natural philosophers
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.Natural philosophers stone is Tellurinium.A brittle silver-white metalloid element that is related to selenium and sulphur; it is used in alloys...
View ArticleThe Scarlet C
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.For those not interested in the fraud of Rush Limbaugh as exposed here, I can inform you that after the leftwing Mockingbird media was outed here...
View ArticleCommodore Matt Decker
Glenn Beck is starting to look like that annoying kid from A Christmas Story..........and the kid is starting to look like William Windom.Thing is most men used to want to grow up to look like a...
View ArticleRevenge of a Traitor
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....My children I am as at this moment, reading a quite brilliant book by an officer of the United States Navy, written in 1912. It is a book of...
View ArticleThe Scout Kit Carson
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter...........The legend of Kit Carson is one which his name still stirs familiarity, even if few know who the man really was.He was an interesting...
View ArticleCherry Apple Sprouts
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.This is a fruity fruit update in million dollar knowledge.I was most pleased in last night the first apple seedling I planted, but left the leaves...
View Article1878 Sharpes Rifle
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.I really would like it if the people who convert books to e books, would not have them produced in some jibberish of computer codex that reads...
View ArticleThe Threshold
 Mary Matilin of Bush 41 & James Carville of Clinton 42so juicy you just get one peak today in my bra cap*Alright sweet meats, tis the threshold of another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti...
View ArticleLame Cherry Proven Right on MERS
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.I warned everyone on this blog a few days ago that the Camel Sex Virus aka MERS had been genetically mutated from the closed circuit MERS aimed at...
View ArticleBats in the Hamrod Belfry
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.The problem is not, Karl "in the closet" Rove, trying to soften up Hillary Clinton with brain damage comments for Jebby Bush.Republicans keep...
View ArticleThe Successful
I was pondering something of Martin Luther in his observation that the wealthy landholders are truly thankless.The Unthankfulness of Husbandmen and Farmers. "The husbandmen and rich farmers, said...
View ArticleThe Threat
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.People have all heard of Thomas Paine, and few have ever read his Common Sense or The Crisis articles he penned. That is a loss to the ignorant,...
View ArticleAir Pirate Trap
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.I was reviewing an early 20th century book on trapping the Muskrat, which is not a rat at all, but a water rodent like a beaver, and from the...
View ArticleThe Mass of Idolotry
"If, said Luther, thou hast been a murderer, an adulterer, or a drunkard, etc., so have I been a blasphemer of God, because for the space of fifteen years together I was a Friar, and have blasphemed...
View ArticleThe Means of the California Drought
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.......I always pose questions and answers in the plus minus, as things can only be one of two answers or questions in the positive or negative.For...
View Article9th Legion
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.There is a legend of the Roman 9th Legion which marched into Scotland and disappeared. The movie Centurion creates a fictional tale of what...
View ArticleThe Washington Cure
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.I place here before you the cure which George Washington advised for the financiers and speculators who were then in the Revolution of 1776...
View ArticleThe Meat Supply
I wanted to share the report of something most people never ponder in the Snowshoe Hair or white rabbit of North America.There is with this rabbit like the lemming a perpetual boom and bust cycle. They...
View ArticleThe Medicine of 86
I was looking through the firearms list of a collection in Pennsylvania, and while many were of particular interest, one was of most interest to me, as the firearm was an 1876 Winchester.Theodore...
View ArticleThe Yams
My children, I have an interesting tale.I have always been adventurous in putting things into my mouth for food. I recall the fearful looks of my Aunt's nephew from her side of the family in me putting...
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