interesting thing of that Church that Luther left out the "no graven images" Commandment and put in two "not covet" Commandments as the flaw.
German Lutherans are strict evangelicals believing that the Bible is the Word of God, along with the mystery of the workings of the Holy Ghost in all is possible in the miracles of God.
Martin Luther is not taught though in the German Lutheran Church. He is mentioned. His Catechism is one I was trained by, but I was never taught about him, because the Lutherans know this is about Christ and not Luther.
It is why I focused upon that electioneering of the Lutheran Witness, the publication of the German Lutherans in October 2012 in having on the cover an Obama look alike. That is blasphemy of the worst sort in either racial baiting and absolute overlooking the apostacy of Obama deeming himself a messiah.
That should have filled every German Lutheran with revulsion and made them sick as it did myself for the workings of satan were in that, and it should have been nailed to the wall of the Synod headquarters with the demand of all those associated with it thrown out of the Church.
I attempted to contact the Synod on that grave issue, but with dial up, I could never get the pages to load, so the nailing to the wall appeared here as a warning that all is not right at the Synod in Missouri again, just as not all was right in the 1970's when the Mockingbird tried to overthrow the leadership as so many other religions have gone sodom as of late.
There is going to come a satanic reforming of the Church of Christ. In Daniel, it states the post Antiochos Epiphanes will attempt to change times and seasons, and rule by flattery.
Only this blog has been warning as Catholics have remained silent on the Pater of Rome in Cardinal George, spreading sodomy, saying God is not necessary to gain Heaven, and his last rites instituted in the worship of the dead in his cuddling the bones of Simon the Sorcerror at St. Pater's in the Vatican.
I will repeat here for those who are not informed, St. Peter never went to Rome. The Simon the Pater of Rome is clutching in bones is Simon the Sorcerror of The Acts who was denied the Gift of God when he tried to buy it from the Apostles, and was soundly rejected.
The satanic reformation which will come, is going to slaughter masses of Christians, as noted in the Revelation of Jesus the Christ "in these are them who came out of the Great Tribulation" as martyrs.
"Revelation 7:14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb."
"Revelation 17:6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration."
The woman is the whore of babylon or the Vatican as she is a religion which is in league with world governments and sits upon seven hills. Those are the seven hills of Rome.
The Great Tribulation is the "reforming" of the Church of Christ to the cult of satan, in how it breaks apar the known universe in convulsion and shakes the heavens.
You are witness to the start of this out of the Vatican in this satanic reformation. You will note the absolute silence on all of this in no one but this blog is nailing anything to the wall on any of this blasphemy. It is subtle like a serpent tempting, and the Eve's of this world are viewing it as pleasant as the Adam's taking the offering.
I start out looking to accomplish an examination for Christian enrichment of Martin Luther's treatise and the Holy Ghost leads by Inspiration a warning on the coming satanic reformation of the Church of Christ.
In Martin Luther's time, and I will explain for the ignorant, that this is the German Martin Luther, and not the black Martin Luther King, as there is a difference........but in Martin Luther's time, the people were so enraptured in being set at liberty that the printers were churning out his works for the public constantly, the government was backing his work and he was being supported in many ways by the wealthy.
It appears a condemnation for this luke warm generation, that the warnings here and the lessons taught only have appeal to the poor while the rich keep their scripture of currency in Wall Street investments of their communion in what they remember.
I have not come to set the world ablaze as Christ. I have not come to reform as Martin Luther. I was sent to prepare the way and to fill in the silent places in Scripture until the Two Witnesses appear.
It has been a warning and a summons ignored by the masses as it was meant to be.
agtG 270
"That Christ's sufferings and life shall be his own, together with the lives and sufferings of all the saints, so that whoever does him an injury does injury to Christ and all the saints, as He says by the prophet, "He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of My eye" [Zech. 2:8]; on the other hand, whoever does him a kindness does it to Christ and all His saints, as He says, "What ye have done unto one of the least of My brethren, that ye have done unto Me." [Matt. 25:40]"