As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I told you Sarah Palin was threatened and sold out. I told you she was hired back as a minder. Now she has hijacked my ConServ intercast idea............and here she comes telling the world that Hillary Clinton should run, as America needs this.
To hell it does. It needs Christian Conservatives period.
I told you after Gabby Giffords the deal in this and now Lame Cherry proven right again.
You never heard Ronald Reagan ever saying a liberal should run or was good for the country.
Why doesn't Sarah Palin just bend over for Bill Clinton as here it come again. You can not trust this woman.
nuff said
During her appearance on"Extra" to promote her new TV Show "Amazing America," former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) was asked by host Mario Lopez "What are your thoughts on Hillary Clinton?"
Palin responded, "I would like to see women run for the higher office. I think America certainly is ready for more female candidates at that upper echelon."
What comes next eh? Post birth abort Trig? The girls come out of the closet as lezbo? Palin demands gun confiscation?