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I hate jazz. It sounds like something one step up from that other Afroid nattering called rap, which is nothing but no talented jazz musicians who can't play an instrument.

As a further Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive series, my children we delve into HAARP, the electronic wave heating of the atmosphere for weather steering, that hides in missile defense and other things.

In this incarnation, only this blog will point out realities, as it is not stuck in the head up the ass global warming which is a fraud as much as climate change. Climate change IS DUE TO HAARP, spiking solar activity, and all of this is about bleeding the Israelite Lost 10 Tribes of the west dry of revenue and warrior gene pool, so the central Europeans with central Asian financiers will rule the world in this feudalism Obama is initiating.

It snowed here today and the snow looked like LINT, and not snow. You will notice that no one in the elite complains about China belching out all that pollution for global warming, but when America was belching out half that much it was a catastrophe. That is all Mockingbird and part of this lie which is gearing all of this for demons to walk in dry places to rest and satan to be initiated by the immortals to be worshiped on Temple Mount.
All of that odd snow America has gotten in being wrong colored to being based on chemicals is coming out of China and not a product of chemtrails. As I exclusively informed all, chemtrials did have a purpose in testing HAARP and other protocols.
What is taking place now though in only this blog noted the passenger jets are now all dangerously crossing each other in overflights, due to high fuel prices and Obama allowing these dangers is people are "seeing" these contrails of normal flights and thinking chemtrails.

This is a shadow cover for what is taking place as they do not want Americans furious about the massive amounts of pollution China is dropping on North America in industrial waste up in the atmosphere as that blows the feudal slave state if it is shut down, and it brings jobs back to the west for prosperity in releasing American from the Obama gulag.

It is all for purpose and if these eco terrorists had one ounce of sense or one ounce of caring about the environment, they would be raising hell about China as China is the source of all of this pollution in North America. The eco terrorists though are paid by the cartel and they say nothing about what the true problem is, so America gets funky rain and snow.

I digress, but this digression is necessary in laying foundation for all of this as no one else has, is or will ever, as the entire media is jacked up with frauds or screwballs and that is what the cartel has installed, so no one figures out the reality.

Back to HAARP........

In my observations from the brier patch, I have noticed a few fun things about HAARP in it's capabilities and how the gurus are able to do only things up to a point, and if you LISTEN very closely to your local meteoroligists they are telling you things about the atmosophere.

Currently, America is in another wacko weather pattern, due to HAARP, because as this blog exclusively predicuted, this year, like last year, is known to be a severe Obama Dirty  Teens like the Dirty 30's patterns which set in.
What is taking place now is HAARP is generating a bubble in the atmosphere in several locations for the purpose of keeping America COLD as long as possible to reduce evaporation of moisture for the growing season.
This uneven cooling and solar heating as it is the spring warm up cycle is generating super snow storms, which is desired, but SNOW STORMS produce this toxic Chinese snow, and snow RUNS OFF THE LAND, into rivers and does little good to farm fields.

I want you to get that, so you get that point as Mockingbird has had these idiot farmers, media and now chirping suburbanites all talking about snow for moisture. Snow does not soak into frozen ground. It instead runs off to swamps or rivers.
That creates mosquitos with West Nile and other diseases or floods people out in lowlands.

If one gets enough standing water, it will generate rain showers in summer heat, but as American agriculture has voided the land of all these potholes to farm everything, there is not a general humidity as existed previously.

What I'm stating is snow does no damn good. Snow has nitrogen in it, but it runs off the fields.

All HAARP can do is delay the heating, and it is accomplishing it by the massive jet stream plunge out of Canada into Texas, that you would be seeing if you would watch your weather instead of just looking at it.
That is why St. Louis is receiving unheard of record snows this late in the year, and why places in America are setting cold weather records. It is atmospheric manipulation in trying to keep things cool as long as possible to alleviate the affects of a Obama Dirty Teens Drought.

This started last year, as only this blog warned in that harvest moon in December of 2011. Dirt was in the atmosphere and that meant dry weather was coming.
This year was the same as the nation's midsection was warming to 80 degrees and all of a sudden it plunged to below zero and teens again, due to HAARP warping the atmosphere to pull the jet stream back south.

America in this stage would be very warm and spring would be here, but HAARP is keeping it in cold storage which is robbing Peter to pay Paul, as that cold is killing things off in the millions of dollars as the cartel tries to protect billions of dollars and not have a global food shortage.
Did I not warn you all that FOOD HAD STOPPED SHIPPING OUT OF AMERICA and that the reason was the cartel is planning for a crop disaster in America if this manipulation does not work.

