Channel: Lame Cherry
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Attention all classroom monitors: remove head from sphincter, THEN complain

From the desk of the Tiger Lily.

Those who find this blog "offensive" and yet are too cowardly to confront LC face to face in modes that are made possible as in e-mail, but instead whine to the powers that be in a complaint about something posted ONE AND A HALF YEARS AGO, frankly, are pathetic and petty little sodomite shitfaces who enjoy the scent of feces on penises as they whore themselves into oblivion. Something obviously struck a chord or they wouldn't have whined.

Newsflash fucko: The mirror of Truth reflects the Reality of what and who one really is on the inside. You are a cull who will be wiped off the face of the earth and not one tiny reminder of your worthless existence will remain once Christ has Established His Kingdom of Peace, Righteousness, Justice, Love, and Eternal Life. You can lie to yourself as you look in the mirror every day about what a wonderful person you are, but you know deep down inside what an empty, worthless failure you really are and what you will never be. And now you've exposed yourself to the whole world just like these whore pics posted on the blog. Enjoy your five minutes of fame, little gnat. satan requires payment and it is coming for you.

To the people who don't suck at life: this incident reminds me of a nasty little boy in my third grade class who the teacher chose to be room monitor for the week. This kid was the type to lie as naturally as breathing and make nasty little remarks about others like the pathetic coward he was inside, and for some reason had no friends at school as everyone despised him. After ten minutes our worksheets were done, as we were smarter than the average bear, so my friend who sat in front of me turned around to converse quietly about some random topic or other. The "room monitor" saw his chance to attempt to exert power over us as if we were some noisy rabble rousers, put a finger up over his lips, and said "Shhhhhhh!" We looked at him, looked at each other, and continued our conversation. He tried again, louder this time, as if we hadn't deliberately chosen to ignore his idiocy. "SHHHHHHH!!!" My friend got this really annoyed look on his face, turned to the room monitor, and "Pbthbthbthbth!"  blew a raspberry in mockery of the room monitor with his finger up to his lips as well. The room monitor stared at us, completely taken aback, then sat there like a useless appendage as my friend and I continued our conversation in peace.

For the perusal of the children, this article will be posted below as this is after all a First Amendment issue. You don't like it, don't read it.

 *Note from LC:  Is a wonderful thing have a Knight in Shining Armor,  upon white horse in TL.

One last thing, please complain to Google as then they will not be making money off of me and become all bankrupt in censoring God's work here. Then when you little trolls want to know things it will all be silence and I can be free of this knowing all things, and all the fine rich people who never donated can tell you what they do not know either.

All great what not eh? Think about it, you all get to answer to God in why you are pissing on what He is doing. I rather like that and picture dark demon things shrieking as they drag you to hell.

One way to Heaven, and that is Jesus. Those are God's rules. You don't like it, join the spiritual bastards in hell who sawed Isaiah in two for the prose he was Inspired to compose.

Snog off eh.

"Finding It All Sodom" 9/10/2011

I'm really not in a good mood. I have just had some slipshod workmen waste several months of my time in doing a really poor job, which I refrain from using "piss ass", as this day has not really gone very good, as even my hat fell in a pool of cow poop and pee water, as an electric fence shocked me, and numerous other things, in I'm now being detained due to some other people not getting their sh*t together, so I in politeness must wait upon them. I had on the radio and a Ben Fergeson was on talking about "prayer before football games" in the Godless suing to keep little schools from it...........and it just was so asinine in listening to him drag this out for hours "with callers telling him what they think" all for ratings and time slot fill. So in that I've had it with all the culls, sucking the lifeblood out of America and all of the Spiritual essence from me, as they are reprobates, without merit and without remedy.

 Here is a lesson for all. The CHRISTIAN.......not not Judeo Christian, as Jewry has nothing to do with founding America nor setting forth the code of moral, civil, political, commerce and religious life in America. Jews rejected Christ, Who is REDEMPTION to the Spiritual, and they rejected Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and David's looking for that Redeemer, so they are stuck like Islam in LAW and have no Gospel or Grace to redeem themselves. I will not be polite about this, as there is One Way, One Truth, One Life, and that is the Living God of Law and Love in the absolute rules He laid down to construct a human soul into a child of God's Spiritual being. Anything else is false, and all of these yoga, star followers, muslims, jews, dead worshipping vaticanites to...........shamans or whatever else is not Christian are absolute cancers on the body politic as all they do is feed off of God's blessing on America which created all of this from the Promise God bestowed on the Patriarchs and then upon America's Founding Fathers. These spiritual cannibals have gutted the ether out of America in all their satanic adversarial mantras of secularism and pagan religions. The Hebrew which derives from the Patriarch Eber in Sons of Eber were a Spiritually bred line in which God eventually through close family breeding in Abraham and Sarah, the foundation of a Spiritual line which God could sow Himself into by His Holy Spirit in time, when Christ paid the eternal penalty for death by taking on human form, as the "female character" of Jesus. I really have to address this as there is too much idiocy in this, and that Book of Enoch runs rampant with God being female in the Jesus form. By "female character" I explain this simply in the Father exhibits the male or strong form of order, in Law, with penalties. Jesus the Son or Word, exhibits in the female or weak form of forgiveness, in Love, the absolute penalties of the Law which no one but God can maintain or spiritually cemented Angels who can not change. Jesus is the Form which overcomes human imperfection, which so many liberals run from in knowing they are damned, but one must understand that God created people to be flawed so THEY WOULD NEED GOD, otherwise there would be a haughtiness like lucifer fell too in being created perfect in beauty. The Christian in humility understands this without explanation. They follow the basic societal order of Life which brings Peace, and the gifts of prosperity, all to grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. All of this goes into chaos, which is what satan is, when people rebel and start implementing their own flawed order.

