No chive baby
Don't tongue me baby. I got no dig for that horizontal slit machine snaking me. The Lame Cherry is a no chive loca.No baby, got no KCCO here and don't be grey mattering this is some twin town over the...
View ArticleGet off Your Ass Sarah Palin
Mrs. Palin, this blog this past few days exposed you for a foolish female as you continue your fast food party in thinking that Chick Fil A and Big Gulp makes a political movement in a Republic, when...
View ArticleThe Obama Black Baby Gap
As this blog only has exclusives, perhaps in matter anti matter, something should be noted exclusively which has been before the public all along, and yet in forensic psychology, no one has noticed it,...
View ArticleObama Gone Home
 Interesting in our boy Obama Chin has come home after being birthed by the bi sexual monkey demon, hanuman, Obama zeroed in on his next phase to his roots, Osseiran roots, as has only been focused on...
View ArticleAttention all classroom monitors: remove head from sphincter, THEN complain
From the desk of the Tiger Lily.Those who find this blog "offensive" and yet are too cowardly to confront LC face to face in modes that are made possible as in e-mail, but instead whine to the powers...
View ArticleHear
The Word of the Lord for America.Isaiah 42:19: Who is blind, but my servant? or deaf, as my messenger that I sent? who is blind as he that is perfect, and blind as the LORD's servant?You American...
View ArticleHAARP Jazz
I hate jazz. It sounds like something one step up from that other Afroid nattering called rap, which is nothing but no talented jazz musicians who can't play an instrument.As a further Lame Cherry...
View ArticleLame Cherry Proven RIght Again
As further proof of Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusives, by the Grace of God's Inspiration, this blog was proven right again when it informed everyone before the fact, that Barack Hussein Obama...
View ArticleGrand Inquisitor
There are many questions in life, in why a melody composed in Heaven plays in one's mind a symphony and one composed on earth plays within the same mind.The Grande Inquistor is one who does not know...
View ArticleObama Awaits
will jessica alba do me inTL notified me that I had the gulag thugs checking my panties and I could not make head or skirts of it, as the notice did appear here, but it puzzles me as to what twat was...
View ArticleVashti
As I have some time in this day, I have been meaning since the death of the Tiger Lily's puppy to explain some things in Revelation Inspiration as the Bible is quite silent on animals in the Life to...
View ArticlePrayer of Degree
The LORD hear thee in the day of trouble; the Name of the God of Jacob defend thee;They have heard that I sigh: there is none to comfort me: all mine enemies have heard of my trouble; they are glad...
View ArticleMy Dear Mr. Jim Carey
Please Mr. Carey, know that I will fully and completely back your charges with you in disarming Americans and will promptly join you, as soon as you hand over millions of dollars to me, so that I too...
View ArticleThe Horizon Events & Focal Points
With the Drudge headlines, you are witnessing what this blog exclusively predicted would take place in an inter European "suits on the ground war", in matter anti matter exclusive years ago as proven...
View ArticleMichele Bachmann's Slushy Thirds
Did I not tell you my children that Michele Bachmann's entire demeanor changed in 2012 in the middle of that Romney election theft?Did I not tell you that she was being blackmailed on something. Did I...
View ArticleJim Carey in white face paint
Let us face one thing perfectly clear, that if Jim Carey had put on black face paint, spit watermelon seeds, lazed in the shade jacking off as he ate chicken, there would be outrage, but since it is...
View ArticleRescinding the Obama Peace Prize
Be it know in exclusive matter anti matter, that his blog has begun the process in contacting the International Criminal Court in the case of fraud concerning the Nobel Peace Prize Committee in...
View ArticleThe American Prince Regent
This blog in exclusive matter anti matter presents another expose' in the realities what you no comprehension of.The New World Order is not just one order, but it is orders and castes. It is framed...
View ArticleSodomite Fucking
Look, this blog is not going to ever be sucked into the cartel talking points meant to destroy marriage, to disrupt the bond of parent and child, to make it a child's legal right to at 5 choose to be...
View ArticleWTG
Way to Go and full applause for the Arizona gun dealer in refusing to turn over an AR 15 to that Astro of Gabby Giffords who drags her around the nation abusing her as a political whore.Mark Kelly is...
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