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The American Prince Regent


This blog in exclusive matter anti matter presents another expose' in the realities what you no comprehension of.

The New World Order is not just one order, but it is orders and castes. It is framed upon the Adolf Hitler scientific protocols of race, and those teachers came directly from Darwinism and the reptilian sciences funded by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds in the Asian Ashkenaz pseudo sciences that certain peoples more born to rule than others.

When this blog warned of Princess Kate and Prince Loaf Head coming to America, that their honeymoon was one that America was bestowed upon them as their "jewel in the crown" for them to rule, it is a reality that none wanted to wrap their minds around,

It all though has to do with Cecil Rhodes who gained his colonial fortune on Africa and had an Anglo view of ruling the world, which of course had Rhodes Scholars being indoctrinated, that evolved under the Rothschild financial rapine of the world into the Committee of  300, Bilderburg Group and things you never hear of, because what you see  glimpses of are just the level three and two operatives at times.
The real ruling powers, the aristocracy never appear, as such things are beneath them.

You have to understand what is awaiting America, because they have told you in the cartel what is awaiting you, and it is extermination.

You though are about to see again a glimpse of your ruler over your bones made fertilizer for the crops in Prince Harry or the Prince Regent of America has been dispatched again, as America is destined to come under royal rule, as Obama handles the thug work of murder and policing the park state of America.


I have exclusively reported on this for years in Al Gore when he was Vice President told Future Farmers of America children in Kansas City at their convention to forget about farming and get new employment, as America was going to import all of it's food from South America.

That is what is on the protocols for America. If you observe the United Nations planning councils and the mandates being funded on local levels, America is being transformed into super city states where the people's are being herded into cities to control them, to depopulate the lands and take control of everything, to make America into a place of parks and feudal estates.
You if you are alive, will never set foot on the land again outside of the gulag, but the elite will have their million acre estates to roam upon and their millions of acres of free roaming wildlife parks.

I have written of this and will repeat it here for new readers, in the Jewish scribes are very studious in the things of America. The Ashkenaz elite and the aristocracy know of the superior nature of the Americas, as it produces the best parchment and it produces superior genetics.
These scribes have studied genetics as head shape will actually change from round to oblong by region. Things which you would get a stupid grin over in thinking it was nuts, these intellectuals know all of this and they catalogue all of this as it is vital to what they are doing.

The Prince Regent is coming to America again so his subjects will get used to the royal presence there. Harry is not high item on the pillar pole. He is though behind the Vice Royals of Loaf Head and Kate, as they are in direct line to King Charles when Liz goes tits up, and that little fawnling Kate has will be the Queen of the Commonwealth in time, and that commonwealth will include the feudal state of America, brought once again under the direct monarchial control of this group of Hanovarians sitting upon David's throne.

'We're coming to America next'! Kate and Wills prepare for U.S. visit ...

Jul 2, 2011 – Speaking to crowds gathered to meet the newlyweds after they arrived this afternoon in Ottawa, Canada, Prince William could not contain his ...

In organisation they rule "their" orbit of the sphere of influence in order to control the wogs. They answer to the main group, and it was the Rothschilds who wiped out the British Empire, so the global empire would come, and are now wiping out America, so the global empire will be established.
One can not have a global empire with an America that is a competitor. That is what the Civil War was about, what the Kennedy murder was about in Dallas and it is why Barack Hussein Obama, this Birther foreigner was installed at 1600 Penn Avenue.

America will be ruled by city states, controlled by Michael Bloomberg dictators, who in turn will answer to Barack Obama overlords of the blood, who in turn will have over them the series of Prince Regents and Viceroys, who are of the Committee of Feudal Lords and Priest that gear all of this to control you as the livestock of their fields.

Here is a quote of Cecil Rhodes in dealing with the Anglo American faction of Israelites in what is being implemented in this modern period which started at the end of the 19th Century.

To and for the establishment, promotion and development of a Secret Society, the true aim and object whereof shall be for the extension of British rule throughout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom, and of colonisation by British subjects of all lands where the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labour and enterprise, and especially the occupation by British settlers of the entire Continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the Valley of the Euphrates, the Islands of Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the Islands of the Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay Archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire, the inauguration of a system of Colonial representation in the Imperial Parliament which may tend to weld together the disjointed members of the Empire and, finally, the foundation of so great a Power as to render wars impossible, and promote the best interests of humanity.

You will see the main focus is bringing America back to feudal rule of the Europeans, via the Londonium order which has Ashkenaz financiers manage them.

The religion of America will be Jesuit black robe Marxism as this group has overthrown the Jesuits in America and installed an Italian Jesuit as Pope to put the finishing touches upon all of this.

In the protocols a war is indeed something of value in decropping the population, but new methods are always evolving as this  blog reported on the "mosquito fleet" of miniature drones having nerve toxins, to hunt you on your GPS home ground 24 hours a day to crop the problem of you.....the you visiting sites like this and the me exposing all of this for God's purposes.

I have told you gun control is a false flag diversion to divert the mass populations attention, as Obama sends out his drones so a "plague" can be serin nerve toxin set free and the Jake tap tap toe tap Tapper will be on television propagandizing this new "West Nile" that is killing people immediately, but do not panic as blowing snot onto your arm is how one stops the Obama Plague....sorry got that mixed up in Napolitano's criminal advice to Americans in coughing into a sleeve so you rub it on others spreading it worse.

Each sphere of influence has their local lords, Putin gets to eat Slavs, Peking gets to eat oriental  take out, America gets dined upon by the British royals, as they answer to the Committee.

That is the order and it does not matter how much Sarah Palin big gulps or Dianne Feinstein spreads her legs, as America is dead, and she is already mapped out to be city states surrounded by parks.
All of the whores think they are going to be the favorite fuck, but in the end they are no different than the sheep and will meet the same end.

Well, enough of this as the fools are jesters an all is court as we mind the jokers thinking all is game.

What will little Harry do when he finds out he is ox in time and Kate is the sheep.

Yes we all think we are ruling like Faust until satan comes to collect the debt.

The world is nearly all parcelled out, and what there is left of it is being divided up, conquered and colonised. To think of these stars that you see overhead at night, these vast worlds which we can never reach. I would annex the planets if I could; I often think of that. It makes me sad to see them so clear and yet so far.

Cecil Rhodes

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