As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I made a rare post in commentary to a Ron Paul editorial considering the subject of the Crimea, in the Obama's nose in Putin's business, that there is a difference between American isolationism and American internationalism, and the Continental Policy was one neither as based upon the sound Washington Doctrine of our first President.
I provide the President Washington quote as addressed to Sir Edward Newenham:
"I hope the United States of America will be able to keep disengaged from the labyrinth of European politics and wars; and that before long they will, by the adoption of a good national government, have become respectable in the eyes of the world, so that none of the maritime powers, especially none of those who hold possessions in the New World or the West Indies, shall presume to treat them with insult or contempt.
It should be the policy of the United States to administer to their wants without being engaged in their quarrels. And it is not in the power of the proudest and most polite people on earth to prevent us from becoming a great, a respectable, and a commercial nation if we shall continue united and faithful to ourselves."
I focus on this, because the globalist cartel by socialist communists, Woodrow Wilson and Frank Roosevelt, dragged America into Wars of Financiers which has been the plague of America ever since, in bankrupting her and bleeding her as the world police state, which was abhorrent and rejected by the Founders.
The plea has been one of "fight the wars over there to keep them from being fought here" as military industrial, and socio conglomerate complexes, both designed to profit off of America, bankrupt her, and bring America to what it is in the Obama 21st century, the assassination squad of the Eurasian Order.
I offer solutions here and the solution is in the Washington Doctrine. I will place before you in Lame Cherry Doctrine explanation the key sentence of the Washington Doctrine from above:
"It should be the policy of the United States to administer to their wants without being engaged in their quarrels."
If this requires explanation, it is simple. George Washington had never any intent of foreign wars or foreign bases occupied by Americans removing American wealth. President Washington was not an internationalist nor isolationist, but his method of "forts" or engagements was by commerce, in as the Lame Cherry has lectured on, in America was to be an ally to all in being the common market for all to trade with. That trade being valuable to all nations, they would not attack, hinder nor destroy that market, as it would destroy the goose who laid the golden egg.
Being friends to all in trade policy and not sanctioning or favoring nations above or below each other, America would then also not be drawn into these other nations quarrels and wars.
America of course would defend herself and go to war anywhere in the world where she was attacked, but America would be represented by the Yankee Trader abroad and the American ports would be open to all.
This is what is wrong in the internationalist policy which bled America dry of industry and jobs, placing them overseas or building up slave states like Chicomia. America instead should have manufactured goods, and gone through trading ports in free trade as Hong Kong and Amsterdam, to have her products be her Ambassadors and her munitions pans and computers.
America does not belong in bases anywhere in the world. If Europe has a problem with Russia, then let them fight it out or plot it out on paper, it should not any longer come at American expense.
The same is true with Korea or any other regime, for history proves, that regimes collapse of their own weight and China will collapse with reforms as much as any other nation which is not allowing free enterprise and the natural law of working people keeping their own earnings.
America has enough energy to supply outward trading partners like Japan and England in the Lame Cherry Doctrines. It has enough resources to create all her needs and export the surplus with advanced technologies, providing those corporate structures are in America, paying taxes and not being protected overseas in poor people paying for those Army bases.
One of the early Lame Cherry doctrines concerned what became the George Bush Doctrine of "like force" or " terrorists housed in terror nations will have the nations sanctioned". I speak not of wars, but overwhelming quick military strikes meant to decapitate the majority of the leadership, leaving a few rats to scurry back to holes in educated fear, so the 9 11 attacks do not happen again.
Of course upheaval will take place, but that is not American business. America has no right to intrude on what is taking place in other lands. Our protests should be backed by commerce as that is the currency which foreigners understand in their greed. Christians should not be allowed religicide in foreign lands by protest with economic leverage, and to be understood this is American policy, but as long as the Eurasians care to blow each other up, and understand the Americas are untouchable in the Monroe Doctrine, then all is peace in the Americas according to the Washington Doctrine.
Will some retreats take place. The answer is most likely, but in the reality of regime collapse, the lack of American technology propping up regimes and their own lack of ability, will cause them to stagnate and collapse, in understanding as George Washington did, that this is long term American policy in God's Grace, and not something to be settled in the next election cycle.
America is neither to be unarmed nor disarmed. President and General Washington had like policy of a standing military which was well practiced for the common defense. It was not posted abroad, but posted and home and prowled the seas to protect American economic interests,
American Foreign Policy in the Lame Cherry Doctrine is to be neither isolationsim nor internationalism. It is to be friend to all in supplying their needs, backed by a well armed United States military, on land, sea, air and space, but severed from the entanglements of foreign quarrels and wars.
America can engage in peace as Kaiser Wilhlem II and President Theodore Roosevelt accomplished in ending the Russian Japanese War, but it will not be engaged in war unless threatened or attacked.
American foreign policy is building American business for the enrichment of Americans and the betterment of the foreigner, and not building American factories in Asia nor enriching industries creating forts in Muslim lands.
Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
"It should be the policy of the United States to administer to their wants without being engaged in their quarrels."
America was to always be the neutral Swiss of the world stage.