As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.........
First a preface in Rush Limbaugh is not spied on by the NSA as he is on this drama of trying to appear like Conservatives in mixing in chemtrails and whatever. For the record, Rush Limbaugh is an extension of the Mockingbird propaganda apparatus. He is not spied on as his show is scripted.
What Rush Hudson Limbaugh III is, is MINDED. He is watched over like all agents from Obama to Ann Coulter in monitoring of their patterns or their speech admissions if they are prone to going off reservation, in which case they will be neutralized.
There is a big difference between being paid tens of millions of dollars a year, bending over for Elton John, marrying your blonde daughter to mind you and the reality that Americans have in having their screens jump, Wifi run like molasses in January or various other things like......well I will use my example.
As I type this, I am sitting here drinking 3 bag tea. 3 bag tea is a cup of tea in which you use the bag at least 3 times as it is what poor people do to at least have something pleasant to sip on. It is like "bilin' the kettle" which the trappers do in the Canadian north. Not much tea really, but lots of sugar and perhaps some type of artificial cream as it is about energy and not the tea.
This is white tea which I have not taken the time to investigate until now, but white tea is in fact tea which is usually flavored. I just know I hate green tea as it tastes like dead fish to me or more rotting dead fish, not that I have eaten rotting dead fish, but it just is what it reminds me of. I like black teas which are fermented green teas, but I could not get what I wanted, and as Lipton is too much octane for my stomach at times, I see what I can do with what I can find.
For me though, pleasure once was a pint cup filled with like two tablespoons of honey, percolated Lipton tea in their mix and heavy cream. Lipton like all things American is just too rank like their coffees. I see no pleasure in drinking something your stomach cringes at and feels sour until you smother it with some kind of food later.
I digress, but I would much rather speak of tea. I was at a health shop and they had an alternative sweetener which was very sweet. They came in little tins like the English play with, and I so wanted to obtain that little tin, not so much for the sweetener, but for the tin, as it would delight me to no end to have my tea steeped for the 3 bag, 3 bag dunk, and then to pop in a few little bity sweetener pills. Be such very good fun I would think and it would please me greatly.
So last night I saw the battery bars on my cell phone were low as in one. I do not have that expensive cell phone thing, but a pay as you go, and only use mine for emergencies. This phone I do like, but it operates odd.
Odd in when I first got it, the thing would go dead in a few days. Then by miracle, it would last for weeks. Yes it was the NSA using the phone as a mic, but in this I found a new trick last night.
When waiting to phone Mom, I decided to drain power in turning on the displays. I did that, but the phone kept shutting down to sleep mode and would not drain. I was puzzled as I thought I remembered it was supposed to stay on. Well it did not, so I left it all night and it was not drained this morning.
I checked and all was still on in the display, but not displaying....until I phoned Mom, and then by miracle the phone started going low battery and it has been on since then in full display, and is beeping at me telling to recharge it.
That is really talented for a phone, or more the NSA is talented in it will spy on me, but do so in a most conservative matter in saving energy. Yes in order to keep track of me, the NSA has a program to martial battery power, no matter what the settings are to make certain they can spy on me.
They even are so thoughtful at this moment in reminding me to charge the dwindling power in order to keep spying on me. Not much to spy on but the sound of clothes being laundered, but that is certainly something national security is made of in the Age of Obama.
There is more in these revelations of the abilities of NSA, and that is Mom's landline was making last night electronic scratching noises. I could not hear them, but on her phone it was constant and in a steady pattern.
Mom is olde, olde with an E. She is the kind of woman who if she tells a lie to a nosey neighbor, I will have to finish it as she gets conscience attacks. She is not like most people who can lie bald ass to your face with a grin and think nothing of it. Just the point in Mom is about as worthy as spy budgets as a house plant.
I do realize it is all about popular me, but just the same, I would appreciate the spying stopped by NSA and perhaps a minder could pay attention to Mom like they do Limbaugh.
Think of it in, if I had a government agent minding Mom, then they could help carry water to the wee animals. They could help pitch some hay. They could scoop some snow off the roof and even give her a ride to town for groceries. I would really appreciate this kind of NSA spying. It certainly would beat their latest manifestation in making my head feel like it has a metal band tightened around it for a few days.
See you never hear about metal bands about the brain, static on the line, phones not working, then working, phones being conservative in turning off power on their own, when you listen to the Rusty Limbaugh spy stories, because Limbaugh is like all the assets in not being spied on.
Granted they about blew his heart out in Hawaii, but that was in the Obama years when Rush was just installing Birther Hussein and acting smug in a hotel there. Now Limbaugh is one of the team in Obama giving Rush shout outs to keep Conservatives thinking that Limbaugh is their viagra shepherd who will not lead them wrong with his staff.
So there is not going to be any Andrew Breitbart puffy pink for ole Rushbo as Elton Blonde is one of the assets in all of this.
It would be nice if Limbaugh and the mic heads were Americans, as I probably would get a donation from them as I do all the hard work now and they are just coasting like Jerome Corsi in picking over the dead for glam stories in getting that Hitler thing wrong.
I do think it would be worth it if this Mockingbird would just acquire this blog to silence it like they did asset Michelle Malkin after her.........the czars are the story and not the Obama Birther issue. I am sure she is ashamed of that sham as a normal person would be, but I for one would like a few million dollars. I could do all sorts of things like, well making my own bacon and ham, as that would be a great adventure.
I still though would be using my tea bag 3 times as I am frugal, but I would at least stop listening to R. H. Limbaugh.
Limbaugh should really get permission to donate here from his minders, as I have by God's Grace shaved Limbaugh's numbers to the MSNBC levels, so Limbaugh ........well has to prostitute little children while he fleeces the Pilgrims while he has convinced the parents to pimp them.
I think like Joe Paterno being ruined by fagsexuals in order to advance pedophilia into the culture gone sodom, that Eric Holder prosecuting Rush Limbaugh for child labor violations as he keeps using innocent children for his fictional book sales.
That probably is enough of this in exposing more holes, flaws and realities of the NSA phone spying anomalies to alert you to when these things take my phone just powered down and I suppose I better juice up the NSA.
A popular girls work is never done for the spy masters of the world.