Yes Lame Cherry did, and one would think that George Nouri, the Obama award winner, with Jerome Corsi, the nuke North Korea advocate, would be so interested in these realities, but alas, all Nouri can run are Mockingbird propaganda lines for the regime, apparently like Jerome Corsi now too as he is pushing war with Kim Jong Un.

Now for the science, exclusive to the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter.

HAARP if you lsiten to it being played, you will here about differing atmospheric models so your weather people have no idea where a storm will move. I can tell you that HAARP is only so powerful, and that it can not overcome local land formations which weather patterns are affected by, even if they are miles up in the sky.

As more exclusives in this from the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter, the contour of America has to be seen as not only rivers of water, but rivers of air which are fluid, and flowing across America as weather. HAARP can only push storms on certain tracks.
Two years ago, HAARP was pushing storms in the Pacific Northwest from the ocean and dumping piles of snow to flood out GOP America, as Obama wanted the rivers all flushed out, and he got it in massive flooding.

This past winter is one which reveals what HAARP is, as HAARP can generate up to a point storm tracks flowing across Texas when the weather fronts are there, and then sweep them up to the northeast.
Track 2 is the one which is the Kansas City track as the storms pound through that area.
Track 3 is the Omaha track that pushes through Iowa and up into Minneapolis.
Track 4 is the Cow Chip cooridore of South Dakota that pushes directly east to the coast.
Track 5 is the Bismark track which pushes snow into Canada.

In all of these tracks, there are definite wet zones and dry zones. In my target studies, I have observed for years how Sioux Falls, South Dakota rarely gets snow, but on the North Dakota border it just gets blasted in Track 3 and in Track 2 Sioux Falls receives no snow again, but Iowa will just be destroyed by ice and massive storms.

That is what HAARP plays at, as it can push storms, but the air current flow due to land contour overrides the pressure systems, and you get these 300 mile wobbles in storms that meteorologists have no idea which way a storm is generating now, as the storms are not behaving like the old weather models showed them to.HAARP is in the ringer, and it is producing distinct signatures on storm tracks, and is  generating moisture due to that filth being blasted into the atmosphere deliberately in China, and the net result are these new patterns forming as HAARP is trying to keep the cartel's "drying out the world" programme operational, while still keeping the populations fed so they do not revolt and in revolution blow up the entire feudal scheme.

This is the first time anyone is hearing any of this reality of what is really generating and taking place.

If this follows again, this year should be a drought cycle, some very intense heating and when one has this type of heating, superstorms will generate in windstorms at center and cloud bursts on the fringe cooling areas.

I have been through all of this on ground, and know the pattern. I have witnessed tornadic like dust storms at center, while in higher ground contours 50 miles distant cloud bursts washed out  entire regions.
That is what took place last year, and it is "normal" America, as America before Christ Churches were erected, did have horrid weather in massive storms. What is taking place now though is the satanic storms now mixed with HAARP attempting to put enough moisture into America so it gets a crop, so all of those Asian hordes do not come marching out too soon, as we are close to the Great Eurasian War, but everything is not in the time line placement yet.

Now you know more than you should, and more than anyone is ever going to explain to you, as before you had all this Mockingbird generated hysteria on the fringe media as misdirection and to bring down America, but currently when America is being put on life support, no one is speaking of electronic vote theft in America, atmospheric manipulation due to cycles and HAARP, and the Birther issue has just been buried, compared to how gay George W. Bush was for 8 years.

You my children are being manipulated as much as the atmosphere. You at least are aware now of the way the wind is blowing and why it is blowing.........oh and where I reside, the wind has  been blowing out of the north for a week. That is an absolute impossibilty, and yet it just shifts from Northwest, North, Northeast....with pleading puffs from the west and southwest for a few moments, and it shifts back north again.
That is HAARP at work and if you pay attention to things instead of running about like chickens decapitated, you will notice the oddities in your locations if you just mark the obvious things and note the patterns.

I will leave that at that, as this is composed on the Sabbath and I do need to rest as I never rest, unlike God getting day seven off. I suppose that is what eternal rest is for as I get to work while the children play for now.
Oh well, is all good as I'm getting younger all the time in striving for the Lord harder.

I will remind you my babies, to please get some flour, sugar, salt, leavening, vinegar, lard and canned things, as prices are not going down with Obama, and stealing your money in stocks, bonds and banks is taking place in Europa, and you need to have a buffer so as not to be lured out for food like the rest of the angry mob.
Remember that you never have any food, that you tell your children they tell no one that you have stores laid up, or every relative and friend will be killing you for your flour.
Put a few dry bay leaves in flour and it keeps the bugs out.

I stop as this is not about supplies but about HAARP.

agtG 276Y

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