I will say something that will probably surprise people, but I frankly no long care how whore all of you are. You can all go to hell. You can all die in wretched misery in nuclear war, as just as Jesus said in the days of Noah, this world is so bred corrupt that it has infected the soul. I mentioned this in a person who said they spoke to ghosts in how psychotic the dead of this current generation is compared to the 19th century where a Christian ethic was the base of America. People do not comprehend that Sodom and that area, along with the whole world in the time of Noah, and the complete manifestation of sin in Canaan which God wiped out, out of Love, was because the entire genetics had fused with the corrupted spiritual line, to the extent there was absolutely not in any way to redeem such monsters. So as not to perpetuate that degradation, all that could be done is God wiping out the corrupted physical and spiritual material. This is interesting in never having been discussed in detail in the "God Light" reflective in all creatures reacts in physical, mental and spiritual nature. It is evident just as God could create a Godly line in Adam to Abraham to Americans, who would be holy or set apart beings IF THEY CONTINUED IN THE LAWS, that a disorder could also be formed or corrupted from the same beings which could never be redeemed. It is like a potters clay, being overheated and melted to some ghastly blob in the kiln. It will never be able to be righted and all that can be done is casting it into a greater heat to consume it. The world has crossed this satanic threshold, so for those who do not want to pray and are stopping prayer, then this is wonderful, as the rebellious will drag more of the culls down to destruction, and it will all take place much sooner than later.

 Barack Hussein Obama has done the world an immense favor in his false messiah craze, as this national and international mass sin, in the rejection of God and the rapine of stealing all His Good Gifts provided His children, simply is the witness against this corrupt trash. Get this, there does not have to be any Andrew Brevick shooting liberals in Norway, because the system of chaos is designed that it will destroy itself. The Jews had a great deal with Rome, in Rome pandered to them, but they just could not stop raising hell, and in the end the hell fires consumed Jerusalem again. Jews are not special, because God divorced them and rejected them. They only have one purpose now in possessing the land so a 3rd Temple will be built there, which the anti Christ will offer sacrifice to satan to. America is God's heritage, but America is not special. America is only special because God's Name is on America. America as a majority rejected that Name so now satan is free to consume the Virgin Daughter, but God will protect His children ...........now it will not be in luxury in you will escape with your life, but baby sister you can't take the mansion and money with you, so God is doing you a favor in teaching the lesson.

 I do not appreciate all this Godless ilk sucking off the Blessings of God on His children. It is beyond offensive, but I'm not about to try saving a dead whore in the Obama abyss. If you want America dead, dead she will be. I will conduct myself as Jeremiah in giving the warning, be and example like Ezekiel and fulfill my commission like Christ, but while will sorrow for my dead Israelite nations and the loss of so much work so many good people have worked for, Heaven is my home and the Promised Land is My Lord's footstool. I will though enjoy God's judgment in watching all of these vermin meet their appointed ends by God's hands. They have sown this and deserve every last detail.

I have stated this is going to go better if Sarah Palin is God's Chosen, so God will have someone to lead who God will work through as a President Palin picks up the ripped apart pieces which are left. It is much more glorious to pick up the defensive thrust for a leader God chooses than to waste upon invasion the bayonet of death for a despot like Obama.

 So rebel and rebel you Obamites according to your Rothschild and Rockefeller mantra of Shabattai Zvi, who said sinning more will bring the new order about quicker. That order is illuminated satan, and it will get this all wiped out, so we the faithful can worship Christ in His Peace, mandated by His Sword of Justice on His return. As I'm through with people wasting my time, I will post this live instead of writing this on the computer and move on down the road in packs and saddles.

Be gone you workers of iniquity, because you will not be riding my mule out of this abyss. I hope to God He sheds you like a skin as if being imperfect me I'm repulsed by you, God must certainly find this all sodom.


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